Well-Known Member
So it seems the organic route is demanding for the newbie, should i scrap the lot and start with some mineral nutes and the terra canna soil,Yes?
actually it should be the opposite in terms of difficulty. for example, i am an organic grower. i mix my own soils, and recycle and amend them after every run. i could give my soil to someone and say, if you have good water, just give them plain water the entire time (no pH'ing) and you should expect easy growing and knockout results. but that's with my soil...
now a company like biobizz should be good enough to sell a decent packaged soil that works... and they say right in the description that it's "heavily fertilized"... which to me sounds like you should be able to grow water only for at least a month after transplant. and you said you don't start using the biobizz ferts until you're into the flowering stage after the final transplant. something just isn't making sense here. if you've seen this same result over and over... something isn't right. your plant doesn't look huge or anything and your pot size seems to be 3 or so gallons which should be fine for a smaller plant.
now a couple things really stick out to me on their website...
1) they don't tell you what the ingredients of the soil are. do they have them listed on the bag, maybe you could post a picture of? without knowing what's in the mix, it's hard to know what could be going on.
2) they're telling you to let the soil dry out between waterings... and if its a peat based mix, drying out is the opposite of what you want to do. #1 if peat dries out it gets extremely hydrophobic and does not remoisten easily, causing large pockets of air that don't receive water and dry out roots. #2 letting an organic soil dry out decreases microbial activity tremendously and can even make them go dormant. I try and keep a consistent moisture content to my organic soil. not too wet, not too dry... just right all the time. maximizes solubility and microbial activity.
so when you say you're giving 1L every other day... that seems under watered IMO. you have a 14L pot... you give it 1L every other day? are you getting runoff when you water 1L in?