Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
i AM a little slow..i still waste time now and then, trying to connect you to reality...i would say reconnect, but i'm not sure the connection has ever been established.It's easier to read your conflated commentary if you use paragraphs.
"Dooms the world to anarchy" . That's funny. How does advocating respecting every persons right to reciprocal self determination doom them ? (It's okay if you need to read that last line a couple times, I know you're a little slow) .
How does advocating respecting every persons right to reciprocal self determination doom them ?
because of facts that you refuse to recognize as facts, because they destroy your very inaccurate view of the world.
you keep saying that people should have all these freedoms, but you continually ignore the responsibilities that are attached to those freedoms. you want anarchy, which is only freedom for the strong, and that only lasts till the weak catch the strong with their pants down, then they kill the strong...then new strong comes and take what they want....till the want the fucking dark ages....and just flatly refuse to see tell everyone how fucked up they are, then talk like everyone on the planet can get along if we get rid of the government, and the police, and the armed forces....which is fucking wrong....very very most things you say....