Based on the picture you posted, I have the following comments....
I grow outdoor in kitchen scrap compost mixed every year into the same soil I've been gardening in for a long time. By a few weeks after putting plants in the ground, I start supplementing feeds with GH nutes maxigro/bloom for the past few years, but I used GH flora nutes in the past.
It looks like the damaged leaves are older, more mature fan leaves. The newest growth looks okay. If it were a pH problem or nute lockout problem, I would expect to see more problems in the newest growth. It is definitely advisable to get yourself a pH pen or some pH strips to get your feed/water in the optimum range though. When your pH is in the zone, the plants perform so much better.
The yellowing/spotting older leaves looks like the plant is transporting nutrients away from the older growth to use on newer growth.
What ratios and what strengths are you mixing the nutes? If you switched to flowering formula before the plant finished stretching, then it is Nitrogen deficiency. The plant is using a lot of N still when it is stretching. If you switch to the high Phosphorous flower formulation before they finish stretching, then the plants will pull the N they want from older growth. Those leaves will yellow, wither and die.
In addition to a couple of supplements, I feed at 100% veg formulation until stretching stops and buds start forming. Then, I feed at 50/50 veg formula / flower formula mixed together for the next couple of weeks. Then, I transition to 100% flower formula for the last few weeks. So I'm only feeding at 100% flower formula for the final 3 or 4 weeks until chop.
Also, I only feed at full manufacturer recommended dosage for about 4 weeks starting from the beginning of stretch, when the plants are the hungriest. Before and after that time frame, I feed at lower strength. Having said this though, I don't think strength of feed is the main issue. I think the issue is switching to flower formulation too early, so the plant is taking N from the leaves.
The yellow looking leaves are not doing anything for the plant. I would trim the yellow/damaged leaves off of the plant. They will not improve. Just focus on loving it the best you can until the end.
What lights are you using? If LED, those temps you posted are lower than ideal. For LED, around 80F during lights on is better. If using HID/HPS/CMH, then 74F or even 76F is good. HID lights radiate more IR light, warming the leaf surface.
40RH is a little low. When running indoor, I prefer to be on the drier side of the VPD chart though because I'm paranoid about mold/rot/mildew. If you're running 80F and 40RH, that is definitely on the dry/warm side of the chart. 74F and 40RH looks better on the VPD chart, but the 74F temp will have slower metabolism.
For reference, I use......
Municipal tap water comes out at 8pH and 200ppm
GH MaxiGro/Bloom at peak 6tsp/5gal
Blue Planet EasyWeed soluble kelp 1/8tsp/gal
WOW soluble humic/fulvic 1/8tsp/gal
PH down with ascorbic acid to 6.5pH
In veg I also apply IPM sprays including foliar feed at 1/4 strength.
My plants seem okay with the feed regimen
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Good luck! Peace ✌