Yay or nay for Miracle grow


Well-Known Member
I use miracle grow moisture control, and only problem I have is gnats! Any ideas besides baking my soil
You can throw it in the micro wave to kill any eggs and such, as long as you can use it longer than the nutes last, its dint, the problem come when you feed them nutes and they burn. or you harvest with nutes still in the soil and you get bad taste


Well-Known Member
mrhas did you use moiosture control MG and what ph water did you give them. Water should be at 6.8 and no nutes at all til 2nd week of flower then you can up the phos and pottassium
yeah it was the moisture controll with the fert gel ball thingys ph was 6.3


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Water with plain ph 6.8 and you ll be good occasionally you might get a little burn here or there on lower leaves maybe a little spckle eher and there but it wont hurt its just your at the max nutes the plants can handle


Well-Known Member
MG just has a bad rep because people talk alot.......Ive known guys to grow with only MG no nutes and molasses for flowering and saw great resaults. I think people talk to much about soil and not enough about ph..... Ive seen pot plants growing out of red dirt cracks in tar on railroad tracks.......If you can grow these plants in your closet or what ever you got problems or are not checking ph or have the right light.


Well-Known Member
Hey socalkushman, what strian is that.

uh..no clue came outta bagseed... has a citrucy smell though... as for the other guy...if you've had a bad experience with MG its your own fault for not mixing it the right way...my first plant was in MG, it was beautiful... :weed: dont hate on your mistakes... miracle grown beauties!!



Well-Known Member
Easy, cheap, available anywhere, and works very well when you know how to use it. (You don't use it like other soils, you cannot flush it that the worst thing you can try to do as it just releases more nutrients..) But then again you don't need to flush it either.

If you want to fush for harvest you just chop the plant and stick the stalk in a bucket of water and put her back under the light.

Of course there is better, all kinds of things better but for the money and ease of use it can't be beaten. Anything that grows good weed for next to nothing is a good thing and doesn't deserve ridicule.


Well-Known Member
i used it last year to grow two 7 footers. had no burn, fed every two weeks, pretty concentrated too, watered every morning and used the MG bloom for the flowering. many ppl who smoked this bud said it was the best smelling and tasting homegrown they had ever had. most didnt believe me that i grew it in my yard. hard buds, lots of trichomes. big colas. i pissed on the soil alot too. many nutes are derived from urea. i am fortunate enough to make plenty of that.


Well-Known Member
We have all heard, and some of us know that MiracleGrow is not good for what we use it for. Now i dont use it and dont plan on it. But i got to thinkin and thought it would be good to establish the truth once and for all!!! Lets hear some opinions please.
Mine is no!
This is not directed soley twords you but all Miracle Grow bashers,especially those who repeat what they hear,or those who bash without offering one shred of evidence,much like the initial post in this thread,it sucks that is all !

These anti Miracle Grow threads kill me,its not the product thats bad its the grower,period,and no i dont use Miracle Grow products as a rule,but i have with pretty good results & i will again if i have to .

Its called learning about the product before you use it,something that 99% of the people who complain that it killed their grow do not do,they just plop some seeds in & go,then start crying saying its the fault of Miracle grow when shits all fuked up.

Learn about the MG soil that has nutes built in,then use an ounce of common sense & dont put fresh seedlings in heavily nute'd soil,duh :dunce:,thats a hard one to figure out :idea:

Learn that the soil allready has time release fertilizers added to the soil,then use that good ole common sense again & dont add 12 different bottles of Fox Farm fertilizer bullshit thinking all that sauce is going to give you a super grow,again over fertilization is the problem, not the product.

Learn how to amend the soil so it drains properly,again something most new growers do not do properly,they toss 3 handfulls of vermiculite in a 5 gallon tub of MG soil thinking that Vermiculite is the same thing as Perlite,plus it was handy & they couldnt find perlite,now instead of soil that drains water they have hot soil where the vermiculite retains nute water,real smart there,the concentrated nutrients are soaked into the vermiculite turning each grain into a poison lump of fertilizer,its easier to blame MG, then go on to buy Fox farms Happy Frog soil on their next grow.

The reason the frog is happy is because he just sold $4 worth of products for $20,i'd be happy too:clap:.

Again just plopping a plant in a pre fertilized soil without a firm understanding of what that means leads many MG newbs to their worst & most common scenario which is overwatering,i guess its easier to believe that jesus activates the built in fertilizer than it is to understand that watering is what activates the fertilizer :dunce:,so they over water the shit out of the plant,a plant they put in a pre fertilized soil without properly amending the soil,planted the poor thing in a 5 gallon bucket to follow the one gallon a month bullshit rule,so now its in soil that never dries out creating a soil that is hot as hell, plus they water & feed the shit out of it as much as possible keeping a constant flow of fertilizer to the root system.

Now for Miracle grow fertilizers.

Fertilizer is fertilizer but the strengths are not the same in all fertilizers,nor are the salts that different fertilizer components are made from,different salt types leave the soil in different states as the fertilizer is applied long term,its easier to blame the Miracle Grow for burning the shit out of the plants than it is to learn the differences with fertilizers where the Nitrogen is Derived from NH4 or NO3,or even a combination of both,they just keep adding the fertilizer without ever thinking about long term effect to the ph levels in the soil,ph whats ph & do i need to worry about it is what they ask,then they try to correct ph levels in massive increments using all sorts of goofy shit laying around moms house.

Now its flowering time on the plants they've abused the shit out of for the last two months,its got to get better now right ?. So now they know they gotta switch ferts to bud & they think they are better growers now since they've had nothing but problems the last two months & they think they've learned a lesson,wrong again.

They select another Mg fertilizer product based on the extremely limited understanding of NPK that they've gained over the last few months,they go out & get a 10-56-10 flowering fertilizer but this time they are taking it easy,they mix at 1/16 or 1/8 strength thinking they can add more later if its not enough,but the leaves are still turning yellow & dropping like flies so they post a thread with pics asking for help,the bulk of the responses are from other newbs who all know that yellow leaves equals lack of Nitrogen so they tell em to feed them more Nitrogen,back to square one, feeding them heavier doses of nitrogen instead of trying to correct the nute lock out in the soil caused by the massive doses of Amonium Nitrogen from the Miracle Grow,so now the plant burns even more,again its easier to blame the product that it is the grower.

Once the grower is at this point which is usually the case there is no fixing the grow,only struggeling to get to harvest between applications of epsom salts being sprayed all over the sick plants.

Now that they've assured themselves that the Miracle Grow products were the reason they killed all those innocent plants there is no need to research NPK values,or how manufacturers derive these values,instead they leap into buying Ultra expensive nutrients like Advanced Nutrients or Fox Farm products that are designed with the newbs heavy hand in mind,some even contain ph buffers to counteract the over feeding that will surely follow,now the new fertilizers they have are of lower npk values & contain ph buffers & they have much better success,it had to be the fault of the Miracle Grow products:rolleyes:.

When i 1st came to this site i watched master growers like Filthyfletch,FDD2BLK & Kochab use Miracle Grow products with great success,hell im pretty sure Kochab even did a complete hydro grow using off the shelf Miracle Grow products to completion,instead of newbs trying to figure out how these men accomplished great grows using MG products its easier to bash the product,then point to the better success ratio they had on their 2nd grow using other products.

Are Miracle Grow products the best on the market ? no way but they are not the kiss of death most here repeat as fact either,its the growers skill,willingness to learn about a product before implementing it into the grow op & the growers understanding of what plants need & why they need it that make a great grow,the products used are the smallest variable in the mix.


Well-Known Member

Fuck yeah man u r right I'm a new grower been growing with miracle grow at a very precise schedule meaning only certain amount evry 3 -4 weeks and my female plants is looking very nice with white hairs all over it not jus top evry possible node barely on it's 3 week of flowering (12/12) .. Adding only that and lots of water

satan's dalmation

Active Member
I believe panhead is exactly right. ive done pretty much what he described, but stopped once i figured i locked everything up and have been using just plain water since before christmas.
it is the grower not the product. and the lack of understanding of whats going on. i didn't know those little time release bastard balls were in there. i've learned alot from this site and learned that these guys have been doing it much longer than me and i should listen to them.
here are some of my kids that are in mg soil and to this point have only given mg nutes fo flowering. however i do have some Advanced nutrients on the way for flowering.


Well-Known Member
I use miracle grow time-release soil for my mother plants, as it is much less work to maintain than making up nutes.

I used to use it for all my plants when I first started out. Nowadays, I don't, since I like to have full control of my nute schedule, but for new growers (and lazy people), it works fine. As mentioned, you can't really flush it, and sorting out deficiencies is a precarious process, but you can grow good weed with it.

I have heard that it's carcinogenic (cancer causing), and is not suited for crops which you will consume, but I cannot confirm this. Plus, I smoke tobacco anyway, so meh. :evil: