Yard growers -- how to deal with theives?

No offense, but I'd like to see something to substantiate that. I researched this and at the time, found just the opposite to be true. What I looked into specifically was having a concealed handgun license and a medical marijuana card at the same time, and the info I got was that on the state level (Oregon) it is "still" legal, although it is up to the sheriff in each county to approve CHL's so they could refuse you based on that if they wanted to. Where is your info from? What state do you live in?
Dude... you're on the internet... it's not too difficult to look up the MMJ laws in your state. NORML.com has all the information you need that pertains to your state..

The main problem with carrying cannabis & firearms at the same time, in any state, is it's a violation of Federal narcotics laws. Chances are, you're not going to defeat the Federal government on these charges in a court of law. The worst thing to look forward to in any of these cases is Federal Mandatory Minimums. There are Federal and State level mandatory minimums.

Mandatory minimum for a 1st offense of carrying a firearm during a crime of violence or drug trafficking is 5 yrs.added to the sentence of the underlying crime.
Mandatory minimum for a 1st offense of brandishing a firearm during a crime of violence or drug trafficking is 7 yrs added to the sentence of the underlying crime.
Mandatory minimum for a 1st offense of discharging a firearm during a crime of violence of drug trafficking is 10 yrs added.
Mandatory minimum for a 1st offense of possessing a short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun is 10 yrs added.
Mandatory minimum for a 1st offense of owning a machine gun or destructive device or a firearm equipped with a silencer/muffler is 30 yrs added.

Second subsequent violations of these laws will be a sentence of 25 yrs or life in prison.

For those of you dumb enough to carry firearms & cannabis with you at the same time... good luck, you're gonna need it if you ever get caught.
Interesting read. Ive had my Greenhouse plants lifted all of them last week I live in a village probably a local job. Im not in the US so dont have a gun etc(excuse me if thats a dumb generalisation not sure of the local/federal score there). So ive put a couple of padlocks on the greenhouse door, bolted down the polycarbonate panels. Will get some motion alarms set them up around the greenhouse. Then I will be able to get there once they set the alarm off. Problem is I have a temper and no doubt I wouldnt be able to resist taking some potshots with my knife/hammer. Im in Europe and its a liberal pc legal system protecting the criminal. I might install cctv if its not to difficult to set up.....and greenhouse security tips? cheers all....
No offense, but I'd like to see something to substantiate that. I researched this and at the time, found just the opposite to be true. What I looked into specifically was having a concealed handgun license and a medical marijuana card at the same time, and the info I got was that on the state level (Oregon) it is "still" legal, although it is up to the sheriff in each county to approve CHL's so they could refuse you based on that if they wanted to. Where is your info from? What state do you live in?

Ah, good to know. :)
Lol it's all right there when you do your dross. They specifically ask about weed.

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Dude... you're on the internet... it's not too difficult to look up the MMJ laws in your state. NORML.com has all the information you need that pertains to your state..
I'm aware of my state laws, as I said before, it is the fed aspect I was not fully aware of.
Well just go on with your bad self. 5 years ain't that big of a jolt to do...if your young..and you can fight.....
LOL... so where in my saying that I just became aware of laws that I was not previously aware of, did I say I would not comply with these laws now that I am aware of them?
you seem to doubt what everyone is telling you...guns & pot growing don't mix.

Sorry I came across that way. The only thing I doubted was that an individual who is connected to a medical marijuana patient (I'm a "caregiver", not a patient and not a grow site owner), automatically gives up their right to own firearms. There also seem to be two separate issues, one is growing, the other is smoking it. Assuming for the moment that I don't smoke it, let's focus on assisting with growing.

I had not fully researched the federal aspect, and the research I did on the state level (where I am 1000x more likely to be in contact with LE whose local jurisdiction I am part of), I am apparently within the law. So now I know that if I am involved in a federal crime, or if for some reason federal agents show up at my house, the fact that I handle marijuana as part of my caregiving could leave me vulnerable to federal laws. Good to know.
If you go the sensor and alarm route . You want to put your sensors at the perimeter of your property ......you want to be alerted as soon as anyone sets foot on your property . Not when they get close to your garden,..!
I had my cats and dogs setting off sensors too much for that to work for me.
OK, I admit it, I don't get it... but it does sound intriguing. Care to elaborate? :)
Im not sure what JJ had in mind but I was picturing lighting that wood on fire and tossing the rippers in, then filling in the hole to cover the ashes the next day. Good ferts for next season too. ;) j/k hahaha
set them higher, they will walk under it..
My dog can stare a grown man in the face. Higher than him would be too high to work. Plus the cats climb up the fence. I have other security in place though. Mainly the dogs!

The alarms became a thin line between protecting my crop and pissing off my neighbors. Happy neighbors keeping an eye out for me as one of my best defenses. They have ran people off a few times for me.
Ok my phone died while reading this thread the first time, but I'm back and have lots to say. I was the victim of very persistant rippers not last year but the year before. During the corse of the season, early on, I got pregnant with my 3rd child. My husband is also a patient and we conutinued the grow anyway. It felt weird tending the plants with my big belly but that's another story.

The rippers came the first time on my second daughters birthday when I was exhausted and had gone to bed early. I normally would stay up most of the night with the plants. This night we had lots of family here. In the middle of the night my aunt heard the dogs barking and opened the backdoor to check. She smelled strong skunk and figured the dogs had corned a skunk on the property. What she really smelled was by crop being cut. The next morning I went out to water and noticed all the plants close to the fence has the tops chopped off. Sour Strawberry, OG18, and Sour Kush. All the buds were still early and barely smokable. It wasn't worth steeling, but people who don't grow and don't know how much work we put in have no idea how to tell when to harvest. They just saw fat buds and wanted them.

As if that wasn't good enough, they came back again a couple nights later. This time we heard them and were on high alert. It felt like forever trying to jump into my clothes with my heart racing. And being in my 3rd trimester, I felt very vulnerable, but also very protective like a mother bear. So we ran out the back door and caught 3 young men attempting to bribe my dog with food. At the time we just had one dog, a 70 lb German shepherded cross. He wanted nothing to do with their bribes and was a good boy to help keep them back until we got their. No doubt they would have taken it all the first night if the dog wasn't there. Anyway, they took off running down the alley behind my house. My husband took off after them on foot with a baseball bat. And I ran out front and jumped in the Prius we had at the time. That car made no noise so I could sneak up on them easily. I drove to the end of the street and parked next to the opening of the alley they were running out of and a few seconds later I saw the flushed out with my husband close behind swinging the back. At that point he hopped in the car with me and we chased them up a big hill, on their heals all the way. They split up and my husband jumped out to chase one while I went after another in the car. Run forest run..... I was yelling out the window that if they ever came back to my house I would run their asses over next time. Said they were lucky I let them live this time. He ran into an apartment building and I jumped out of the car and stood in front of the place yelling in detail what they did, hoping for neighbors to call the police about the commotion. But in ghetto apartments people are used to drama. My husband heard me yelling and left the guy he was fighting to come see if I was ok. So they all 3 got away that night. But we still called and filed a police report. The police acted like I was an annoyance at first. Especially since they had given me a hard time the year before when they first discovered my grow and came to check if I was legal. They were pissed they didn't get to bust me that day and told me I was putting my family in danger. Said not to come crying to them when someone hops by fence to steel it all. Well I did call and like it or not its their job to help me. Police don't get to set the laws they want. State law says we're legal and that is what they have to obey.

Now these young men had bruised egos after being chased away by a pregnant lady. So again they showed up at my house 3 nights later. After the first 2 incidents we were really on guard. Staying up all night keeping watch. I was scared all the time and felt like a sitting duck in my backyard. My husband and I were sitting outside talking when I heard leaves shuffle behind the fence and saw the dog alert. My husband jumped up and ran out the fence with what I THOUGT was the baseball bat he had the other night. it was dark so I couldn't really see. And my yard is set down from the road about 3-4 feet so once he was out the fence I couldn't see what was happening at all. I could just hear lots of yelling. I knew it was them so I ran inside to call the police. After the first night we called and not finding anyone, the police were really taking their time to show up even though I live a football field away from the police station. While I was calling 911 the family inside heard me and ran outside to see what was happening. My mom and aunt were both outside with the rippers and my husband, all yelling at each other when I got off the phone and went back outside. I heard my mom ask the rippers "If you're mister innocent, why are you out in the middle of the night with a gun." A GUN! FUCK! I ran back inside and called 911 again. But this time told them there was a gun involved.

Again, when I got off the phone with the police I ran back outside. The rippers were saying that we "Disrespected them the other night"by chasing them away blah blah blah trying to be gangster. As if we just randomly like to chase people through the streets at night. It's a hobby you know. SMH. We were all having words when the thought ran though my head that the cops might show up and see my Latino husband and shoot him thinking he was the purp. So I ran over to the gait and told him to give me the baseball bat. Only he didn't really have a baseball bat light I thought. He had a fat machete. He was just getting ready to grab the tip of the riffle away and lop off the gun holders head when I saved dudes ass. My husband like a true gangster walked away from the dude who had the gun to his chest. My husband grew up in a really violent area in mexico with lots of cartel violence, so these young gangbangers didn't phase him. He handed me the machete and right after that the police showed up and the dudes took off running into a
construction zone to hide. Went through several back yards before I heard "bark bark bark get down". They found the dudes and their gun for evidence. They spent a year in jail before taking a plea offer to get off. They were charged with conspiracy for coming back multiple times and planning to sell my weed. They also got charged with armed robbery and assault with a deadly because they had threatened to come back and shoot the entire family. After that we installed security cameras and got a second beast of a German Shepherd.

We did have to go through lots of investigation and interviews after that. Went to the Capitol to meet with the district attorney who I have catered parties for because he worked with my aunt the federal lawyer. hahaha. It took a year to be clear of the process and by then they were free too.