You know your a stoner/pothead if................

you know your a stoner when your smoking your bong on the toilet and try to pass it
(just happened to me lol) are on a first-name basis with your local "Sandwich Artist". keep a mini-fridge by the couch but always forget to put anything in it.
...when someone knocks on your door you have to sprint to more than two rooms to hide paraphenalia've gone to see your dealer, stayed to watch "Spaceballs" from start to finish, and returned home without remembering to buy herb.:joint:
Or if you actuallyy sit there and watch the commercials then wonder why and remember you are watching the dvr. Happens to me all the time, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

When you get to a commercial on your DVR recorded program and decide to switch the channel rather than fast avg. is about 5x/day.
You know your a stoner when.......

You cant use the bathroom with out a bong, pipe, blunt or joint
You smoke even though your throat is sore
You dont wanna go out cause you cant smoke
You get your hand on every tin altoid or otherwise for your stash
You forget you recorded a program and watch it with the commerical
You have seen every that so 70's show
You have pipes stashed all over you house
You dont smoke cig but alway have a liter
You go grocery shopping and half you items are drinks
You forget you kids are on punishment and left them go outside
You take your kid off punishment cause you wana play
You watch Courage the cowardly dog, and laugh as much as the kids
You can make everything apply to weed
You dont have nose hairs (been burned out)
You have to smoke to go to sleep
You have to smoke to wake up
You have to smoke before you do anything, it make you smarter

You have an ideas about products that will sale millions, but after sober up, they dont sound so great

omg thats fucked up but so fuckin true , to phoned to stone home rofl i always for get waht i was watching when a commercial comes on. heres mine, you might be a stoner: when you get pissed at your friends for not passing the lighter only to realize 20 minutes later your the one holding the lighter.
wonder why nobody is passin the bowl then you look down to realize your the one holding the bowl

rip apart a soldering gun to make a vaporizor

rip apart a light buld to make a different vaporizer

when your bath tub is always filled with water and a two liter with no bottom floatin on the top
wonder why nobody is passin the bowl then you look down to realize your the one holding the bowl

rip apart a soldering gun to make a vaporizor

rip apart a light buld to make a different vaporizer

when your bath tub is always filled with water and a two liter with no bottom floatin on the top

So (but I'm using a

And that's a spare bathroom that I'm using as a water reservoir...


Rep Love Rules!!! -
Have you checked your trichomes today...
Funnier than Karma696969
when you cant remember your best moments. starting a movie in your room then get up to grab munchies from the kitchen but you get distracted by the computer on the the way there realize what your main mission was, so you get up leave the computer as is make the food sit down in the living room to watch tv while eating the munchies go holy crap walk past the computer again finish what you where doing then go watch the end half of the movie you had playing in your room.
You know your a stoner when u get stuck watching the TV and completely forget you have a joint lit till the comercials come on.
you know your a stoner when you get pissed off at your friend for not answering a question you never asked. you forget what thread your posting in. when you said ten years ago that you didn't have a brain cell left and your still saying it. when just a look from another stoner cracks you up. (note thats why i always liked smoking with my friend) when you get the munchies so you go fix something then later you remember but go fire one up and forget again. when you can build a bong or pipe in 5 minutes from a toilet paper roll.
you know your a stoner when you try to lower the volume on your media player with the satelite or tv remote. you might be a stoner if: you remember all the good times in your life and realize you were stoned in each one. you might be a stoner if: your scrap up change just to buy a dime. you might be a stoner if: all the screens on your home has holes in them. you might be a stoner if : you know every dealer with in a 25 mile radius. you might be a stoner if you own countless ashtrays and you don't smoke cigarettes. you might be a stoner if: you get a contact high just from sitting in your might be a stoner if: you might be a stoner if: you remember weed strains but forget your families names. ok thats all i can think of for now and my brain hurts.