yellow tint


Active Member
I know it's hard to see because of the lights but there getting yellow tint... There 2 weeks into flower any info would help thanksIMAG1412.jpg


Active Member
Anyone have any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? Would hate to lose em I got two more off picture that drooped like that too... Had em outta the water maybe 5 min to change water and they just started drooping. But there not yellowish like the ones in pic using the same nutes on both totes


Well-Known Member
How often, what concentration and what are you giving them?
Could be nitrogen deficiency. Could be pH imbalance. We need more info to help you further.


Active Member
I'm just using maxibloom switched over to that 2 weeks ago I did half nutes last week did almost full this week 1 teaspoon per gallon that's all I'm using


Well-Known Member
I assume you're doing dwc? What's you water temp, are you using tap water, are the roots white, and what's your pH? I use maxibloom also and never have a problem. Is your airstone working properly?


Active Member
My roots are pink of course from the maxibloom but up by the net pots there a little brownish not slimy tho. I use tap well water and I'm testing ph today after work never tested it


Well-Known Member
My roots are pink of course from the maxibloom but up by the net pots there a little brownish not slimy tho. I use tap well water and I'm testing ph today after work never tested it
I use GH Maxi-Grow/Bloom in perlite/vermiculite hempy

My tap water is about 7 pH...after adding the Maxi-Grow/Bloom the pH drops super low (about 4 pH)

If you are not adding pH+, then chances are that your pH is way too low

GH pH test drops will get you in the ballpark if you don't have a test pen

BTW: I also have to add Cal-Mag (5ml / Gallon) as my water is very pure....this may or may not be an issue for your tap water


Active Member
Just got home checked on em and there purked back up nice... I'm definitely gonna test ph... Looked at my roots again and there is no brown at all pure pink so my only issue now is the yellow tint I hope it's the ph... Also was wondering if anyone else has had the problem with them drooping when you take them out to change water? Or is there a way to prevent it? It was bad and they never did that before


Well-Known Member
I use GH Maxi-Grow/Bloom in perlite/vermiculite hempy

My tap water is about 7 pH...after adding the Maxi-Grow/Bloom the pH drops super low (about 4 pH)

If you are not adding pH+, then chances are that your pH is way too low

GH pH test drops will get you in the ballpark if you don't have a test pen

BTW: I also have to add Cal-Mag (5ml / Gallon) as my water is very pure....this may or may not be an issue for your tap water
Very helpful thanks
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