Just read this in a newsletter i get from Blackwater!This guy has a point.
Is it just me or could this pirate issue be fixed fairly quickly? How about one year of professional armed security personnel on every ship making the passage. I know everyone will be screaming how much it will cost; well folks don't even try to do the math on what it cost to run the USS Bainbridge and the JTF around the gulf responding to radio calls 600 miles away. Of course everyone will want to know what the rules of engagement are; again, there are a lot of smart people out there and this should be answered quickly (if they shoot an RPG at you, you shoot back). For the second year, there will be security on one of every three ships and a large sign on all ships that says this vessel is manned by armed security whether it is or not (kind of like those little signs and stickers people put on their house that says they have a security system but really just paid $5.00 for the sticker).
Eventually this will be just too risky for the pirates to continue the madness, especially if they are not getting money, oh and yes, the diplomatic avenue with nation building must be happening in parallel.
Stay safe.
John Adams
Managing Editor, Blackwater Tactical Weekly
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