ok, thanks for filling in that info.
Ok, I can offer advice for a few things, and just thoughts for a few other things.
nutes: I havent used that brand, so I cant really speak to it. but, I'd say it's too early to be using full strength nutrients like that though, and that you might want to flush well and then feed them 1/4 strength nutes and see how they take it.
moisture/ph meter: please tell me you arent using that cheap green plastic meter with the long metal probe you got for ten bucks at home depot or something. if so, just go ahead and throw it out right now, it is useless. (not trying to sound like an ass, i'm speaking from experience)
Get a liquid PH tester and test both the water you put into the soil (and adjust it to 6.5 or so) and the runoff. the runoff water will give you a clue what the soil PH is.
as for watering, have you heard of the 'weight' method? next time you water your plants, do it really fully...do it a bit extra, make sure the soil is pretty well evenly watered. then lift it up and gauge how heavy it is. now, when you want to know how much water is being held in the soil, you can judge it against that weight. you dont want to water again until the pot is significantly lighter than it was when wet.
also, best practice really is to not water plants until they are showing the first signs of wilt, then do it thoroughly, slowly and evenly. if you do this you'll get to feel the two ends of the weight spectrum.
as for the PH down, I know organic juices can be used immediately, such as lime or lemon juice...but i'm not sure about their long term activity in the soil. I'd say it would be an easy enough thing to find out via google though.