Yard growers -- how to deal with theives?

I have motion detectors that throw out a blue led light when tripped, instead of motion lights that can cause plants to hermaphrodite if tripped by the wind and trees too often. Fishing line with jingle bells attached to every branch and buried in the dirt so you cannot see them. Trip wires attached to window alarms randomly in the yard at 3 feet height, so my 2 dogs don't trip them. Security camera with motion detection and the infrared is visible. All my plants have fabric pots have handles, root pouch brand, which I ran a 50 foot cable, with lock, through them all so if you try to pick up a plant, then you have to take the entire bunch with you. gates are all 6 feet high and locked. When they start flowering I sleep in a tent right next to them. Sometimes just having a tent can help.

As far as what I'd do to a thief in my yard, just a cattle prod, pepper spray or stun gun, don't want to kill anyone. Then you end up in jail. I think if you have something visible to intruders before they even enter your yard it should be enough for them to move onto an easier target. Also have someone home 24 hours a day if possible. In my house we all take turns being home and sleeping in tent.
I live in Oregon too. When the law passed to allow recreational growing and use, I gave outdoor growing some thought. My grow would specifically be recreational, I don't have any of the afflictions that would qualify me for medical use, thank goodness. My feeling is that a pot plant is not worth a life, limb or risk of either. So -- no -- guns, traps, flying chainsaws or whatever kind of fantasies that were posted here are foolish. The guard dog makes sense if you really want a dog and will devote your time to train it properly, otherwise, its just a loose weapon, and inhumane to the dog if you just treat it like a security device. An untrained dog is a pain in the ass -- barks all the time, chews when bored, digs holes, maybe digs up your plants and so forth, so be ready to devote a lot of time the first couple of years to the dog.

Also, I have good neighbors, I like them and its their kids that would be the most likely to get into my farm. They are good kids but they are kids. I don't want to put that kind of temptation in front of them. And again, guns, traps, flying chainsaws or whatever kind of fantasies that were posted here would hurt the kid and for what?

For me the answer is grow indoors and be quiet about it.
OK, I admit it, I don't get it... but it does sound intriguing. Care to elaborate? :)

Yeah, my situation just doesn't lend itself to most of the best solutions -- but I truly do appreciate everyone's input. My wife has taken countless hours to make our yard into a beautiful Eden-like oasis, incorporating a semi-permaculture edible landscape thing, with all the flowers and plants to attract bees and butterflies... and our cannabis plants are a part of that garden. I'm afraid she'd let the girls get stolen before she'd have razor wire or siren alarms in the back yard (and she's the MM patient, so this is really her deal). That's just my reality, and its OK. I'll keep looking for creative ways to make things secure that don't destroy her garden zen.

I noticed you said butterflies.....they just might give you a headache in flowering when the caterpillars burrow into your buds and start munching away.
Ok my phone died while reading this thread the first time, but I'm back and have lots to say. I was the victim of very persistant rippers not last year but the year before...

Sorry for the delayed response, somehow I missed that this thread has been active, I thought it died a long time ago...

That is a hell of a story, and a real nightmare! I hope things are without incident for you moving forward. Sounds like with the dogs you should be OK.

I've thought about it more, and I have come to accept that in my situation there is really nothing I can do if someone steals my buds or plants. Mentally I'm trying to detach from this outdoor crop, and accept whatever happens. Not knowing if my limited direct sunlight situation would produce, I planted the full six I'm allowed. They are very healthy at this point, there is the potential for a LOT of buds this fall. The only option I can think of to limit my exposure at this point would be to rip some of the out before they ripen... but that seems extreme. I suppose I'll see how far the smell carries when they start to put off an odor, and cross that bridge when I get there.
Damn right he did not "resist"

Interesting. This is where the rubber meets the road and the part I wonder about the most. I'm short, middle-aged, and not intimidating (looking, or personality wise). I'm not really sure what I'd do if I caught someone stealing my buds.
Rippers are scared that's why they creep at night and in shadows get a machete and flash light and call the cops if someone fucks with your shit

If you get multiple units for around your garden make sure to get them all the same channel they have a sticker on the box with a ch and a number. The reason being you can have multiple sensors that all alert one transmitter

For security this year i have put up a chicken wire fence around the whole garden lined with jingle bells, 3 cans of bear spray/fogger at different locations of the house, 4 motion detectors for the driveway, door way and a couple in the garden, 8 cameras on motion and alarm alert, motion flood lights, security door, security windows, a dog, and a few other tricks setup. I also have someone sleeping outside and i sleep with my sliding glass door open which gives me a view of the whole garden. Maybe im being overly cautious but last year i got hit three different times so i learned my lesson and hopefully now ill be prepared.
If you get multiple units for around your garden make sure to get them all the same channel they have a sticker on the box with a ch and a number. The reason being you can have multiple sensors that all alert one transmitter

I have several of several channels. I like to layer them or use certain channels on different parts of the part so that I know exactly where they are. I combine that with sensor lights and cameras and it makes a pretty solid defense.