YO! Bob Zmuda check in

LOL Forceps
LOL his description takes an entire evening of his "1 man show narrated style
birthing" is well worth the the evenings spent sitting around a campfire, smoking, drinking, farting and eating. not always in that order. I've also noticed his "delivery" varies depending on his
choice of embellishments for the evening ie indica, sativa, whisky, beer a mix.

The Piper or the Elliot have traits that closely resemble the scaring on his jaw.

I'll be perfectly honest. I'm pretty happy her sniz remains the same. Isn't that a zeppelin song?

The sniz remains the same?
What a doll! That is one good thing about a C section: the head is perfect. I had a little coney. Had to use the vacuum tube. Baby wanted to stay put I guess. Still has the same personality to this dayyLOL Just a beautiful baby. No wonder you can't keep your eyes off her. Tell Mrs. Z she isn't allowed to lift or do housework until 6 months from now. Unless it's a fork.

kisses Zmuda family
What a doll! That is one good thing about a C section: the head is perfect. I had a little coney. Had to use the vacuum tube. Baby wanted to stay put I guess. Still has the same personality to this dayyLOL Just a beautiful baby. No wonder you can't keep your eyes off her. Tell Mrs. Z she isn't allowed to lift or do housework until 6 months from now. Unless it's a fork.

kisses Zmuda family
She won't be doing a damn thing.

It's gonna be hard though, that woman can't sit still. Has to be doing something.

But she better get used to it. I'm pickin up the leftover slack. :)