YO! Bob Zmuda check in

Again, from midwife classes, women in a hospital have unnecessary c-sections because of being in a hospital, and are supposed to pop out the kid on their time.
I agreed with you Aeroknow. Second stage is often prolonged with epidurals for several reasons sometimes leading to premature surgical intervention.

I'm saying in this instance that was not the case. I frankly think she should have been sectioned immediately.

Edit: PS I think you misread my initial post. I hope it was because you had a great NYE party LOL
I think you misread my post lol
"It's not like etc"
by the way sunni, that is my favorite line. "What did the caveman do back in the day" lol.
I agreed with you Aeroknow. Second stage is often prolonged with epidurals for several reasons sometimes leading to premature surgical intervention.

I'm saying in this instance that was not the case. I frankly think she should have been sectioned immediately.

Edit: PS I think you misread my initial post. I hope it was because you had a great NYE party LOL
we're on the same page my friend ;-) but yeah, i don't think i'm typing out my thoughts too well so far this new year lol
I agreed with you Aeroknow. Second stage is often prolonged with epidurals for several reasons sometimes leading to premature surgical intervention.

I'm saying in this instance that was not the case. I frankly think she should have been sectioned immediately.

Edit: PS I think you misread my initial post. I hope it was because you had a great NYE party LOL
Horrific mental images of Mrs Zmuda carved up like Xmas roast ;)
I think it's called kangaroo care or koala care. The whole skin to skin contact thing. The hospital was real big on it. Not to get all serious or nothing but I know a chick who hung herself 3 months after the baby from the PPD so just keep an eye on your wifeys and give them lots of help and encouragement.
I invested once in a company called Koala Kare. They emplaced the changing tables in public rest rooms. Lost money on them.
I agreed with you Aeroknow. Second stage is often prolonged with epidurals for several reasons sometimes leading to premature surgical intervention.

I'm saying in this instance that was not the case. I frankly think she should have been sectioned immediately.

That's pretty much how it went down with us. Didn't fuck around long. My wife is TINY and was 5 days overdue, so a 7lb 8oz baby was pretty huge in her stomach. They started the oxytocin for 20 minutes and every time she got a contraction it squeezed the baby so much it slowed her heart rate down, so they said it was medically necessary to slice her out. And 40 minutes later we had a baby. I remember in the OR hearing one of the nurses or doctors say "wow this stomach is all baby". Lol.
That's pretty much how it went down with us. Didn't fuck around long. My wife is TINY and was 5 days overdue, so a 7lb 8oz baby was pretty huge in her stomach. They started the oxytocin for 20 minutes and every time she got a contraction it squeezed the baby so much it slowed her heart rate down, so they said it was medically necessary to slice her out. And 40 minutes later we had a baby. I remember in the OR hearing one of the nurses or doctors say "wow this stomach is all baby". Lol.
Fetal late deceleration requires immediate intervention because the fetus is being deprived of oxygen for the length of the contraction. I'm surprised they didn't detect the cephalopelvic disproportion earlier.
Fetal late deceleration requires immediate intervention because the fetus is being deprived of oxygen for the length of the contraction. I'm surprised they didn't detect the cephalopelvic disproportion earlier.

I'm not. When the nurse, who was really nice (and looking!), first came in to setup the IV, I studied it and the machine for awhile, as what else was I to do, and then in my most meek and apologetic voice said "I'm not a health professional but I thiNk there's some MC Esher going on with those lines cuz I'm pretty sure they go nowhere ad infinitum.". OMG you're right, I forgot to plug it in. I shit you not lol.