You know your a stoner/pothead if................

You know your a stoner when

you spend more time reading and learning about growing pot than you ever did in school

When you actually have a bic lighter die on you

if you have a seed collection going

if your saving all your roaches just incase you run out of trees

if theres flakes of pot all over every surface in your house

if you know exactly how much money you need to make to supply your habit till next month

if you wipe your windows with alcohol and the rag is black with tar

you make yourself cough as much as it sucks to get higher

if you cant sleep unless your high

if your parents give up trying to make you quit
go on vacation and is worried that you didnt set the timers correctly
go on vacation and worried that you left the grow room unlocked.

"while smoking you look around and wonder what it would be like if all the pine trees were big ass bud plants haha"
Definitely have done that a few times.

I also have let this happen dozens of times while eating or sitting on the laptop....
"you know your a stoner when you wind up watching the main menu and listening to the music cause you are too lazy to get up and turn it off after you finish watchign a dvd"

You know your a stoner when You sit at work daydreaming about your grow:blsmoke:
You know you're a pothead/stoner when 75% of your clothes has random burn holes.

You know you're a pothead/stoner when you came to this thread with something in my mind but cant remember it now!
you know your a stoner when you pick your dog out at the pound, you choose the one all over the bud in your pocket:)
you know your a stoner if ya got spotting knife's

you know your a stoner when u brun your lips or nose, well spotting
dude that shit is pretty funny. I swear I've done over half of those things.....
Proud to Be a Stoner
i don't feel like reading that long post right now, but im sure i meet the requirments of being a true pot head.
When you eat gas station hamburgers more than fast food.

When a TV show about Great Whites is the best part of your day.
I love these threads!

When you routinely leave the milk in the cupboard and the cereal in the fridge.

You are an expert on the Sativa/Indica debate.

All of the screens in your faucets are missing b/c you used them to fill your pipes.