Yes!.....Cheerios to go non-GMO......


Well-Known Member
I don't make any of those assumptions. I believe GMO foods are cheaper to produce thereby making them cheaper to the consumer. Healthy, tasty, beneficial is a dead heat probably.

I rally for that choice because there are 7 billion people on the planet, each one hungry on a daily basis. Some of them will starve if the cost of food increases. If your goal is population control then "non GMO" is pretty good start.

There is no proof that GMO crops cost less. The seeds cost more, they require more and more glyhposate and more and more pesticides as the BT quits working.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
There is no proof that GMO crops cost less. The seeds cost more, they require more and more glyhposate and more and more pesticides as the BT quits working.
There is ABSOLUTE proof that GMO crops cost less to produce, they have 90% of the US market for corn. Do you think 90% of US farmers chose a crop that lowers their profit?


Well-Known Member
you want to force labeling on companies as a method to force them to stop using GMOs, i.e. you want to deny the rest of us a choice.
for someone who spams relentlessly about how awesome GMOs are, you sure seem to shit your tighty whities at the thought of them simply informing the consumer of what they are eating.

the label actually enhances your ability to choose, by the way.

mental defectives abound in this forum.


Well-Known Member
But when you say "less will be grown, and that is good" you are leading a moral crusade. It becomes no longer about individual choice but society-wide pressure. At the point at which that raises my food costs without demonstrated benefit, I'll be annoyed.
I already said I'd pay extra for the printing of "Non-GMO" on my food. You can pay what ever price is cheapest for your consumption. Just labeling GMO's is not gonna cause the cost of your cheerios to go up. Oh snap* it already has. Oh well, just like paying to have handicapped parking spaces that are only for the disabled citizens but we all pay for it just the same. I have a hard time believing this is even a question in this day & age....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
There is no proof that GMO crops cost less. The seeds cost more, they require more and more glyhposate and more and more pesticides as the BT quits working.
you do not farm obviously.

glyphosate resistant crops do not NEED glyphosate, they are resitant to it.

BT does not "stop working" nor does the (hypothetical) lack of BT effectiveness imply that MORE pesticides would be needed, than are being used on Non-GMO crops, unless you are using the (theoretically ineffective) BT as a spray as well.
but that would be dumb.


Well-Known Member
I already said I'd pay extra for the printing of "Non-GMO" on my food. You can pay what ever price is cheapest for your consumption. Just labeling GMO's is not gonna cause the cost of your cheerios to go up. Oh snap* it already has. Oh well, just like paying to have handicapped parking spaces that are only for the disabled citizens but we all pay for it just the same. I have a hard time believing this is even a question in this day & age....
So you are a bit handicapped if you think that analogy holds up. :) You already Freudian slipped your purpose. Drive out GMO, as if that was possible.

In your analogy there would be nothing wrong with the handicapper parkees, and the entire thing is then revealed as a close parking, scam. A self proclaimed Elitism. is, already. And you say that is an example of necessary, chipping in by all. A sacrifice? BS. At my work there are a 100, at least un-occupied handicape spaces and the lots over fill. It is like the Mall on Christmas Eve every day. And all those wasted spaces.

You want to pay extra to drive out GMO. But. there is no way to replace that grain or cotton production level. Oh, you don't see the slippery slope?

Strange to me. It is a religion that is lashing out for power. How dare people compare this to DDT or Cigs, or anything that has been shown to be harmful? This is as knee jerk as it gets and in History, people end up getting killed over power grabs for power. And it can be worse this panic.

I've said nothing of reversing the course of Genetics research, getting all of it banned, etc.

We sit here and understand that ganja should be legal. I remind you it was just this kind of irrational fear that got it banned in the first place.

But, people pay extra to drive out certain people and things they fear. So I guess bigotry has many forms.

I just lump you all as evil Saganists, though you know it not. Good a term as any to me. Nothing personal of course.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
and there is where YOU fail. If gmo products are essentially the same as non. There is nothing scary about a label.

Informing consumers about a products' ingredients list has been practiced for decades....nothing wrong with that. If you choose to be ignorant on what you consume...That is your choice.

You have no right to force me to submit to your desires.

again, if you do not care to read the labels....DON'T!

Really, what is so difficult about that?
if i put a warning label on your bottled water which reads "Warning! May Contain Di-Hydrous Monoxide! An Industrial Solvent which may cause serious burns or even death. Acute Toxicity Dose LD50 5000g/kg! Keep away from children!" (which is all perfectly true) most people will gravitate to the bottle without the scary poorly understood warning label.

thats what the anti-gmo dipshit brigade wants. unreasoning fear, a warning label, and more unreasoning fear.

you want to prey on the ignorance of the vast herd of hoi polloi, to advance your anti-GMO agenda without having to face the reality that they are NOT harmful, dangerous or even distinct from other crops without DNA tests.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So you are a bit handicapped if you think that analogy holds up. :) You already Freudian slipped your purpose. Drive out GMO, as if that was possible.

In your analogy there would be nothing wrong with the handicapper parkees, and the entire thing is then revealed as a close parking, scam. A self proclaimed Elitism. is, already. And you say that is an example of necessary, chipping in by all. A sacrifice? BS. At my work there are a 100, at least un-occupied handicape spaces and the lots over fill. It is like the Mall on Christmas Eve every day. And all those wasted spaces.

You want to pay extra to drive out GMO. But. there is no way to replace that grain or cotton production level. Oh, you don't see the slippery slope?

Strange to me. It is a religion that is lashing out for power. How dare people compare this to DDT or Cigs, or anything that has been shown to be harmful? This is as knee jerk as it gets and in History, people end up getting killed over power grabs for power. And it can be worse this panic.

I've said nothing of reversing the course of Genetics research, getting all of it banned, etc.

We sit here and understand that ganja should be legal. I remind you it was just this kind of irrational fear that got it banned in the first place.

But, people pay extra to drive out certain people and things they fear. So I guess bigotry has many forms.

I just lump you all as evil Saganists, though you know it not. Good a term as any to me. Nothing personal of course.
Protip: DDT has been proved to be far less harmful than "Silent Spring" claimed. even the WHO has backed off on their crazy unsupported claims and fearmongering.

it was all bullshit.

much like the "hazards" of "second hand smoke" (which is 3x more dangerous than first hand smoke... somehow.)
or the dangers of "Marijuana Addiction" (Anderson Cooper just sprayed fear-urine all over his studio last night with a "special report")

desert dude

Well-Known Member
if i put a warning label on your bottled water which reads "Warning! May Contain Di-Hydrous Monoxide! An Industrial Solvent which may cause serious burns or even death. Acute Toxicity Dose LD50 5000g/kg! Keep away from children!" (which is all perfectly true) most people will gravitate to the bottle without the scary poorly understood warning label.

thats what the anti-gmo dipshit brigade wants. unreasoning fear, a warning label, and more unreasoning fear.

you want to prey on the ignorance of the vast herd of hoi polloi, to advance your anti-GMO agenda without having to face the reality that they are NOT harmful, dangerous or even distinct from other crops without DNA tests.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dr Kynes again.


Well-Known Member
I'll keep pushing against GMO's as long & hard as it takes, but I already know how to get to them, with my $$$. I support organic/non-gmo farmers, and spend my $$$ accordingly. If US farmers wish to continue to try squeeze every cent from the consumer by growing GMO crops, they will just be sending their own jobs overseas, so be it. I will continue to ask my local grocer for organic/non-gmo products, I would like for them to be grown here, but..


Well-Known Member
thats what the anti-gmo dipshit brigade wants. unreasoning fear, a warning label, and more unreasoning fear.
just keep relentlessly spamming the wonders of GMO and that "warning" label will be a selling point.

i don't think of it as a warning label, i just want to know what's in the food i am eating.

sounds like you are all for keeping people in the dark about what they are eating. why so scared?


New Member
I'll keep pushing against GMO's as long & hard as it takes, but I already know how to get to them, with my $$$. I support organic/non-gmo farmers, and spend my $$$ accordingly. If US farmers wish to continue to try squeeze every cent from the consumer by growing GMO crops, they will just be sending their own jobs overseas, so be it. I will continue to ask my local grocer for organic/non-gmo products, I would like for them to be grown here, but..
Agreed, If GM producers/suppliers are convinced they have a product that people want, at the right price, that is also safe, printing the words "THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS GENETICALLY MODIFIED INGREDIENTS" on the label shouldn't make a difference.


Well-Known Member
I agree if GMO's are soo good, why not make a selling point of it?..........splash it all over the front!lol

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
just keep relentlessly spamming the wonders of GMO and that "warning" label will be a selling point.

i don't think of it as a warning label, i just want to know what's in the food i am eating.

sounds like you are all for keeping people in the dark about what they are eating. why so scared?
Cause baby it's cold outside.


Well-Known Member
But, can I maintain the choice to buy the Os with GMO grain? Or will I simply be forced back into non-GMO by the panic ridden humans?