Anybody have any idea what species of moth/butterfly caterpillars attack ganja?
I have yet to come across these things, I'm in the midwest.
There was a time a few years ago when I found a caterpillar chomping a nugget in a curing jar, that's it. I figured it was just a random caterpillar, no others on the plants.
Those of you that have trouble with bud worms, do you use any kind of pest control or bt or anything?
I never have and my plants are always just crawling with beneficials; spiders, daddy long legs, predatory crickets, yellow jackets, spiders, and more spiders. Even the occasional robber fly. I don't see how any pest insect could last more than a few minutes on the plants.
I've taken quite a few spider bites while working the garden, definitely worth it though.
Anybody know the species? I want to see if the much maligned bud worms are even native to my area.