YO! Bob Zmuda check in

I've never seen anything so beautiful and amazing in my life.

i even slept in til 10.

This kid stuff is easy.
We recently endured scolding looks from the child-less sibling-in-laws when our kid picked up a phone and said "ok google".

It's kind of funny. The same way we used to run around with our first "fucking magnet" figuring out what it will stick to or not, an activity which he is also engaged in, he runs around finding out which pieces of electronics respond to voice command.
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It's all good. We had our first monkey see monkey do / copy and paste incident the other week. We were at the mall visiting Santa when we were told Santa wasn't feeling well and would be leaving after us having waited in line for 30+ minutes with bout 10 other families. So the wifey let's out a disgruntled "that's stupid" comment then quickly explains the situation to the little one who then responds "aww man that's stupid, that's really fucking stupid". Parents in the immediate vincinty stared daggers at us. Hey! Oh shit look at the time gotta go. I blame Russia.
It's all good. We had our first monkey see monkey do / copy and paste incident the other week. We were at the mall visiting Santa when we were told Santa wasn't feeling well and would be leaving after us having waited in line for 30+ minutes with bout 10 other families. So the wifey let's out a disgruntled "that's stupid" comment then quickly explains the situation to the little one who then responds "aww man that's stupid, that's really fucking stupid". Parents in the immediate vincinty stared daggers at us. Hey! Oh shit look at the time gotta go. I blame Russia.

Lol nothing wrong with expressing yourself!