YES im Bitching

Well you said I called myself a pussy when I said it was too risky to.grow. But a family man,.all.sudden it's aceptable.
Well you said I called myself a pussy when I said it was too risky to.grow. But a family man,.all.sudden it's aceptable.

Are you friggin serious? THAT'S what you're upset about? Well. Ladies and gentleman, I said it would happen and here it fucking is. Trolling here, has officially synchronized with my PMS cycle. What I *said* was...the riskier the product, the higher the price. It wasn't about *you*, it was a general statement applicable to the situation.
ok,lol.Give it a day or two.I know at least 5 or 6 members on here know the deal and will back me up.By the way there are no cops there either:finger:

I've had to treat kids under G.A. who come from such places, milk is $25 for a 4L jug but pop is $15, so the parents give their kids pop to drink and all their teeth are destroyed :( I know where you mean slowbus.
"It also depends on where you're living. I mean, places where it's illegal to grow, you're paying for the risk they're taking. And if it wasn't worth it, everybody would risk it themselves and grow their own. And why is this thread posted twice anyway?" That is what I said. It was for the OP. It was the ONLY thing I said in this thread before you started crying. It had nothing to do with you. Everything is not about you. Shocking to hear, I know.
I've had to treat kids under G.A. who come from such places, milk is $25 for a 4L jug but pop is $15, so the parents give their kids pop to drink and all their teeth are destroyed :( I know where you mean slowbus.

yeah its tragic.It never gets better either.Sad
Really sad that good people like marc emery go to prison, while people like you are so willing to crumble at the knees in the face of our government. Keep smoking your weed that other people lose years of there lives to provide you with.

I'm not sure who I should be more upset with. You for being a pussy or the US government for making you this fearful of living your life.

Not calling anyone a pussy, just said your acting like one. lol
Damn, it was this guy lol...again, blamming this retaded phone...
*Gasp!* I'm shocked into retort! :roll: I'm seriously not even interested in finishing this sentence. That is how fucking bored I am with you now. I have to go, there is a fight on, ladies.
You're not going to finish the sentence because it started to bore you, so you start a another one in the same paragragh.
How the hell do you guys sleep at night charging the prices that most of you do ? There is no way i could charge more then 50$ for a 1/4 oz. Folks should be able to grow them selves and not worry about this craziness
Why don't you go to gaol and ask someone whose been locked up for growing?
It's jail! Why is everyone retarded?
Oh look. The guy on page 7 who used the words "distrot" and "blamming" is correcting someone and calling them retarded on page 8. I thought Picture of Yourself thread was going to take off into much more of a shit fest.