yellow leafs ..

Well the light is a UV Bulb i think its 50 watts and i have been keeping the light extremely close almost 6 in away from them. Also the light has stayed on 24/7 so far. And is it normal for them to be as small as they are or am i still ok for now. And im going to get those tablets fridays thanks again.

The lights are on 24/7? give them a good night's sleep. they need atleast 6 hours for vegge.
Ok so would this be the time to start the 18/6 light cycle and this stays this way for the rest of the grow?? Also i bought the MG Nutes and i got a 150 watt CFL bulb setup to go with the UV Bulb. And now the one with the yellow bottom leaves are about to fall off but the rest of the plant is green but droopy??Every other looks ok for now.
most the time when the plant has yellow leaves its just like a nitrigen. Ive seen it a lot and its almost always the nitrigen. Before you go out of your way and buy all kindsa stuff just give it a lil nitigen and c if that fixes it. Its cheap and if you cant get any fertilizer just get coffe grounds. Its a good source. Hope that helps :)
Ok so would this be the time to start the 18/6 light cycle and this stays this way for the rest of the grow?? Also i bought the MG Nutes and i got a 150 watt CFL bulb setup to go with the UV Bulb. And now the one with the yellow bottom leaves are about to fall off but the rest of the plant is green but droopy??Every other looks ok for now.

Sounds like the top leaves were feeding of from the lower leaves for nutrients.. Yes change the light cycle now, let's see how they react with an 18/6 giving them sometime to sleep. You should see result soon, the plant should start stretching and growing during night hours. when you keep light on 24/7 you don't let the plant sleep.. I feel they grow more during the day, because of the nessecary night time rest.
Sounds like the top leaves were feeding of from the lower leaves for nutrients.. Yes change the light cycle now, let's see how they react with an 18/6 giving them sometime to sleep. you should see result withing 2 days.

Thanks for the advice and i got them off from 1 am to 7am for sleep. When should i start adding the MG Nutes or is that not anytime soon?
you can start now.. but take it slow, give them a teaspoon per gallon of water a week. But am sure you will see results once they get there hours of sleep.
ok well then i got a problem i fill up a half gallon with water to keep in the closet to keep it at the same temperature. But even with 5 plants i just refilled it for the first time in two weeks and when i water my plants i use a spray bottle and exactly 13 sprays, could i be underwatering?? I rarely see overfill drainage and and my soil is usually dry again in a matter of a half day.?!?
Yes man your under watering! Feed them! Sprays are just for humidity clones in root process your plants already have roots. Feed them half a cup of water every other day, only when soil isn't moistered, keep soil always moistered. Here's a tip, on how and when to water your plants, take an inch of your finger and stick it in the soil, if the soil is dry then water them, if the soil is moistered then there ok. But your plants are dehydrating.
easy fix, sounds like the natural salts are not getting released. you need drainage so the plant can get rid of the old. you want at least 20ml drainage , test the drainage after 30 mins. the next time you water is when 2inch of pete from the top is dry.

This maybe a Nitrate problem too, go pick up some nitrate from a local garden centre , you want at least a 1% nitrate nutrient solution, ( signs to see if its a nitrate problem are when the leaves turn yellow or even white)

i would recomend the following nutes to 10l water
coco A 20ml
Coco B 20ml
Rhizotonic 2.5ml
Cannazym 10ml
Nitrate soloution 1 drop

Just will give you some awesome looking plants trust me !
Mix in a teaspoon of fertilizer in a gallon of water and poor a cup or half a cup to each plant. Spraying them is fine but they need to start drinking.
Ok so i dropped the uv light ways and bought two 150 watt CFL's (both 2700k) also i added half the dose of fert to a half gallon bottle and watered each cup with a half a solo cup. Then they got 6 hours of sleep. After work at 5pm i looked at them some looked better but they all got a lil bit of yellow on them?? What went wrong? Also the weak one now has two dead bottom leafs and is drooping way down :(
Boomshank: where do i get these and how do i add them to the plant ? Water? Soil?
coco A 20ml
Coco B 20ml
Rhizotonic 2.5ml
Cannazym 10ml
Nitrate soloution 1 drop

Im willing to give it a try sounds awesome! Thanks for the idea!
Ok so i dropped the uv light ways and bought two 150 watt CFL's (both 2700k) also i added half the dose of fert to a half gallon bottle and watered each cup with a half a solo cup. Then they got 6 hours of sleep. After work at 5pm i looked at them some looked better but they all got a lil bit of yellow on them?? What went wrong? Also the weak one now has two dead bottom leafs and is drooping way down :(

Nitrogen, you need to test the soil to see if nitrogen is high or low. Like I said before, when theres a nutrient problem the upper leaves depend on the lower leaves for nutrients. So the leaves are turning yellow giviing the upper leaves nutrients. Miracle Grow is good soil for other certain plants, but Marijuana is alot more sensitive when it comes to nutrients.
ok well then i got a problem i fill up a half gallon with water to keep in the closet to keep it at the same temperature. But even with 5 plants i just refilled it for the first time in two weeks and when i water my plants i use a spray bottle and exactly 13 sprays, could i be underwatering?? I rarely see overfill drainage and and my soil is usually dry again in a matter of a half day.?!?

And also did you spray the plant on its leaves with the fertilizer? you never want to spray them directly only pour to soil.

found this great website for you to look at. it shows pic's of diseased/unhealthy plants. Take a look!!
are the stems and veins yellow? if so add a tablespoon of Epsom salt per gallon of water till condition improves.. the plant might be lacking of protein do to the MG lack of soil nutrients. I would still recomend to check PH nitrogen and (P) before going off and buying the eptom. post a picture aswell so we can have a better idea.

heres the link for eptom salt, think you can buy it in any drug store

k062706 ive been trying to read about using epsom salt but never find ne good info on it. but how much epsom salt should u use per gal and should u feed it with ph'ed nutrients or should i feed it with plain ph'ed water?
No i gave up the spray bottle and just pour a half a up for each plant. Im working on getting the ph testers im just a lil short on cash haha :) And thanks for the website!!