Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

it speaks to a lot of Americans too...we like it less than you do, you read about it, we drive to the fucking store through it.
They just busted this asshole outside my hometown. A couple of years ago there was a mass murder of 22 people by an asshole dressed like a Mountie with a fake Mountie car and this guy looks like he was setting up to do the same thing. He is currently out on bail, but from the charge list it looks like he will be gone for a decade. I was just PMing a buddy on FB who lives 2 houses away from him, his parents bailed him out. Assholes exist everywhere and I'm wondering about the legality of the guns, he had a typical hoard of guns and ammo and even an old cop car...

AGAIN. Three just this weekend and it's not even 11AM on Sunday on the west coast. 230 mass shootings already.


Three people killed and two wounded at Kansas City nightclub shooting
The latest incident marks the third mass shooting over the weekend, bringing the US total for the year so far to 230

Three people were killed and two more were wounded in a shooting at a Missouri nightclub early Sunday, marking one of at least three mass shootings in the US this weekend.

The killings at the Klymax Lounge in Kansas City, Missouri, and a separate shooting in Birmingham, Alabama, helped bring the number of mass shootings in the US so far this year to about 230, data from the Gun Violence Archive shows.
That's gotta suck. The only guys we see packing heat are cops. Another reason to be thankful I'm Canadian!

Just out walking our dog in meadow on a bluff overlooking the ocean. Nice day. Some old and obviously disturbed man wearing a vet cap was walking his pit-bull and approached in the opposite direction. Our dogs took a dislike to each other. We went around them and old guy started muttering and changed direction to follow us. I stopped and let my wife continue on with our dog. Blocked the guy from following. Showed my open hands and the guy stopped. Of course I needed to watch for a gun. Nothing happened but still, wtf, I don't carry but had to go all situationally aware and on guard because an old man with an aggressive pit-bull took offense at my dog.

Jeezus effing christ, I was just out and about with my wife on a nice day with our dog and had to be on the lookout for a gun in the hands of a nutty old man.
Just out walking our dog in meadow on a bluff overlooking the ocean. Nice day. Some old and obviously disturbed man wearing a vet cap was walking his pit-bull and approached in the opposite direction. Our dogs took a dislike to each other. We went around them and old guy started muttering and changed direction to follow us. I stopped and let my wife continue on with our dog. Blocked the guy from following. Showed my open hands and the guy stopped. Of course I needed to watch for a gun. Nothing happened but still, wtf, I don't carry but had to go all situationally aware and on guard because an old man with an aggressive pit-bull took offense at my dog.

Jeezus effing christ, I was just out and about with my wife on a nice day with our dog and had to be on the lookout for a gun in the hands of a nutty old man.
I like that you looked out for your family.
How many dozen death threats will he get over it? Will Alex Jones call him a crises actor? Demand they dig up the kid and prove it? I think these NRA types are getting soft. Years ago, they would have freaked out on the victims and their families and showed up at their funerals armed wearing body armor and uniforms. Maybe Alex Jones getting sued out of existence changed some hearts and minds, or at least putting the fear Jesus into them. What does the newly arrived in Texas NRA have to say about all this? Thoughts and prayers...

Is stopping gun violence more important than gun rights? Most Americans say yes: Poll

Six in ten Americans, including four in ten gun owners, say it's more important to control gun violence than to protect gun rights – the highest percentage in a decade, according to a new poll.

The national NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll out Wednesday comes one year after the mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. In 2013, Americans were evenly split on the issue, the group found.

The poll of nearly 1,300 adults found Democrats overwhelmingly agree controlling gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights (88%), and about 55% of independents say the same. While 67% of Republicans think it is more important to protect gun rights, 32% say controlling gun violence should be the priority, the poll found.

The poll, conducted May 15 through May 18, also found a growing proportion of Americans (40%) say their local schools are not safe from gun violence, up from 30% in February of 2019.

About 41% say they or someone they know has experienced gun violence, the poll found.

A little more than a quarter of Americans say banning the sale of semi-automatic "assault weapons" would be the most impactful measure to reduce gun violence. Another 17% said mental health screenings for all gun buyers would make the most difference. Others opted for background checks for gun purchases at gun shows and other private sales (13%), red flag laws (12%) and allowing teachers to carry guns in classrooms (10%).

The poll found a "notable" 20% of Americans do not think any of these options would have an impact on gun violence in the U.S.

Americans' views of "stand your ground laws" remain similar to a decade ago, the poll found. Nearly six in ten approve of the laws, generally, with stark divides along political lines. About 81% of Republicans and 57% of independents approve of these laws while 60% of Democrats disapprove, the poll found.
Winnie-the-Pooh book teaches Texas kids to ‘run, hide, fight’ in a shooting
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It didn't teach the kids how to load and shoot a gun so there is a problem if they want to "stand their ground".

Kids shouldn't have to go through something like of the main reason why Texas needs to change the age laws....
Maybe a new government in Texas should make a new law, since wackadoodle laws seem to be a thing in Texas: You can open or conceal carry, but you must do it naked, either wear gun or wear clothes, but not both together! Neighbors and family members can rat them out for a $10K reward or sue them for a million bucks! :lol:
Maybe a new government in Texas should make a new law, since wackadoodle laws seem to be a thing in Texas: You can open or conceal carry, but you must do it naked, either wear gun or wear clothes, but not both together! Neighbors and family members can rat them out for a $10K reward or sue them for a million bucks! :lol:

we need to, Paxton is the first to fall (i hope), if he does, Abbott is screwed...
Maybe a new government in Texas should make a new law, since wackadoodle laws seem to be a thing in Texas: You can open or conceal carry, but you must do it naked, either wear gun or wear clothes, but not both together! Neighbors and family members can rat them out for a $10K reward or sue them for a million bucks! :lol:
that could have a serious effect on tourism. And therapist availability.
