Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

PVC trellis frame wrapped in mosquito netting to stop the moths from laying eggs. BT and tweezers to take care of the current caterpillars


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PVC trellis frame wrapped in mosquito netting to stop the moths from laying eggs. BT and tweezers to take care of the current caterpillars
Nice setup! How long have you had it setup and can you tell yet if it is filtering out too much sunlight?

I’m currently using 30% shade cloth and it seems to be working. I have mosquito netting ready to use if those bastards start showing up inside on my plants, but I haven’t put it up yet out of concerns of filtering out too much sunlight.
Nice setup! How long have you had it setup and can you tell yet if it is filtering out too much sunlight?

I’m currently using 30% shade cloth and it seems to be working. I have mosquito netting ready to use if those bastards start showing up inside on my plants, but I haven’t put it up yet out of concerns of filtering out too much sunlight.
I tried taking my pulse pro outside to measure PPFD but its out of wifi range. I used a lumen meter on my phone just to get an idea. inside the netting i loose about 5%. I think its worth it to not have to worry about caterpillars.
mans ive read not to spray neem on budding plants because there is no testing done on the effects of smoking neem. But I’m sure I’ve smoked them all in the crap I’ve bought over that past 20 years
Yeah, you don't want neem in your budds, vegetables you eat don't absorb and retain it the way a budding plant does. The statement that it is safe on vegetables so it's safe to spray on budding plants is false and misleading.
Just hit mine tonight hopefully for the last time but i found an egg today, about two weeks in flower:mad:

I harvest end of October and continue bt treatment up until about a week before harvest. Once the buds fatten I also do a morning sweep and will hand remove any eggs I see as well. Toothpick, tweezers. Moths are aggressive egg layers.

When I pull it down I do a complete trim and scour the branches for any pests or damage. I then wash the buds in 5 gallon buckets with a cup of peroxide mixed in.

I'll post some pics soon. Best of luck to all finishing up this season.
Would it be a possible solution to use "bags" of translucent fabrics such as polyester organza and then tie these over the buds that you want to protect?

Being a translucent fabric sunlight will enter and the plant can breather but little critters will not be able to get onto your buds.

Something like this

A few of the guys out here tried this last year. The moths were able to overcome the netting. Any branches touching the nets got hit with eggs. All you need is bt boys
Chowing down on your buds at this very moment. At least their chowing down on mine. I hit them with some with some BT this evening.

I have a question or two for those who have used BT in the past. Does it effect the quality of the weed. (Taste, Buzz....) And is it really safe for smoking. How long do you have to wait after spraying before you harvest. I've been using BT on my garden for decades without any problems but I always wash the food I grow before I eat it. But I'd have to be crazy to wash my weed before smoking it. Though I could give it a little spray down a few days before harvest. Any suggestions?

Here's some pics of my two plants progress. You can see the damage done to one of the buds and one of our crawly little pests.

If anyone has any idea of the strains I'm growing I'd sure like to know.
Making bho is plan B
why in the world would you do that?????? i would seriously like to see you do it. I think it would be funny.:wall: and a lil dee dee dee !
'cause you eat the worm at the bottom of the Tequila bottle. it's no different with the worm that's gorged itself on cannabinoids and terpenes. ;)
I had budworms last year I really didnt realize until after harvest when i noticed all the little acrobats dangling in the drying room. they really seemed to hate the drying aspect of things. it was like a mass exodus! This year im using BT in hopes that I dont have the same issue. Honestly though I really didnt seem to notice any real adverse effects from the worms having once residing on the buds (i know smoking worm poop isn't ideal). What i would like to know is what does the moth look like that lays the eggs that produce the caterpillars??? Identifying that might be a great help in preventing them from starting in the first place. Is it the same damn white moth that lays eggs on squash/zuccini that kills the plant from the stem up?
Welcome,Look up Fiery Skipper.Also here the white moth infests our Brassicas ,squash stems are attacked by hard shell bugs that look somewhat like stinkbugs.
I had budworms last year I really didnt realize until after harvest when i noticed all the little acrobats dangling in the drying room. they really seemed to hate the drying aspect of things. it was like a mass exodus! This year im using BT in hopes that I dont have the same issue. Honestly though I really didnt seem to notice any real adverse effects from the worms having once residing on the buds (i know smoking worm poop isn't ideal). What i would like to know is what does the moth look like that lays the eggs that produce the caterpillars??? Identifying that might be a great help in preventing them from starting in the first place. Is it the same damn white moth that lays eggs on squash/zuccini that kills the plant from the stem up?

There are multiple varieties. The common white moth bouncing along your lawn in summer is just one type. I see a brown moth frequently as well.

Good story on harvesting. Once the plant matter starts to die they shoot down that silk and bail out. That also means the harvest is ruined. Once the flower dries it's harder to spot contamination.

Prior to hanging you need to do a complete sweep as you wet trip. Use the tip on the shears to open or push aside bud attached to the stem. This will expose any of the black grit. The ideal situation is to keep contaminated bud off the drying rack.

If you used BT weekly this year from the start of flower to finish you will be just fine. Let is know how it turns out.
We are having an epic moth and butterfly season in Arizona, I mean almost biblical they are swarming like gnats! Little bastards ruined some plants I had moved outside. I found out about budworms when the tops started dying. At first I thought it was just the heat until I found caterpillars on my bud sites.
There are multiple varieties. The common white moth bouncing along your lawn in summer is just one type. I see a brown moth frequently as well.

Good story on harvesting. Once the plant matter starts to die they shoot down that silk and bail out. That also means the harvest is ruined. Once the flower dries it's harder to spot contamination.
If you used BT weekly this year from the start of flower to finish you will be just fine. Let is know how it turns out.
I wouldn't say ruined as i and everyone who tried last years crop enjoyed. It was more of a wakeup call to get ahead of the little buggers this year. and Up they are back not as bad though BT is seeming to work