young marijuana not growing, dying, withering and turning yellow PLEASE HELP!!


first time growing, in a small cupboard, about 7 feet tall 3 feet wide and 4 feet depth. was using energy savers to grow the plants, but when my HID came i put it in, because i was rushing a bit, that night the room got way hot (i think) and most plants turned yellow, i bought extractor fan sucking air out of the room, hopefully creating a vacuum, thus sucking air into the room from all the gaps in the door ect. it kinda worked, the temperature dropped a bit, i then noticed that at the bottom of the pots plastic was covering the holes at the bottom of the pots, i quickly pierced these, and things improved and plants seemed a little happier, but then 2 days later two of the yellower plants died, the other yellow one is still alive but not really growing at all, 2 plants were fine (the stronger of the 5 plants) apart from one which had yellow tips on its leaves, over the corse of the next couple of days the small plant still hasnt grown much, the one with yellow tips grow 2 new sets of leaves, and the strongest growing slowly, but healthy looking and biggest of the plants. the the plant that grew too new pairs of leaves has now for some reason goon really thin yellow and is curling. i looked online for some new LED lights (NASA STUFF) and want to know if thats what i should buy to solve my problem. is it heat? havnt been able to measure the temp, but its not like oven hot, its like beach day hot, (doesnt marijuana like hot sunny humid rooms? should i invest in hydroponics with water irrigation? WHY IS THERE PROBLEM FOLLOWED BY PROBLEM!

also the soil i bought is a bit woodchippy not like normal fine soil, the guy i got it off gave it the thums up in terms of mari growin, but im not sure,
i just feel alone here, i need help directly aimed at my specific problem, im loosing faith, i need a saviour PLEASE COMMENT THANK YOU!!!!!!
also ive been growing them since the 16 of nov. and there only about 3-4 inches tall? WHY!? argggh

at work atm so cant show picks, will post later. x x x


Active Member
aiight.what nutes you using .? how often do you water? could be due to over watering, under watering, over best bet for now is to switch back to cfls. get 3 23w 6500k cfls and 2 23w 2700k cfls. i do think the temp is the problem but im not an expert. switch back to cfls and monitor your plants.dont water your plants untill ruthly 2 inches of the top layer of the soil is dry. hope this dude and keep me posted if it improves .cheers


ff home now, was using 4, 60 watt energy savers at the beginning, should i put that back up yer? the problem is security, i cant let light been seen coming from the cupboard, is there an alternative to hid for both flowering and budding? i was looking into that nasa led grid thing? ill keep you posted, moving them into bigger pots when i get home, hope to talk in a bit, thanks. oh also i was looking into buying a hydroponics kit with water irrigation? bad idea? x


oh and im just using normal water, ive got this energy nutr stuff to mix into the water, but i thought that might be bad because of the age of the plants. their so small for their age, unless ive been misslead. ill post pics in a couple of hours x


bud bootlegger
it sounds to me like you may have a couple of things going on here.. you said that the holes in the pots were covered with plastic.. so to me, that may mean that they were getting overwatered, as the water had no way of escaping the pots.. it sounds like you took care of that already though... it takes time for a plant to bounce back sometimes.. and heat may also be an issue.. i agree with the above poster, and would go with the cfl's again.. put them back in, and put them about three or so inches away from your plants at this young age.. don't worry about nutes yet.. and i would say don't worry about going hydro yet either.. although alot of people may start out with hydro and have no problems at all, i think it is a good idea to start out in dirt and get a feel for how a plant grows and what it needs before stepping up to hydro.. and being that you are having problems now in soil, i think that stepping up to hydro would only complicate things more and not make them better... this is only my opinion of course, and some people may say otherwise, but i am still under ten grows myself and would like to try some hydro in the future, but i am still trying to get the basics down first..


just about to upload some pics, just put the 4, 60watt energy savers (cfl?) back in like u guys said, their in rather small plastic pots, as you will see in a bit, i just got some bigger pots, should i transfer them? or should i leave it because of stress? in all honesty i dont hink their big enough to even have a strong root structure so transfering them might be hard? first timer as you have probably guessed, really appreciate the help. never done a forum be4 either, people actually reply!!!


cooler now, didnt transfer the pots, i want to keep these last three alive, any thing i can do to help them through these difficult times? i will constantly update this forum with images of what is going on each time i look at my darlings. the dying plant is called gonzo the healty one is gonzo, the one that hasnt grown much is yet to be named any ideas :) !!!!!! this project is really exciting me, but the problems have been killing my buzz, i think im going to sell my hid and buy something cooler, what would be best for both red and blue spec? i want my babys to be strong. x


Well-Known Member
jus keep em under cfls for veg then hps for flowering , spend the veg time sorting out decent airflow drill two holes in the door to allow air to be sucked in twice the amount of area as is being sucked out is a gd rule of thumb ie 6" extractor 2 no 6" holes. if u look after em well they may pull through but i gotta say m8 they look proper crispy. if they gunna live then u should see some new growth within a week, gd luck m8 its a fucker wen it goes wrong i know ive done it we all have at sum point :)


ive just installed another extractor fan blowing air in, like you said, it nice and cool in their now, im starting to think the temperature would be fine the the hid now, but ill leave those cfl's their and upload some pics soon, should i change anything else or buy anything, even if not for this grow but the next to make sure this doesnt happen again? cheers x


Well-Known Member
ive just installed another extractor fan blowing air in, like you said, it nice and cool in their now, im starting to think the temperature would be fine the the hid now, but ill leave those cfl's their and upload some pics soon, should i change anything else or buy anything, even if not for this grow but the next to make sure this doesnt happen again? cheers x
You def need a thermometer/humidity combo. Can be found at most hardware, walmart, homedepot ect.... for under 20 bucks. Worth its weight in gold to know and keep the temps in prime range.


whats best for temp/humidity? what kind of temps should i aim for for example. im and londoner, no wall mart for me :( ive been using so ill get them from there, what seeds are good at withstanding high temperatures and bad conditions? just out of curiousty, mayb for next time. using master kush atm. one of my plants is looking really healty atm, shame about the other two. should i be watering with distilled water or just tap water? can to much humidity cause plants to die? the plants are sitting on a rack on top of a tray filled with water to evaporate into the room, bad idea? let me know x


if i was to start again, would there be someone to help me through the entire process, so i dont slip up too much? ill upload pics every week and keep a log of what i give the plants ect..


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Were you using spiral, compact florescents,or did your 60 watt energy saver bulbs look like this?

Because if your answer is yes,that is the wrong kind of bulb to be using.No wonder your plants haven't grown much.
Now, looking at the pic,I'd say you fried those plants. And if you cannot cut a hole into your grow room to install a proper exhaust system,it's probably better if you don't use that 400 watt light. Looking at that plant, I'd say just go ahead and throw them out and start over.If they've been that stressed,they may hermie.
For your first grow, you shouldn't try to grow several plants because you think it's going to give you a ton of yield. Quality trumps quantity, IMO. So, If you don't have the proper ventilation for your growroom,I suggest growing one or two plants under a smaller light for your first grow.This gives you experience,and less plants to worry about keeping happy.I grew one feminized indica plant, a Big Buddha G bomb,under a 150 watt hps. I added one tube fluorescent along the side as she grew to supplement some of the lower buds,and a reptile light for uvb. I Got two large mason jars of some fine herb, which is fine for my personal use.Cutting holes in my walls wasn't an option for me,so this light was a great solution. I kept a fan directly on the bulb,and made sure to open the door during the light cycle each day to replace the air. I also had one other fan to strengthen the plant,and a swamp cooler to add humidity when I felt it needed it. This is the light right here if you're interested.
It' doesn't sound like you have an actual thermometer in there, because you didn't give numbers. A dual temperature/humidity gauge like you use in a closet works fine, you can get them at walmart for a few bucks.You also should invest in a ph meter,and a tds meter is good for testing how hard your water is.Harder water can impede the absorption of nutrients. Both of these meters can be gotten online at ebay for around 20 bucks. Here's the ph meter I got, it's not top of the line, but it works fine.
Here's the same tds meter I got.

I used some soil with added nutrients at first, but my plant started to have problems so I transferred her to some organic soil I bought at Walmart. It worked fine. I used miracle gro fertilizer,but I never ended up giving her a full strength dose of it, I started out with 1/4 of what was recommended,and I don't think I went above 1/2. I got a timer to turn my lights on and off,and I NEVER INTERRUPTED THE DARK CYCLE. In fact, I found the more I left her alone,except for a watering every few days and opening the door during the day cycle to refresh the air, the better she did.
My first grow, I used the wrong lights at first, then not enough cfl's, etc,doing the usual noob thing of trying to cut corners. I got shitty weed out of it. In my grow journal, that's my second grow,and I think it turned out great. You just need to make sure you read the growfaq,and get all the supplies you need before you grow.If you're patient, you will be rewarded with some great pot.Good luck.
first time growing, in a small cupboard, about 7 feet tall 3 feet wide and 4 feet depth. was using energy savers to grow the plants, but when my HID came i put it in, because i was rushing a bit, that night the room got way hot (i think) and most plants turned yellow, i bought extractor fan sucking air out of the room, hopefully creating a vacuum, thus sucking air into the room from all the gaps in the door ect. it kinda worked, the temperature dropped a bit, i then noticed that at the bottom of the pots plastic was covering the holes at the bottom of the pots, i quickly pierced these, and things improved and plants seemed a little happier, but then 2 days later two of the yellower plants died, the other yellow one is still alive but not really growing at all, 2 plants were fine (the stronger of the 5 plants) apart from one which had yellow tips on its leaves, over the corse of the next couple of days the small plant still hasnt grown much, the one with yellow tips grow 2 new sets of leaves, and the strongest growing slowly, but healthy looking and biggest of the plants. the the plant that grew too new pairs of leaves has now for some reason goon really thin yellow and is curling. i looked online for some new LED lights (NASA STUFF) and want to know if thats what i should buy to solve my problem. is it heat? havnt been able to measure the temp, but its not like oven hot, its like beach day hot, (doesnt marijuana like hot sunny humid rooms? should i invest in hydroponics with water irrigation? WHY IS THERE PROBLEM FOLLOWED BY PROBLEM!

also the soil i bought is a bit woodchippy not like normal fine soil, the guy i got it off gave it the thums up in terms of mari growin, but im not sure,
i just feel alone here, i need help directly aimed at my specific problem, im loosing faith, i need a saviour PLEASE COMMENT THANK YOU!!!!!!
also ive been growing them since the 16 of nov. and there only about 3-4 inches tall? WHY!? argggh

at work atm so cant show picks, will post later. x x x


ok, a lot to take in, first off i'm going to get new soil, ph, temp and humidity testing equipment, and a small fan for the room. i just took the hid out and put my 60 watt gig back in, and added an airflow going INTO the room as well as sucking out. i have the plants in small plastic pots, which i think i will replace for bigger pots tonight. t thingy he 60 watt looks like this (old video) i'm just added normal (not too cold) tap water and they are currently in pete moss soil which ad you can see in that picture is lumpy soil (good? bad?) i want to be certain of what lights to use for my room, i would like to be able to still use the hid, i think the room would be a lot cooler now with an inline airflow, but as the hid has been removed, i cannot tell (i will test it when i get the thermometer) i guess that lower watt hid link produces less heat, but if that problem is now sorted, it should be ok with the 400 right? i have various nutrients for the plants, given by a friend, when i get home ill try figure them out and give you guys a bit more info so your not so in the dark like me. one of the plants as i said is doing nicely the other two are crispyfied, but when i get home ill see if their is any chance of recovery, if not ill just keep my healthy one and plant some new seeds. is it possible to grow plants completely with another low heat (lowish price) alternative? im not sure whether to use my light shown in that utube vid, untill they are stronger and then switch onto hid when their in their 12 hour light a day cycle. thanks for all your help dude, you words have comforted me on this catastrophe! x


Active Member
hey man.yea defently get new soil dude.also what kelvin are your cfls. E.G 2700k,3000k,4100k, 5500k ,6500k? and dude if they look like that dudes pic that he showed u then ur using the wrong light man. myself and many other memebers im sure will be most happy to help you through ur grow man.the guys here are very good and respond very quick.we all like a family.1 happy stoned community lol


i just transferred into bigger pots, the two baby plants that are crispy have like NO roots at all, unlike the healthy plant. what do you think is wrong with their roots or lack of them? not sure of the lumens but i think 2700k each so 10800k altogether i think :S
im getting close to giving up and starting again, going to germinate new seeds tomorrow, or should i wait till i get new soil? what would be the best soil to get for my room conditions? x


Well-Known Member
the k reperesents the spectrum of lighting ur bulbs will bump out, 6400k is for vegetive and 2700k for flower a 6400 will give a blue light an the 2700 a red light. then the wattage will determine the intensity of light, check ya bulbs are 6400k :)


the k reperesents the spectrum of lighting ur bulbs will bump out, 6400k is for vegetive and 2700k for flower a 6400 will give a blue light an the 2700 a red light. then the wattage will determine the intensity of light, check ya bulbs are 6400k :)
all that it says on the bulb is

electronic 11w
220-240v 50/60Hz 105mA
FLE11BX/T3/827 6y
made in chinaland

heres a video of the room now x