Your biggest fear while growing?

Perhaps if you asked her just one time

'do you love me?'

you may well be surprised by the answer

like a balance sheet have to go by the bottom line

I say this as many relationships do sour in time ...srry!

but good luck
My biggest fears has always been when its drying no matter how you shake it when your drying 36 pounds of wet bud no matter what the whole fucking house and around he house stinks
I lived through my fear a few years ago. A 211 , Strong armed robbery. They took everything.

About 12 years ago I got locked up on some bullshit illegal search and seizure. Once I saw the judge the judge said the cops had no right to arrest me. My lawyer was sharp as a marble but poker buddies with the judge. I had just got off work. Went home changed. Walked out my gate walked 10 feet. Cops tackled me and said they followed me for 2 blocks watching me peep into houses. I had qp in a back pack. . They went through the bag. Then they bum rushed my front door. Siezed a bunch of shit. They even emptied ziploc bags filled with audio cords and took the bags as evidence. Crooked ass cops
Move to australu
I lived through my fear a few years ago. A 211 , Strong armed robbery. They took everything.

About 12 years ago I got locked up on some bullshit illegal search and seizure. Once I saw the judge the judge said the cops had no right to arrest me. My lawyer was sharp as a marble but poker buddies with the judge. I had just got off work. Went home changed. Walked out my gate walked 10 feet. Cops tackled me and said they followed me for 2 blocks watching me peep into houses. I had qp in a back pack. . They went through the bag. Then they bum rushed my front door. Siezed a bunch of shit. They even emptied ziploc bags filled with audio cords and took the bags as evidence. Crooked ass cops
Move to the land down under :) were we run the popo ;)
My partner... she would never hurt me or damage my things - I don't even think she's capable of it. She is so beautiful that I find myself just staring at her and being content. Since being together we've both grown a lot, I've come to appreciate how strong she is, especially having to put up with me, but at the same time she's so very fragile and delicate. Since I've known her she always looks great and I've never once gone to see her and been disappointed. I love to do everything I can for her, give her all the best things I can, keep her comfortable... and she responds every time; it's genuine appreciation. It's like she knows me and knows what I need...
I just know she'll understand and forgive me when I hack her to pieces, cut her head off and smoke it.
They've been married 27 years, he's probably not going to ditch her now. I hate to say this, because it's a terrible thing to have in a relationship, but toaster needs to get some leverage on his wife if he's going to continue. It seems like this should have been all worked out by now, but I'm not really a people person. I couldn't grow under constant threat like that.
Wait, she smokes too,right? Put her ass to work in the garden. If she has an investment in in maybe she won't hose it. Plus, it will wear her out a bit too.
Old Turkish proverb - "No matter how many miles you have gone, when you find yourself going the wrong direction turn around."
I used to have a wife. She didn't really bother my stuff but she had a mouth. She couldn't help but run her mouth and if she didn't have anything impressive to say she would make up shit and lie. Actually she would just lie anyway. It was a sad existence. I didn't even like her. Sorry toaster. Even tho I didn't like her it was still extremely difficult to end it and it did hurt for a bit. But, it was like freedom when she finally packed up and got out. Gets easier with time bro. I embrace the freedom and could never go back to that again. To this day I am still concerned who she may have told.

My worst fears have all been stated by others. The smell. People running their mouth(no one knows now). Cops. Robbers. Best to just stay on te down low if you ask me. Unless you have the time and dough to guard your shit 24/7. I have a lot of anxiety and it drives me to be super secure and cautious. But, no matter how stealth you are, you just can't hide everything. I think the tents and cabs are great for keeping light leaks at bay and confining the odors, but anyone with half a brain would instantly know what it's for if they saw it. The anxiety is a mother fucker for sure. The old line "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself", that shits true. The anxiety can be debilitating. I'm sure prison or getting jacked up by a robber is worse tho. Harvest time for me is like that divorce. A huge sigh of relief comes with it. Like a ton of bricks lifted off the shoulders.

After harvest. What to do with all the residuals? The bunk material from the plant? The sugar leaf and larf? Holy fuck I've got Oz of bunk shit material that would get me just as busted as the goods. Bet the stems would hold a finger print. Can't just dump this shit in someone else's yard. What if they grow? Stems in the fire place? Did that once and it stunk up the whole neighborhood. Not fucking cool. lol. Anxiety a mofo.

Anyway @toaster struedel Good luck bro. The older bitches go cray. You tell yo wife I said she needs to chill the fuck out. We all need to embrace the peace and love. That's a long time bro. Maybe try some meditation or some shit. Get one with the love. If I had made it 27 years I would give it one last HUGE effort to correct it before I just said eff it this ain't working. Best of luck bro.

Mine was only 6 years but, the last 4 I didn't even like her. Took so long to end it because I don't deal with failure well. Now, the residual hatred and memories of the bad shit that went down still linger, and hurt, but it's getting better. I gotta forgive. She will probably get married in a short period(she been married 5 times) and when she does I'll start fucking her again. I met her when she was married, I just got stupid one day and wanted to be te "hero" who rescued her from her ex before me. Moved her into my crib and married her. :wall: lol. It's all true bro.

Peace and love. Search for and embrace the peace and love. :peace:
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Sounds like advice for me to stay single! My ladies are very special and deserve to be treated that way. When they hurt, I hurt! However, I also don't wanna be the stoned, lonely old man on the block either! Hahahahahaha! don't wanna be the old miserable hen peeked man on the block either? ...having to constantly look over your shoulder?
My gal is really scared as well. She's threatened taking it down before but she knows it'd break my heart!

My biggest fear is fire. We have two cats we love dearly and it's always on my mind. Gonna purchase an auto extinguisher or two soon fears.
my biggest fear was the cops,now i am small grower for me and thats it so not pulling pounds off a harvest or anything. Now my biggest fear is finding growing boring, which i do alot of lately, house half remodeled..etc...but so far its a hoot and i really hope to make a living out of it somehow.