Yellowing leaves


Hey Fam,

My plant has been turning yellow on the bottom leaves and is now spreading to top. Growing in soul OD and ph is 6.2

Any help is appreciated


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I thought that, but a couple of the leaves seem to be yellowing at the veins first. You're probably right, but what does the rest of the plant look like?
One of my outdoor plants looked like that a couple weeks ago. Feed it N with
a bit of calcium n it looks great now. I used a liquid I keep on hand for the rare occasion the manure I am using is not enough. 12-0-0 with lots o calcium. A little goes a long way. Now if I can only find a way to keep the rabbits from snacking. The old human hair trick is not working. Lead does but, gotta be careful to not hit the plants with pass through.
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There are tons of options. Outdoors I use our soil. Is great but needs a bit of a boost. I add composted manure and some dry organic bloom nutes. If I need just a emergency boost I am feeding a bit of cx horticulture growth enhancer. I prefer organic but it is hard to beat a fast chemical based kick when you want results now and don't have time to make a tea. If you don't mind waiting a bit longer for a boost, making a tea with earth worm castings, manure, and malt works wonders. Once flower starts I pretty much feed bloom nutes. The dry organic nutes I use are from Organically Done and are easy to just top dress with.
Tryed the nitrogen 12-0-0 no results also gave some Cal Mag still the yellowing is progressing. Havent tried the epsom salt yet.
Tryed the nitrogen 12-0-0 no results also gave some Cal Mag still the yellowing is progressing. Havent tried the epsom salt yet.
If it is locked out Nitrogen toxicity is more likely
One way it will uptake N is use a couple drops of that with a couple tablespoons of epsom salt in a quart of water and mist your plants
It usually works for me