Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

I am on top! For now.
What most of you are talking about. Are cabbage worms, cabbage Loopers and Diamondback caterpillars.
I have found that using a step ladder, to where you can get at your highest buds. Look down for a 1/16 inch diameter pinhole. It will usually have a couple turds or a little bit of brown around it. Put rubber gloves on peel the buds back and inspect the bud on the cola go between everyone of the buds. That's what you have to do, to look for them. Go to Amazon and buy a product called tulle. It's like a wedding veil material. I buy it by the roll 108 inches wide x 70 feet long. 38 dollars a roll. Sunlight goes through it.
I put it on at night time. And take it off in the morning. You have to always remember the Moths will always go to your biggest and tallest, sweetest buds first. This is your notice! Time to get the tulle. Time to make sure your other plants are all safe.
I only had one plant, remove 10 molded buds. Also probably 12 worms. I removed 10 tall buds. The rest of the plant are doing good. I have not had any sinse. Because the tulle will not allow the moth to land on your buds to lay eggs.20240910_191256.jpg20240907_100015.jpg20240907_100248.jpg20240907_100522.jpg20240916_193009.jpg
Hope this helps
Oh, I forgot. Don't think you can save the buds. I throw the buds away even if I find a turd on it. It will start bud mold.
You don't want that in your curing room. Blowing around.
I haven't sprayed any BT this year- there really haven't been any moths about, I've been inspecting my flowers and I'm two weeks from harvest
I have only seen two of the moths this season. Last outdoor grow a few years ago the little buggers were everywhere.
Come August 1st I start my weekly BT spraying. The moths can smell the change to flowering in the plants before we can see the first hint of flowers and the moths start laying eggs that early.

We've got to be proactive against the caterpillars or the first group is in so deep they never get to eat some treated leaf.
Come August 1st I start my weekly BT spraying. The moths can smell the change to flowering in the plants before we can see the first hint of flowers and the moths start laying eggs that early.

We've got to be proactive against the caterpillars or the first group is in so deep they never get to eat some treated leaf.
I'm in the southern hemisphere. Have 3 plants going, one is well into flower with only a couple of weeks till chop, while the other two only have just started flowering. But there is a massive difference in the amount of moth this season (so far)

I'm not sure if it's due to the milf weather (37c and hot) bugger all rain, or some other reason.
I hope I'm not speaking too soon :)
I'm in the southern hemisphere. Have 3 plants going, one is well into flower with only a couple of weeks till chop, while the other two only have just started flowering. But there is a massive difference in the amount of moth this season (so far)

I'm not sure if it's due to the milf weather (37c and hot) bugger all rain, or some other reason.
I hope I'm not speaking too soon :)
I run a flat panel bug zapper with the safety grill chopped out. It's my monitor on how bad the moth infestation is. I brush out the dead every morning and it helps keep track of what I can't see. I lost my first big outdoor grow to the little bastards.