Yellowing bottom leaves before flower...


So hey guys, I’m pretty new to posting here but I’ve been lurking a long time on this site. This year has been my first ever real grow, and since Maine leagalized recreational weed a few years back I wanted to give it a shot and man, I’m pretty proud of myself how my girls have turned out so far! I started from clones on May 28, planted directly into 5 gallon buckets using FFOF soil. I’m learning as I go, and soon realized I should have started in smaller pots but I overcame the hard ships and ended up transplanting into 15 gallon smart pots using FFOF about a month ago and man these girls have exploded. So what I’m growing is:

-K1. I didn’t know much about this strain but I’ve read up and she’s a pure Sativa land race strain, 90-120 day flowering cycle. Luckily she started flowering back in early July so I should make the late October deadline before the frosts in Maine arrive. Not really having any issues with her at all. Feeding her tiger bloom every other watering and she’s really starting to fill out and produce THC crystals around her buds. Few yellowing leaves on bottom but not bad at all.

-Bigfoot. Now this girl has been solid since day one until recently when she got a bad case of powdery mildew but some SAFER took care of that. She’s still in veg, but like I’m about to explain with my other strains her bottom fan leaves are starting to yellow and die pretty frequently. I’m still feeding her Grow big every other watering and even upped it thinking it’s a nitro problem with her stretching and transitioning to flower but yet I’m still finding yellowing and dead leaves daily.

-Lemon Diesels. These girls have really stretched in the passed 2 weeks. They’ve both grown over a foot and a half since july 20, they’re both about 55 inches tall, and just started showing signs of flower. But just like the Bigfoot their bottom leaves are yellowing and dying somewhat regularly. I’m still giving them Grow big, but adding Tiger Bloom in small amounts each feeding until I switch over completely.

-Girl Scout cookies. Same thing as the Lemon Diesels. She really exploded late July and stretched and bushed out like crazy, and she started flowering about a week and a half ago. And yet her bottom leaves just like the rest have started to yellow and wilt since before she even went into flower. I’m still giving her some Grow big but I’m mostly giving her tiger bloom at this point. I’ll probably keep giving her Grow big for another few weeks just for some extra nitrogen.

So pretty much I thought it was normal for plants late into flower to use up all the nitrogen in their fan leaves which is why they always turn yellow towards the end of their life cycle. So why are my bottom fan leaves dying on my plants so early into the flowering process? And why is my Bigfoot’s leaves yellowing when she’s still totally in veg? I’m at a loss. Sorry this post is soo long guys but this is my first real Grow and I’m sure everyone of you have been in my shoes worrying about your babies when you were a noob during your first season. And from what I’ve seen on this site there’s an incredible amount of knowledge on this forum, so I’m hoping someone can enlighten me as to what the deal is. Here’s some pics, it’s hard to see the yellowing leaves but believe me they’re there. Thank you guys for any input that’s given, even if it’s harsh and I fucked something up please let me have it, it’s the only way I’m gonna learn and become a more experienced grower! So don’t hold back haha.

The pics in order are the K1, Bigfoot, Lemon diesel1, Lemon Diesel2, and the Girl Scout Cookies.



Thanks man I really appreciate that :) for my first year I’m pretty proud of myself haha. But it’s definitely a full time job taking care of these babies! I can’t believe some of you guys grow hundreds of plants at a time! Man would I love to quit my full time job and be a commercial grower! Dream job I’m working my way up to ha!


Well-Known Member
Personally speaking, I don't want to see yellowing leaves ever, right up to the point I chop them down. A green plant is a healthy plant, and a healthy plant will have the energy and resources to grow the best flowers.


Personally speaking, I don't want to see yellowing leaves ever, right up to the point I chop them down. A green plant is a healthy plant, and a healthy plant will have the energy and resources to grow the best flowers.

Yeah man I totally follow you, I feel the exact same way when it comes to yellowing leaves too, which is why I’m a little freaked out about what’s going on with my girls. I PH all my water and nutes before I feed, I give them all my undivided attention, I stay on top of pests, mildew, fungus and the like....I just don’t understand why all of a sudden my bottom leaves are yellowing. The only other thing I can think of is that it’s been hot and humid as a mother up here in my part of Maine lately, like the worse summer heat wise I can remember, but people grow in way hotter climates than maybe it’s environmental....I just don’t know. I know it’s not nitrogen because I upped the nitrogen nutes, no sign of nute burn....I’m stumped! It’s either the weather or because of the crazy stretch they just went through, at least I hope that’s what it is. Other than that they are incredibly healthy and vibrant so I don’t know.


Well-Known Member
You may be dealing with a potassium deficit.

I've been chasing my tail with a similar issue, and what I settled on through much reading was that I had too much calcium going in which can cause potassium to be locked out. I'm growing outdoors in coco, so my setup is more hydroponics than conventional, but something I read said that it's not uncommon to experience a potassium deficiency in soil.

Edit: It's probably just as Dmannn said...Occam's razor and all.
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Well-Known Member
Those look healthy. I am here in Maine as well (southern) also a new grower. I have also recently been seeing some yellowing of a few bottom leaves, not a lot but a couple here and there. I think it's pretty much natural when in flower. I have been using FF as well but have used big blossom in the mix since day one. Recently stated laying off the grow big and adding open sesame alone with the tiger bloom.Anyway I am not worried about the few that have yellowed, I just pull them off. The plants are in the ground and seem super healthy, one is 6+ and the other is well over 5 and bushie. Good luck, I think your fine IMO.


Well-Known Member
So hey guys, I’m pretty new to posting here but I’ve been lurking a long time on this site. This year has been my first ever real grow, and since Maine leagalized recreational weed a few years back I wanted to give it a shot and man, I’m pretty proud of myself how my girls have turned out so far! I started from clones on May 28, planted directly into 5 gallon buckets using FFOF soil. I’m learning as I go, and soon realized I should have started in smaller pots but I overcame the hard ships and ended up transplanting into 15 gallon smart pots using FFOF about a month ago and man these girls have exploded. So what I’m growing is:

-K1. I didn’t know much about this strain but I’ve read up and she’s a pure Sativa land race strain, 90-120 day flowering cycle. Luckily she started flowering back in early July so I should make the late October deadline before the frosts in Maine arrive. Not really having any issues with her at all. Feeding her tiger bloom every other watering and she’s really starting to fill out and produce THC crystals around her buds. Few yellowing leaves on bottom but not bad at all.

-Bigfoot. Now this girl has been solid since day one until recently when she got a bad case of powdery mildew but some SAFER took care of that. She’s still in veg, but like I’m about to explain with my other strains her bottom fan leaves are starting to yellow and die pretty frequently. I’m still feeding her Grow big every other watering and even upped it thinking it’s a nitro problem with her stretching and transitioning to flower but yet I’m still finding yellowing and dead leaves daily.

-Lemon Diesels. These girls have really stretched in the passed 2 weeks. They’ve both grown over a foot and a half since july 20, they’re both about 55 inches tall, and just started showing signs of flower. But just like the Bigfoot their bottom leaves are yellowing and dying somewhat regularly. I’m still giving them Grow big, but adding Tiger Bloom in small amounts each feeding until I switch over completely.

-Girl Scout cookies. Same thing as the Lemon Diesels. She really exploded late July and stretched and bushed out like crazy, and she started flowering about a week and a half ago. And yet her bottom leaves just like the rest have started to yellow and wilt since before she even went into flower. I’m still giving her some Grow big but I’m mostly giving her tiger bloom at this point. I’ll probably keep giving her Grow big for another few weeks just for some extra nitrogen.

So pretty much I thought it was normal for plants late into flower to use up all the nitrogen in their fan leaves which is why they always turn yellow towards the end of their life cycle. So why are my bottom fan leaves dying on my plants so early into the flowering process? And why is my Bigfoot’s leaves yellowing when she’s still totally in veg? I’m at a loss. Sorry this post is soo long guys but this is my first real Grow and I’m sure everyone of you have been in my shoes worrying about your babies when you were a noob during your first season. And from what I’ve seen on this site there’s an incredible amount of knowledge on this forum, so I’m hoping someone can enlighten me as to what the deal is. Here’s some pics, it’s hard to see the yellowing leaves but believe me they’re there. Thank you guys for any input that’s given, even if it’s harsh and I fucked something up please let me have it, it’s the only way I’m gonna learn and become a more experienced grower! So don’t hold back haha.

The pics in order are the K1, Bigfoot, Lemon diesel1, Lemon Diesel2, and the Girl Scout Cookies.
late oct frost??I live in York co my frost come in late sept hope ya right on the ocean.sounds like u r in the stretch boost the n for a couple weeks they need it