Yes!.....Cheerios to go non-GMO......

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Monsanto's GMO enforcement practices have been very effective in crushing any organic farmer that gets in their way.......

demonstrably false.

only one guy i know of was sued by monsanto for growing their patent cultivars, and he was doing it deliberately, for his own profit, in direct violation of the contract he signed.

copying DVDs and selling them on the street is illegal too.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Of course Monsanto said Agent Orange was just fine also.
people thought Litharge (google it) was a great way to sweeten foods and wines for centuries.

new information often requires the removal of products from the market, but the eco-left has a shitty track record of truthfulness on that score.


Well-Known Member
people thought Litharge (google it) was a great way to sweeten foods and wines for centuries.

new information often requires the removal of products from the market, but the eco-left has a shitty track record of truthfulness on that score.
You confuse "people thought" with "the company that made it and distributed it said". Wholely different things, and completely different centuries as well.

bad analogy.


Well-Known Member

demonstrably false.

only one guy i know of was sued by monsanto for growing their patent cultivars, and he was doing it deliberately, for his own profit, in direct violation of the contract he signed.

copying DVDs and selling them on the street is illegal too.
Biotech Goliath Monsanto is well-known for its litigious tendencies among farmers, having sued hundreds of them over the years to the tune of over 23 million dollars, according to a recent report. Now the company is headed to the Supreme Court over a battle with a small Indiana farmer that many are hoping will result in the re-examination of current seed patent law, which has resulted in near domination of genetically modified seed in some US crops

Read more: Monsanto Has Sued Hundreds of Small Farmers, Heads to the Supreme Court | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building


That's HUNDREDS - not "one". 410 by some counts. Wrong again Doc. Admit it.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
people thought Litharge (google it) was a great way to sweeten foods and wines for centuries.

new information often requires the removal of products from the market, but the eco-left has a shitty track record of truthfulness on that score.
I'm probably the biggest eco-nut on this forum. The only thing about me which leans to the left is my penis.


Well-Known Member
Biotech Goliath Monsanto is well-known for its litigious tendencies among farmers, having sued hundreds of them over the years to the tune of over 23 million dollars, according to a recent report. Now the company is headed to the Supreme Court over a battle with a small Indiana farmer that many are hoping will result in the re-examination of current seed patent law, which has resulted in near domination of genetically modified seed in some US crops

Read more: Monsanto Has Sued Hundreds of Small Farmers, Heads to the Supreme Court | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

That's HUNDREDS - not "one". 410 by some counts. Wrong again Doc. Admit it.
The original poster accused Monsanto of suing "any organic farmer" who got in their way. Kynes is absolutely right about that being bullshit. They can only sue you if you use their property without their permission, and relatively few people have been sued, considering how many farmers there are in this country.

If you don't want to be sued by Monsanto, don't use Monsanto seeds. Then they are powerless over you. The people bitching about Monsanto want Monsanto's seeds, they just don't want to pay the price Monsanto demands.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The original poster accused Monsanto of suing "any organic farmer" who got in their way. Kynes is absolutely right about that being bullshit. They can only sue you if you use their property without their permission, and relatively few people have been sued, considering how many farmers there are in this country.

If you don't want to be sued by Monsanto, don't use Monsanto seeds. Then they are powerless over you. The people bitching about Monsanto want Monsanto's seeds, they just don't want to pay the price Monsanto demands.
GMO is owing life, just like slavery. But no matter how bad slavery was in still is, it doesn't compare to the slavery companies like Monsanto do who are attempting to take over the world's food supply. GMO has the potential to become more than genocide or a holocaust, it might make almost all life on the planet extinct.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Personally, I couldn't care less. Cheerios suck. I'm more interested in a breakfast that is actually wholesome and filling and won't leave me feeling hungry an hour later (and no, shreddies, despite their advertising, are not the answer)

If I'm going to consume rubbish for breakfast, I might as well have coco pops, at least then I get to enjoy what I'm eating :-)


Well-Known Member
The original poster accused Monsanto of suing "any organic farmer" who got in their way. Kynes is absolutely right about that being bullshit. They can only sue you if you use their property without their permission, and relatively few people have been sued, considering how many farmers there are in this country.

If you don't want to be sued by Monsanto, don't use Monsanto seeds. Then they are powerless over you. The people bitching about Monsanto want Monsanto's seeds, they just don't want to pay the price Monsanto demands.

Not true. Firstly, Doc said that only ONE person has been sued - when in reality 410 have been.

Secondly, Monsanto places a genetic marker - a marker that breeds true, in their seeds. That means that if pollen from GMO crops strays to non-gmo plants, the next generation shows that same marker even though the farmer never planted Monsanto seed, yet Monsanto can still sue. Furthermore, should Monsanto seed bump off a truck and into a non-gmo field, and germinate, those plants will be intermixed with the non-gmo seed, and possibly be unknowingly planted with the next year's crop. Again Monsanto can sue.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Not true. Firstly, Doc said that only ONE person has been sued - when in reality 410 have been.

Secondly, Monsanto places a genetic marker - a marker that breeds true, in their seeds. That means that if pollen from GMO crops strays to non-gmo plants, the next generation shows that same marker even though the farmer never planted Monsanto seed, yet Monsanto can still sue. Furthermore, should Monsanto seed bump off a truck and into a non-gmo field, and germinate, those plants will be intermixed with the non-gmo seed, and possibly be unknowingly planted with the next year's crop. Again Monsanto can sue.

how could any of these things be construed as good?

I swear I think we have some big M sales reps as members


Well-Known Member

  • only one guy i know of was sued

Its so good to know you know how to read :lol: or can you read, but are simply making up shit to suit your agenda?
Gotta love it - "only one person I know has been arrested and jailed for growing pot", therefore only one person has ever been so incarcerated - right?

This is the problem with anyone who just doesn't keep up with the news. Because he only knows of one, there must only be one, yet if he went out and discovered the 410 that have been, he would know of others, now wouldn't he. His point was that only one has been sued and it is not accurate.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Gotta love it - "only one person I know has been arrested and jailed for growing pot", therefore only one person has ever been so incarcerated - right?

This is the problem with anyone who just doesn't keep up with the news. Because he only knows of one, there must only be one, yet if he went out and discovered the 410 that have been, he would know of others, now wouldn't he. His point was that only one has been sued and it is not accurate.
I get it, you don't understand english.

I imagine you're the type of person who thinks that because all crows are black, all black birds are crows.

Quite trying to twist things to suit your agenda. He did not ever state that only one person has ever been so incarcerated, or similar. You said that.

Let me put it in a different context so that maybe you might understand.

"Only one person i know of owns an iphone 5"

This statement in no way states that only one person owns an iphone 5, yet that is essentially your argument.

God damn, i never took english beyond my GCSE exams yet i can understand how retarded it is to twist words to try and create a statement that never existed.


Well-Known Member
Not true. Firstly, Doc said that only ONE person has been sued - when in reality 410 have been.
As has already been pointed out, that's not what he said.

Secondly, Monsanto places a genetic marker - a marker that breeds true, in their seeds. That means that if pollen from GMO crops strays to non-gmo plants, the next generation shows that same marker even though the farmer never planted Monsanto seed, yet Monsanto can still sue. Furthermore, should Monsanto seed bump off a truck and into a non-gmo field, and germinate, those plants will be intermixed with the non-gmo seed, and possibly be unknowingly planted with the next year's crop. Again Monsanto can sue.
Almost all of Monsanto's litigation involves farmers who contracted to use Monsanto seeds and then sought to avoid paying the price for them. You speak of seeds falling off a truck or pollen blowing into a field--Monsanto probably cannot sue for that. In cases where defendants alleged such events happened, genetic testing showed that the crops in question were far too "pure" for the stories to have been plausible, meaning the people who told them were lying.

If you have an example of a case with a different result, I would love to see it.


Well-Known Member
Gotta love it - "only one person I know has been arrested and jailed for growing pot", therefore only one person has ever been so incarcerated - right?

This is the problem with anyone who just doesn't keep up with the news. Because he only knows of one, there must only be one, yet if he went out and discovered the 410 that have been, he would know of others, now wouldn't he. His point was that only one has been sued and it is not accurate.
Where are you getting 410? Monsanto's corporate web site says 145: "Since 1997, we have only filed suit against farmers 145 times in the United States." Out of 145 suits, they claim there have only been 11 trials. They've never lost. Monsanto then reminds you that it sells seeds to 250,000 farmers every single year.

Their supposed propensity for litigation is sounding more and more like a myth.