Yellow edges on small seedlings, soil-less mix, 3 weeks old.

Hello there hope your doing well today. I have a small problem that i should have posted a couple days ago, but i will now before it gets too bad. I have several seedlings, almost three weeks from seed, and a couple are starting to get a little bit of yellow on the first set of leaves, not the cotyledons but the first set of actual leaves. The worst is on rocklock, which has been the fastest growing of the all. I tried to correct the yellow by giving a small amount of nutes, 300ppm dyna-gro grow, and it actually did fix the yellow on two of the smaller plants, but on rocklock it still stayed yellow. Now some of the leaves have started to curl downward, on the second set of leaves, and the first set is slightly yellow and crispy looking on the end. I know my pictures are a little blurry but hopefully you can see what you need to see. They are under a 400w air cooled hood, about 2 1/2 feet away, temps at canopy have been from 78-86, humidity at 43%. Thanks for looking and i really hope someone can offer some advice!

Okay the first two are not very bad, just minor yellowing but the new growth looks a little weird on top. The first two are the same plant, Blue widow. You can see rocklock in the background of the second picture, which is the worst looking. The third and fourth pictures are of rocklock which looks pretty bad to me. And then the fifth picture is pineapple express, and you can see a tiny bit of a brown tip on the leaf in the bottom.





Active Member
your humidity is very low, that might be why your leaves are curling. The plants try to reduce their surface area and transpire less water. You want to get your humidity up to around 80%. Try misting your plants. I definitely think it's a nute deficiency but if your fastest growing plant is still yellow it is probably permanently damaged on those leaves. 300 ppm is a good amount for them, I would wait a few days and see if they rebound. You could probably get away with lowering your lights to 2 feet too. Most nitrogen deficiencies start with the bottom leaves first, if you are noticing yellowing on the top leaves first it is probably a deficiency of an immobile nutrient.
Thank you for your advice, i just gave the tent a nice mist, not the plants but the air in the tent. I realized that the hygrometer part of my thermometer was not inside the tent though, so i will check it again in ten minutes and post what the humidity is.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You say you are useing a soiless medium. What kind of soiless medium is that? Is that COCO? What kind of goodies did you add to that soiless medium? Manure, bat Shit, lime, what ever.
Thanks for the quick responses!

"When leaves curl under usaully heat is the problem or over watering. "

The temps are not that high, the highest the thermometer has ever gone is 88, which is when i had the little diode about a foot away form the light. But my temps could be to high, it is very hot outside right now, at least 100 degrees every day. Hottest months of the year they say.

Overwatering could be possible, as i transplanted them recently and flooded the soil to acclimate the roots to the new soil, and then watered again with the nutrient solution to try and correct the yellowing.

"You say you are useing a soiless medium. What kind of soiless medium is that? Is that COCO? What kind of goodies did you add to that soiless medium? Manure, bat Shit, lime, what ever. "

The medium i am using is Sunshine #4 mix which is "Formulated with Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, coarse perlite, starter nutrient charge (with Gypsum) and dolomitic limestone,"directly from their website. I added 5 pounds of worm castings, and a big bag of perlite.

I have thought about adding some high nitrogen bat manure, does that sound like a good idea?
Also i was able to raise the humidity to 60%, but i do not feel to safe misting too much more, as my power strip is inside the tent.
Okay it has gotten quite a bit worse, and 4 plants are showing the same symptoms now. I flushed everything yesterday but only with a roughly a gallon each, so it was not a complete flush. If symptoms do not appear to get better in a day or two I will have to completely flush, 3 gallons per plant. Hopefully someone has some advice and can help me out before they get any worse. I really care about my girls and want to see them in the best health possible. Here is a picture of each one, the biggest and worst looking of them is Rocklock who is looking pretty rough. You can see the first set of leaves on all of them have the yellow/brown creeping up from the tip, and some have it on farther up sets of leaves too..

Okay well i'm not getting any responses and i'm freakin out so i gave them 900ppms of grow solution. Hoping this does something, if it gets any worse i'm just gonna probably pull them and start over..


Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with your nutes and still didn't get the soil or whatever?
It's defiantly nute burn! 900 ppm is a lot for a little plant you should be
feeding more like 500 ppms every other watering/feedings . The soil looks
really wet too how wet is your water:lol:
2.5 feet is too far for your light I do 400 watter at 15" without the cool tube!
And when you plant your little babies I give'em just enough water to get going
it's fresh soil you shouldn't have to flush it! Cause the little seeding roots
will just sit there and it will take it for ever to dry out that how many gallon
pot. I wouldn't soak it till it's a little bigger and take more water!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with your nutes and still didn't get the soil or whatever?
It's defiantly nute burn! 900 ppm is a lot for a little plant you should be
feeding more like 500 ppms every other watering/feedings . The soil looks
really wet too how wet is your water:lol:
Hey Mr Ghetto, is your water wetter then my water? :)


Well-Known Member
I was just gona say overferting from the start in hot soil. Pretty sure that is the only problem, 900ppm was uneeded and the soil was probably too hot to begin with why the plant is struggling, no way it can be deficient, humidity is ok for me and temps are a bit high but acceptable just, probably the heat making it look worse, ferts and heat are a bad one. Just my guess though. Peace
I'm not familiar with your nutes and still didn't get the soil or whatever?
It's defiantly nute burn! 900 ppm is a lot for a little plant you should be
feeding more like 500 ppms every other watering/feedings . The soil looks
really wet too how wet is your water:lol:
2.5 feet is too far for your light I do 400 watter at 15" without the cool tube!
And when you plant your little babies I give'em just enough water to get going
it's fresh soil you shouldn't have to flush it! Cause the little seeding roots
will just sit there and it will take it for ever to dry out that how many gallon
pot. I wouldn't soak it till it's a little bigger and take more water!
Well glad to hear this AFTER i already gave them the 900ppm solution. Hope it doesnt get worse. Well i'm guessing that it wasn't the grow that burnt it but some other additive i added, i used a silicon product, tiny bit of cal mag, alg-a-mic, and alot of the micro fox farm tigers blood. Yes i have the wettest water ever its crazy! Just kidding ya the soil has stayed really wet because i've been freakin out and trying to fix things over and over again, until something works. The thing that really confuses me and i posted a picture of this on another thread that was also getting no attention, is that i have other girls that i started about 5 days later than these ones, which i have been giving the SAME exact nutes and everything, and they look happy as can be. Its so confusing.......fuuucucuidsuf;ilaufk;ldsj adsilfuaijldfhkjadsfi;l adf[jadsiplfj ak[lsdhfvio
And also i do not feel safe moving my light any closer right now, as this will just cause them to stress more do to too much light/heat, i feel if they needed more light than they are getting than they would be stretching towards the light, correct? They should still be gettin an optimal ammount of lumens at anywhere from 6-21 inches, so i moved the light just a little bit closer, it is now at 22 inches. Any advice on how to lower the temps in my tent? this is one of my biggest concerns and issuses.


Well-Known Member
And also i do not feel safe moving my light any closer right now, as this will just cause them to stress more do to too much light/heat, i feel if they needed more light than they are getting than they would be stretching towards the light, correct? They should still be gettin an optimal ammount of lumens at anywhere from 6-21 inches, so i moved the light just a little bit closer, it is now at 22 inches. Any advice on how to lower the temps in my tent? this is one of my biggest concerns and issuses.
Leave the door ajar and have the fan point from the back of the grow room to the opening, works for me. Peace


Well-Known Member
mr.ghetto grower im getting my knowledge from 4 years of growing indoor and outdoor.

my references are:
-Impact of potassium nutrition on postharvest fruit quality Melon (Cucumis melo L) case study
-Effect of Nitrogen, Boron, Potassium and Zinc Sprays on Yield and Fruit Quality of Date Palm
-Phosphorus on flowering of Acaevola aemula
-Phosphorus on growth + flowering of Acaevola aemula hydro
-NPK & Flowering + Yield of Soybeans
-N & K on Growth + Flowering of Anthurium Hybrids

and im still reading more.

mr.ghettogrower please tell me where you heard this info, im guessing its word of mouth and not experience. please show some reference pics to back up your claims.


Well-Known Member
you can put the lights closer just like how mr.ghettogrower said, but you need a fan(at least a 6" one,) pointed at the middle/top of your plant to keep things safe.


Well-Known Member
you can put the lights closer just like how mr.ghettogrower said, but you need a fan(at least a 6" one,) pointed at the middle/top of your plant to keep things safe.

and you said the problem your self:
ya the soil has stayed really wet because i've been freakin out and trying to fix things over and over again, until something works. The thing that really confuses me and i posted a picture of this on another thread that was also getting no attention, is that i have other girls that i started about 5 days later than these ones, which i have been giving the SAME exact nutes and everything, and they look happy as can be.
the difference between your two plants is; one is drowning and the other can breath. stop watering... wait for it too dry, it will perk up, dont water until it starts to barely wilt; this will make the roots search for water and grow further.


Well-Known Member
mr.ghetto grower im getting my knowledge from 4 years of growing indoor and outdoor.

my references are:
-Impact of potassium nutrition on postharvest fruit quality Melon (Cucumis melo L) case study
-Effect of Nitrogen, Boron, Potassium and Zinc Sprays on Yield and Fruit Quality of Date Palm
-Phosphorus on flowering of Acaevola aemula
-Phosphorus on growth + flowering of Acaevola aemula hydro
-NPK & Flowering + Yield of Soybeans
-N & K on Growth + Flowering of Anthurium Hybrids

and im still reading more.

mr.ghettogrower please tell me where you heard this info, im guessing its word of mouth and not experience. please show some reference pics to back up your claims.
IDK what info your talking about but all knowledge come from experience and youtube videos:lol: