you just took an American ship .............

Big P

Well-Known Member
Well, It's good to see Obama getting some credit for a job well done. Lord knows, had it gone wrong, he'd certainly have gotten the blame. All you righties were all over him during the incident. Maybe one should hold their tongues untill the conclusion, Eh?

damn Medi too bad fair guys like you werent around here when Bush was in office:roll:

seems the only fair ones around here are the actual fair ones. Mostly honest conservatives.

Nary a one of you libs stuck your head out for Bush when others were being unfair to him.

Main reason I stuck up for that man as much as I did on here was because of you peoples unbalanced & unfair attacks.



Well-Known Member
Let's see.

From the above posts it sounds like

1. The United States is going to end up with another military base in another thrid world country where we are training the third world people to protect themselves from other people of their country that want to act stupidly.

2. That the Somalian Pirates are pr-flakes that think that after they hijacked our ship, and we had to kill them to free one of our citizens that they some how have the right to vengeance.

Am I missing anything?


New Member
I like the bit in the story how the fourth pirate was onboard the destroyer "negotiating" with the captain, when he starts to get irate and demand a ransom. The captain realizes the pirates have trained an ak47 at the Alabama capt. and gives the order. How do you think that 4th pirate felt as it went down all around him... I'll bet he stopped shouting :lol:

"Okay man, you the boss".

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
damn Medi too bad fair guys like you werent around here when Bush was in office:roll:

seems the only fair ones around here are the actual fair ones. Mostly honest conservatives.

Nary a one of you libs stuck your head out for Bush when others were being unfair to him.

Main reason I stuck up for that man as much as I did on here was because of you peoples unbalanced & unfair attacks.
OK, It's the conclusion of Bush 43, well his time in office. The damage he has done lives on, and will for some time yet. So now let me say in retrospect, hell yeah, all the stuff I said about Bush was true as I know it and has been proven time and again, so yeah, he was and still is an asshole. I don't retract one damn thing, sorry charlie. BTW, never met an honest conservative.


Well-Known Member
I like the bit in the story how the fourth pirate was onboard the destroyer "negotiating" with the captain, when he starts to get irate and demand a ransom. The captain realizes the pirates have trained an ak47 at the Alabama capt. and gives the order. How do you think that 4th pirate felt as it went down all around him... I'll bet he stopped shouting :lol:

"Okay man, you the boss".

out. :blsmoke:
The fourth pirate was receiving medical attention for wound he suffered during the crews retaking of the ship. The guy was bleeding out from a massive stab wound in his hand. He lacked any legitimacy to speak on the behalf of the other pirates once he accepted medical attention from American medics. Tucking his dick between his legs like that and swimming over to the Americans for help was a desperate act. He knew that he was getting locked up.

Im just glad the captain is safe. Hes from a couple towns over from me in Underhill, Vermont. A true fucking hero risking his life like that.


New Member
The fourth pirate was receiving medical attention for wound he suffered during the crews retaking of the ship. The guy was bleeding out from a massive stab wound in his hand. He lacked any legitimacy to speak on the behalf of the other pirates once he accepted medical attention from American medics. Tucking his dick between his legs like that and swimming over to the Americans for help was a desperate act. He knew that he was getting locked up.

Im just glad the captain is safe. Hes from a couple towns over from me in Underhill, Vermont. A true fucking hero risking his life like that.
I'm just wondering why all three of the pirates left on board stuck their heads out at the same time instead of playing whack-a-mole.


Well-Known Member
I guess one pirate was hiding in the captains cabin, which was enclosed with glass. And it just so happens that the other two popped there heads out at the same time. Fucking seals. So hardcore.


Global Moderator
Staff member
All you righties were all over him during the incident.
Med - are we profiling? I take exception to this remark as I am a conservative republican which I take to mean a "Righty" (and I'm right handed too, convenient). I'm pretty sure you haven't seen me post any derogatory remarks about our present President concerning this incident or on any other threads. As I recall my only on line remark regarding Mr. Obama was that "I didn't vote for his change".

IMHO lumping people together in groups with a handy name rarely works as you will run into people that think out side the paradyne and don't fit in the one-size-fits-all cubby-hole. Not so say I agree with everyone else whom is Republican conservative, its just the closest round hole that this square peg almost fits.

Oh, and before I forget - Go Navy.
Seals Rock in my book !!
Peace (Except to pirates !!)


New Member
I understand where the left is coming from on matters of social issues...they just don't know how to get there economically without massive collateral damage. Fiscally, the left is a nightmare.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Med - are we profiling? I take exception to this remark as I am a conservative republican which I take to mean a "Righty" (and I'm right handed too, convenient). I'm pretty sure you haven't seen me post any derogatory remarks about our present President concerning this incident or on any other threads. As I recall my only on line remark regarding Mr. Obama was that "I didn't vote for his change".

IMHO lumping people together in groups with a handy name rarely works as you will run into people that think out side the paradyne and don't fit in the one-size-fits-all cubby-hole. Not so say I agree with everyone else whom is Republican conservative, its just the closest round hole that this square peg almost fits.

Oh, and before I forget - Go Navy.
Seals Rock in my book !!
Peace (Except to pirates !!)
In all extremes there will always be one level headed dude, I guess you are it.


Well-Known Member
Well, It's good to see Obama getting some credit for a job well done. Lord knows, had it gone wrong, he'd certainly have gotten the blame.
Apparently you are surprised. What is so astounding about the opposition being fair-minded?
All you righties were all over him during the incident.
More generalizing, I presume?

Personally I waited until the incident was resolved before I chimed in. And then I gave credit where credit was due. Check the thread.

So much for all us Righties.
Maybe one should hold their tongues untill the conclusion, Eh?
Perhaps one should take his own advice.


New Member
Apparently you are surprised. What is so astounding about the opposition being fair-minded?

More generalizing, I presume?

Personally I waited until the incident was resolved before I chimed in. And then I gave credit where credit was due. Check the thread.

So much for all us Righties.

Perhaps one should take his own advice.
Geeze johnny, you're always so astute,~LOL~. I live for your criticism. You may be a voice of reason in the murk and gloom of right wing rhetoric, but this is not always the case, in my humble estimation.


Well-Known Member
Alas, it is true.

There are those rare times when my keyboard is in fourth gear while my brain remains in neutral.

One might conclude I was on 'the weed.' :lol:

Big P

Well-Known Member
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Pirates attack U.S. cargo ship but fail to get aboard

  • The Liberty Sun, a U.S.-flagged cargo ship, attacked by pirates
  • Pirates weren't able to make it aboard the ship
  • Coalition ship escorting cargo ship as it continues to Mombasa, Kenya
From Mike Mount

CNN Pentagon Producer
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Liberty Sun, a U.S.-flagged cargo ship bound for Mombasa, Kenya, was attacked Tuesday by Somali pirates, according to a NATO source with direct knowledge of the matter.
The pirates never made it onto the ship. The vessel is now being escorted by a coalition ship, still bound for Mombasa.
The source could provide no details on where the vessel was attacked but said it is suspected the pirates were based on a mother ship somewhere in the area.

Navy Thwarts Pirate Attack on U.S. Cargo Ship New York based vessel was damaged, but crew was unhurt

Updated 10:19 PM EDT, Tue, Apr 14, 2009
Related Topics: U.S. Navy | Lake Success

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The attack on the Liberty Sun occurred about 300 miles off the coast of Somalia.

The U.S. Navy successfully repelled an attack by Somali pirates who attempted to hijack an American owned cargo ship Tuesday by firing rocket propelled grenades and automatic weapons at the vessel, officials said.
Courageous Captain Rescued by Navy Seals

Captain Richard Phillips, who has been held by Somali pirates since Wednesday in a small life boat off of Africa, has been freed.

The Week that Was: Obama in Iraq, Pirates Attack...

Capt. Richard Phillip sacrificed himself to save his crew from Somali pirates, President Obama made a surprise visit to troops in Iraq, and Chris Brown...

No one was injured during the brazen attack, but the New York based ship was damaged, officials from Liberty Maritime Corporation of Lake Success said in a statement.

"We are grateful and pleased that no one was injured and the crew and the ship are safe," the statement from the Long Island based company said. "We have communicated with the families of the crew to inform them of these developments. We commend the entire crew for its professionalism and poise under fire."
The attack on the Liberty Sun occurred about 300 miles off the coast

of Somalia, U.S. officials told NBC News.
It came just days after U.S. Navy Seals were able to rescue Captain Richard Phillips from Somali pirates who had taken him hostage after the bandits failed to capture his cargo ship, the Maersk Alabama.
In today's attack, the pirates were not able to board the Liberty Sun despite being heavily armed.

"The pirates pretty much shot up the bridge, but no one was hurt," according to one source. The crew immediately requested assistance from the Navy, which dispatched forces that were able to thwart the pirates.
The crew of the ship barricaded themselves in the engine room as they came under fire and waited for help to arrive, reported.

"We are under attack by pirates, we are being hit by rockets. Also bullets," sailor Thomas Urbik of Illinois, wrote in e-mails to his mother, Katy, according to CNN. "We are barricaded in the engine room and so far no one is hurt. [A] rocket penetrated the bulkhead but the hole is small. Small fire, too, but put out."
"Navy is on the way and helos and ships are coming," the e-mail said. I'll try to send you another message soon. [G]ot to go now. I love you mom and dad and all my brothers and family."
A little more than an hour later, the sailor sent another e-mail to his mother telling her that the Navy had arrived and that the ship and its crew were safe.

"The navy has showed up in full force and we are now under military escort ... all is well. I love you all and thank you for the prayers," Urbik wrote.

The Liberty Sun was bound for Mombasa, Kenya carrying thousands of tons of humanitarian aid to African nations, shipping officials said. The vessel will continue to its destination with an escort.
"We want to especially thank the United States Navy for its prompt response to our request for assistance," Liberty said in its statement. "We also wish to thank the U.S. Government for its cooperation in responding to this attack."
Sunday's rescue of Phillips, where three pirates holding the skipper in a lifeboat were shot dead by Navy snipers, has not slowed down the pace of the hijackings.

On Tuesday, pirates seized four ships with a total of 60 hostages. "No one can deter us," one bandit boasted.
"Our latest hijackings are meant to show that no one can deter us from protecting our waters from the enemy
because we believe in dying for our land," Omar Dahir Idle told The Associated Press by telephone. "Our guns do not fire water. I am sure we will avenge."

The freed skipper will return home to the United States on Wednesday, after reuniting with his 19-man crew in Mombasa, according to the shipping company Maersk Line Ltd. Phillips had offered himself as a hostage to spare his ship and his men a battle with the armed bandits -- earning the admiration of his men who hailed him as a hero.


New Member
Here's what I've been wondering......

These pirates have been doing this for several years. I think it was Austrailia who's ship was taken and they asked the US for help and we said "not our problem".

Maybe if we'd have dealt with it then we wouldn't be having this problem now.

Why did America wait until the pirates had stolen lots of stuff and got their equiptment and numbers up to a working amount so they felt comfortable attacking American ships? Had we nipped this shit in the bud we wouldn't be here right now.

Just another case of ignoring it doesn't make it go away.

It's the karmic circle, we didn't care when it wasn't us, well now it suddenly is us and we're outraged? I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been expecting it and am surprised that it hasn't happened sooner to be honest.