You have the right to sit down, shut up and stay in line- or get shot

America was a good little experiment, but it is clear that we have made our federal government too large and too powerful for our own good. America is not for rugged individuals anymore, the thing that probably allowed us to become so powerful so quickly. I have no remedies.
Large and powerful isn't the problem. Lack of accountability is the problem.

Size of government is irrelevant.
Large and powerful isn't the problem. Lack of accountability is the problem.

Size of government is irrelevant.
i agree, except that size of government just adds to the mire, every problem is duplicated in ten different departments, and studied by 20 different committees, all of whom make conflicting suggestions to 40 different panels...and you have to pay all of the useless monkeys...
Can you offer evidence that the “quote”, as it was presented, is accurate? Of course you can’t because you’ve lost and all that’s left is lies and stupid memes. Like your sorry attempt to explain your sending your kids to public school, pretty sure that was not forced upon you unless you as parents were deemed inadequate to educate them yourselves. And that you say it took two kids to realize they were being brainwashed, not very insightful of you is it. It’s not winning when everything you say can be countered with logic, leaing you to resort to comics. You should try and do better.

The quote isn't inaccurate, it's spot on. Neither of us can prove whether Washington said it or not, and he's not telling...he's been dead a couple hundred years.

As far as public schools go, people are forced to pay for it or forego having a place to live. That's a fact. Could I have sent my kids someplace else? Yup. Would I still have been forced to pay for something we didn't use? Yes.

Which part of the above would you like to refute?
The quote isn't inaccurate, it's spot on. Neither of us can prove whether Washington said it or not, and he's not telling...he's been dead a couple hundred years.

As far as public schools go, people are forced to pay for it or forego having a place to live. That's a fact. Could I have sent my kids someplace else? Yup. Would I still have been forced to pay for something we didn't use? Yes.

Which part of the above would you like to refute?
"cooperating" to me is not running over the asshole in front of me going 3 miles an hour, or following him to his destination, and kicking his ass. it's not peppering the neighbors with birdshot when they and their friends have an annoying party occasionally. it's not punching the loudmouth smartass kid at the store. when i say cooperating...i mean tolerating, usually....putting up with people's annoying shit, to help maintain the we can all enjoy a better standard of living, and exist without the fear of physical violence, even though physical violence would resolve a lot of the smaller stupider issues....
you have to evolve to the point where you have a social conscience, before you'll ever be concerned about anyone but yourself. it amuses me that you keep talking about fairness and equality when you patently don't care about either one, unless we're discussing how it applies to you. all of your arguments about how things should be..should be "how things should be so i can always have what i want" talk about freedom, but your version of freedom only applies to yourself, and dooms the rest of the world to anarchy and just aren't a good person, you're just another greedy little turd that wants a perfect world...for themselves

It's easier to read your conflated commentary if you use paragraphs.

"Dooms the world to anarchy" . That's funny. How does advocating respecting every persons right to reciprocal self determination doom them ? (It's okay if you need to read that last line a couple times, I know you're a little slow) .
Large and powerful isn't the problem. Lack of accountability is the problem.

Size of government is irrelevant.

You fail to recognize that once a government can do things that would be crimes if you or did them, (which is every existing government today) accountability has already been made impossible.
The quote isn't inaccurate, it's spot on. Neither of us can prove whether Washington said it or not, and he's not telling...he's been dead a couple hundred years.

As far as public schools go, people are forced to pay for it or forego having a place to live. That's a fact. Could I have sent my kids someplace else? Yup. Would I still have been forced to pay for something we didn't use? Yes.

Which part of the above would you like to refute?
So you sent your kids knowing it was a bad thing but you were paying anyways so that’s why? ........ you pathetic loser ....... the 12 year old thing is making more sense now.
So you sent your kids knowing it was a bad thing but you were paying anyways so that’s why? ........ you pathetic loser ....... the 12 year old thing is making more sense now.

Are you a proponent of confiscatory and non consensual funding ?

If you are, how does that make you any different operationally from a person who has sex with a person who hasn't or isn't capable of consenting to sex?
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