Well-Known Member
Been growing indoors for about 15 years now. You would think my biggest fear would be crop failure, maybe cops or theives? Not mine, my biggest fear is my wife of 27 years. Anytime she gets a bug up her arse, or we get into an arguement. The first thing she goes for is my plants. She has in the past destroyed crops in a heart beat for the smallest of things. So anyone else ever deal with anything like this? You would think she'd have my back coz she smokes as much as I do. But infact she's my biggest worry!
Holy shit, this couldn't possibly hit home more for me man. Going through divorce now. She was always super supportive of it, involved herself in it also - but now is trying to use it as her only bargaining chip in the custody battle of our kids, because she has no ground to stand on. I'm legally growing for medical reasons, but there are some gray areas that make me nervous. Like I said, she had been nothing but supportive of it, even encouraged it - although she did kick my plants over once when she was having one of her fits. We were (on and off) together for about 15 yrs, married 5 and have 4 kids. What a mess. I feel your pain. I just hope I can cut ties without too much trouble on this matter, and that it has no bearing on the custody of my kiddos, but I'm preparing for the worst. She is DEFINITELY my biggest fear, unfortunately.