You have the right to sit down, shut up and stay in line- or get shot

Poor Rob Roy. Did the government shut down your candy-van?
Poor Rob Roy. Did the government shut down your candy-van?

The only van I ever had was in the 1970s a Ford E-100. Terrible in the snow. Crossed the Canadian border pretty well though, back when we weren't so enslaved.

Oh darn! How rude of me, I totally blew off your witty rejoinder. I'll try to pay more attention to your next libelous post.
Actually I want Voluntary human relationships to be the norm as opposed to involuntary human relationships, which is what you propose.

Further, your point of view amounts to the idea that a central coercion based authority is needed to ensure that people won't fall prey to coercive people. That's a circular and nonsensical argument. You can't add shit to a recipe in order to eliminate the taste of shit in your culinary product.

I never said everyone on the planet will automatically get along, they certainly don't now under the present feudal system do they ? I think you own yourself, it's too bad you don't, slave.
do you not fucking understand, it doesn't matter what either of us want...what i don't want to fuck it up till we have something better to put in its place....and you have yet to suggest anything even close to as good as what we have, much less better....start making better suggestions, and i might start supporting some of them...keep talking bullshit anarchy where only the strong survive, and keep getting told fucking NO....none of your plans are workable, at all....come up with an idea that has a possibility of working for anyone except yourself...because you haven't so far, all you've suggested are juvenile, irresponsible, unworkable, impossible want to be taken seriously, come up with a serious idea, not more insane ramblings from mad max fantasies....not more "people will all be fair and treat each other with respect because i want them to" fucking fantasies....
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Without government what would stop me from freeing your wife and taking your land ? I would also force you to be my slave. Why would I do this ? Because I want you to see what it feels like. You either get down or lay down

What prevents government from taking your land NOW ?
do you not fucking understand, it doesn't matter what either of us want...what i don't want to fuck it up till we have something better to put in its place....and you have yet to suggest anything even close to as good as what we have, much less better....start making better suggestions, and i might start supporting some of them...keep talking bullshit anarchy where only the strong survive, and keep getting told fucking NO....none of your plans are workable, at all....come up with an idea that has a possibility of working for anyone except yourself...because you haven't so far, all you've suggested are juvenile, irresponsible, unworkable, impossible want to be taken seriously, come up with a serious idea, not more insane ramblings from mad max fantasies....not more "people will all be fair and treat each other with respect because i want them to" fucking fantasies....

Well that was interesting how you tried to form my thoughts for me. Not very accurate though. I never said people "will all just get along"

If people are such dicks, why would you set up a government system that automatically exempts SOME people from things that would be crimes if you or I did them, but not crimes when they do them, because they claim to be some kind of authority ? Can you explain that?