Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

They start training them early in Texas...obvious 'Stand your ground' case
4-year-old accidentally shoots 1-year-old sibling at home in Texas

thank goodness the 1 year old wasn’t killed. There has to be charges brought against the parents - Texas has a law specifically for these cases

thank goodness the 1 year old wasn’t killed. There has to be charges brought against the parents - Texas has a law specifically for these cases

we'll see, i heard bout that this morning......nother case of not locking the gun up. If they are charged, it will be prolly a Class A mis. and the case will be sent to the CPS (child protective services) here
I totally get playing things that go boom. I took a handgun course 30 years ago and after playing with the .22s we go to go upstairs and buy a box of whatever we wanted and they'd give you the piece to go waste them. I bought a box of .357 wadcutters and a silhouette target and got a Colt Python with very comfortable combat grips to play with. Wish I'd got a 44 mag and done the Dirty Harry thing for real. Instructor was saying I ought to join up and get into competitive shooting. Like trying to drag a guy into church :)

I had a sawed off 12 gauge pump with a pistol grip and that was fun to play with. Took my boys and one of their friend's up to our family cabin and on a little hike found a 3ft diameter cedar stump all rotted up good. 6 rapid fire rounds of 00 buck impressed the hell out of them. As soon as my gun permit gets here I'm getting a legal one very much like the 'Toy'. Only $320Can from Cabela's!

I totally get playing things that go boom. I took a handgun course 30 years ago and after playing with the .22s we go to go upstairs and buy a box of whatever we wanted and they'd give you the piece to go waste them. I bought a box of .357 wadcutters and a silhouette target and got a Colt Python with very comfortable combat grips to play with. Wish I'd got a 44 mag and done the Dirty Harry thing for real. Instructor was saying I ought to join up and get into competitive shooting. Like trying to drag a guy into church :)

I had a sawed off 12 gauge pump with a pistol grip and that was fun to play with. Took my boys and one of their friend's up to our family cabin and on a little hike found a 3ft diameter cedar stump all rotted up good. 6 rapid fire rounds of 00 buck impressed the hell out of them. As soon as my gun permit gets here I'm getting a legal one very much like the 'Toy'. Only $320Can from Cabela's!

that's cool, but perhaps not the appropriate thread for that news?
Very bad news for the gun lovers, the shift in public opinion over just a 2-month period is significant. The mass murderers will do the work of restricting guns in America, causing background checks and eliminating open and concealed carry. If domestic terrorism, hate crimes, mental illness and emotional instability can prevent gun ownership, then I can see why the republicans would be concerned, since such restrictions would affect them the most.


Gun violence has surged ahead of the opioid crisis as Americans' top public health concern, according to the latest edition of the Axios-Ipsos American Health Index.

Why it matters: A spate of recent mass shootings may have focused attention on the issue in ways that weren't apparent in our last poll in February.

What they found: 26% of respondents said "access to guns or firearms" is the No. 1 threat to American public health, up from 17% in February.

25% said the biggest threat is opioids and fentanyl, virtually unchanged since the last poll.
20% said obesity, also almost unchanged.
COVID-19 slipped to the bottom of public health threats at 3%, tied with smoking, alcohol abuse and unsafe driving.
Between the lines: Other recent polling has shown an uptick of concern about gun violence, especially in schools.

A KFF survey found 1 in 5 U.S. adults said they've personally been threatened with a gun, and 1 in 6 have personally witnessed someone being shot.
There's been an increased push to portray gun violence as a public health issue, with experts factoring employer costs, insurance claims, mental health counseling and other variables.

Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist wrote earlier this month that "deaths from firearms has grown into an official public health crisis" and called for a "fresh look" at what should be done about it.

What they're saying: "With the ongoing drumbeat of tragic mass shootings, it should not be a surprise that access to guns has risen to be one of America's top public health concerns," said Cliff Young, president of Ipsos U.S. Public Affairs.
Very bad news for the gun lovers, the shift in public opinion over just a 2-month period is significant. The mass murderers will do the work of restricting guns in America, causing background checks and eliminating open and concealed carry. If domestic terrorism, hate crimes, mental illness and emotional instability can prevent gun ownership, then I can see why the republicans would be concerned, since such restrictions would affect them the most.

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Gun violence has surged ahead of the opioid crisis as Americans' top public health concern, according to the latest edition of the Axios-Ipsos American Health Index.

Why it matters: A spate of recent mass shootings may have focused attention on the issue in ways that weren't apparent in our last poll in February.

What they found: 26% of respondents said "access to guns or firearms" is the No. 1 threat to American public health, up from 17% in February.

25% said the biggest threat is opioids and fentanyl, virtually unchanged since the last poll.
20% said obesity, also almost unchanged.
COVID-19 slipped to the bottom of public health threats at 3%, tied with smoking, alcohol abuse and unsafe driving.
Between the lines: Other recent polling has shown an uptick of concern about gun violence, especially in schools.

A KFF survey found 1 in 5 U.S. adults said they've personally been threatened with a gun, and 1 in 6 have personally witnessed someone being shot.
There's been an increased push to portray gun violence as a public health issue, with experts factoring employer costs, insurance claims, mental health counseling and other variables.

Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist wrote earlier this month that "deaths from firearms has grown into an official public health crisis" and called for a "fresh look" at what should be done about it.

What they're saying: "With the ongoing drumbeat of tragic mass shootings, it should not be a surprise that access to guns has risen to be one of America's top public health concerns," said Cliff Young, president of Ipsos U.S. Public Affairs.

now why would repugs wanna upset they're masters at the NRA.....all they do is use the gun arguement as a talking point, they have no interesting is doing anything about guns what so ever.....

look what we are going through down this direction.....the other is imigration, yeah lets talk bout it and point fingers....but do something about it...naw...
now why would repugs wanna upset they're masters at the NRA.....all they do is use the gun arguement as a talking point, they have no interesting is doing anything about guns what so ever.....

look what we are going through down this direction.....the other is imigration, yeah lets talk bout it and point fingers....but do something about it...naw...
If the polling trend continues it will affect election results and getting rid of republicans is the only way to make progress or have sensible gun laws. The current situation will lead to a radical majority that will make the radical gun nuts sweat bullets, if they should gain power. It has happened in every other liberal democracy and if Texas can remain one along with America, it will happen there too. How harsh and jarring it will be, depends on how pissed off the electorate becomes, if the SCOTUS dams up social change, then when the dam overflows and breaks, it will sweep away all that is before it. The same applies to women's family planning rights and both guns and reproductive rights are important to women, and both are issues growing in support, especially among younger voters, who don't care for the racism and hated promoted against the LBGTQ community. The base controls the GOP, so they can't turn on a dime to accommodate the changing social values. The Churches are concerned too, since they jumped on the Trump wagon their memberships and the number of believers has plummeted according to polling, they supped with the Devil and got burned badly.
If the polling trend continues it will affect election results and getting rid of republicans is the only way to make progress or have sensible gun laws. The current situation will lead to a radical majority that will make the radical gun nuts sweat bullets, if they should gain power. It has happened in every other liberal democracy and if Texas can remain one along with America, it will happen there too. How harsh and jarring it will be, depends on how pissed off the electorate becomes, if the SCOTUS dams up social change, then when the dam overflows and breaks, it will sweep away all that is before it. The same applies to women's family planning rights and both guns and reproductive rights are important to women, and both are issues growing in support, especially among younger voters, who don't care for the racism and hated promoted against the LBGTQ community. The base controls the GOP, so they can't turn on a dime to accommodate the changing social values. The Churches are concerned too, since they jumped on the Trump wagon their memberships and the number of believers has plummeted according to polling, they supped with the Devil and got burned badly.

Texas has a long way to go, gun nuts are a dime a dozen down here. I'm afraid to say it, but i think Texas has turned into a facist state, simple cause of the repugs here......they don't wanna here anything about social change and justice. There more afraid of dogs than guns, more afraid of the LBGTQ community than gun, more afraid of democratic cities like the ones i'm closest to than actually change for the people, for the teachers, than to lose they're power grip. Now an immoral AG has power to overturn elections, let that sink in for a bit, our SCOTUS is already packed and bought....this state ever so beautiful, ever so diverse and could be so powerful...has turned people scared......smh...and that's what they want....
Texas has a long way to go, gun nuts are a dime a dozen down here. I'm afraid to say it, but i think Texas has turned into a facist state, simple cause of the repugs here......they don't wanna here anything about social change and justice. There more afraid of dogs than guns, more afraid of the LBGTQ community than gun, more afraid of democratic cities like the ones i'm closest to than actually change for the people, for the teachers, than to lose they're power grip. Now an immoral AG has power to overturn elections, let that sink in for a bit, our SCOTUS is already packed and bought....this state ever so beautiful, ever so diverse and could be so powerful...has turned people scared......smh...and that's what they want....
Federal gun laws and legalizing abortion is what they fear, and the SCOTUS can't help them with either, even the 2nd amendment can't help them if the feds decide to act on regulating guns. You have to remember the justices are on somebody's target list themselves and must be cocooned in security like any other government official. If someone starts blowing away rightwing billionaires from a couple of miles out with a .50 cal sniper rifle, the law will change very fast, and the court will approve it. It's not how many who are killed that counts, it's who starts getting killed that counts the most and if someone plugs Harlan Crow and other rightwing assholes, it will cause Clarence to support a host of gun restrictions. If someone was to blow Clarence's head off from a distance, it would also change hearts and minds quicker than if 10,000 kids were murdered. Thousands of dead kids won't count nearly as much as one right wing republican billionaire getting whacked. When someone targets the rightwing billionaires and knocks off a few, then things will change at lightspeed.
Why he is just exercising his 2nd amendment rats! White people do it all the time and they are not worried about terrorizing children, or even killing them. Yep, open carry around schools and bus stops, because their "feelings" are more important than terrified and even dead kids.
How can you tell someone carrying an AR15 won't become a mass murderer until they open fire?
Should a cop stand behind everyone who open carries? If they do, they had best have their side arm out and at ready.

This guy is missing the body armor and spare mags though. In most places the cops would shoot somebody in public with and AR15 unless they immediately complied with orders. If they were wearing body armor too, the cops would probably shoot without warning, the fashion statement would be an expression of intent to mass murder. They would be sending a message by their choices and the cops would hear it loud and clear and respond accordingly. If they can put 50 rounds into an unarmed black man running away and get away with it, they can spare a few rounds for someone armed with an assault rifle, white or black.

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Why he is just exercising his 2nd amendment rats! White people do it all the time and they are not worried about terrorizing children, or even killing them. Yep, open carry around schools and bus stops, because their "feelings" are more important than terrified and even dead kids.
How can you tell someone carrying an AR15 won't become a mass murderer until they open fire?
Should a cop stand behind everyone who open carries? If they do, they had best have their side arm out and at ready.

This guy is missing the body armor and spare mags though. In most places the cops would shoot somebody in public with and AR15 unless they immediately complied with orders. If they were wearing body armor too, the cops would probably shoot without warning, the fashion statement would be an expression of intent to mass murder. They would be sending a message by their choices and the cops would hear it loud and clear and respond accordingly. If they can put 50 rounds into an unarmed black man running away and get away with it, they can spare a few rounds for someone armed with an assault rifle, white or black.

Surprised he is not on neighborhood watch.
Why he is just exercising his 2nd amendment rats! White people do it all the time and they are not worried about terrorizing children, or even killing them. Yep, open carry around schools and bus stops, because their "feelings" are more important than terrified and even dead kids.
How can you tell someone carrying an AR15 won't become a mass murderer until they open fire?
Should a cop stand behind everyone who open carries? If they do, they had best have their side arm out and at ready.

This guy is missing the body armor and spare mags though. In most places the cops would shoot somebody in public with and AR15 unless they immediately complied with orders. If they were wearing body armor too, the cops would probably shoot without warning, the fashion statement would be an expression of intent to mass murder. They would be sending a message by their choices and the cops would hear it loud and clear and respond accordingly. If they can put 50 rounds into an unarmed black man running away and get away with it, they can spare a few rounds for someone armed with an assault rifle, white or black.

false. Dark green has unrestricted unlicensed open carry of long guns. Lighter green “local restrictions may apply”.

false. Dark green has unrestricted unlicensed open carry of long guns. Lighter green “local restrictions may apply”.

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Perhaps I should have said, most places outside America, because in Canada such a person would not last long unless they immediately complied or they might be shot without warning, since the cop would not want to draw fire by giving any warning. The weapon, body armor and spare mags would do their speaking for them in Canada and most other places outside America.
Perhaps I should have said, most places outside America, because in Canada such a person would not last long unless they immediately complied or they might be shot without warning, since the cop would not want to draw fire by giving any warning. The weapon, body armor and spare mags would do their speaking for them in Canada and most other places outside America.
it speaks to a lot of Americans too...we like it less than you do, you read about it, we drive to the fucking store through it.