Your biggest fear while growing?

Been growing indoors for about 15 years now. You would think my biggest fear would be crop failure, maybe cops or theives? Not mine, my biggest fear is my wife of 27 years. Anytime she gets a bug up her arse, or we get into an arguement. The first thing she goes for is my plants. She has in the past destroyed crops in a heart beat for the smallest of things. So anyone else ever deal with anything like this? You would think she'd have my back coz she smokes as much as I do. But infact she's my biggest worry!

Holy shit, this couldn't possibly hit home more for me man. Going through divorce now. She was always super supportive of it, involved herself in it also - but now is trying to use it as her only bargaining chip in the custody battle of our kids, because she has no ground to stand on. I'm legally growing for medical reasons, but there are some gray areas that make me nervous. Like I said, she had been nothing but supportive of it, even encouraged it - although she did kick my plants over once when she was having one of her fits. We were (on and off) together for about 15 yrs, married 5 and have 4 kids. What a mess. I feel your pain. I just hope I can cut ties without too much trouble on this matter, and that it has no bearing on the custody of my kiddos, but I'm preparing for the worst. She is DEFINITELY my biggest fear, unfortunately.
I fear getting caught and ruinning my wifes life. If I get caught it would impact her and that wouldn't be fair. I tell no one and only do one grow a year.
There is nothing scarier or less predictable than a woman scorned. When I went through my divorce, I initiated it and told her there was no chance of reconciliation. Even if that's the case, don't say it or even hint it. Once I told her that and she actually got it (took several times, methods of communicating it and several months) omfg, she was like a monster, nothing like the woman I had originally married. Took me 3 years of fighting her in court to get any sort of reasonable agreement, so glad my kids were on grown and on their own, I'm sure she would have tried to use them against me. She tried everything else...

So my primary advice for anyone going through a divorce is even if it makes you feel like a pussy (think of this as an investment), never completely cut off that possibility of reconciliation (even if you know it'll never happen), keep any dates/girlfriends quiet, in general keep the peace and let her at least believe she's in control (within reason of course, don't be a real pussy, just act like it). Otherwise, you have no fucking idea what that woman scorned saying really means :shock:
I had two someone knock on my door dressed as a security gard i answered and his friend jumped out with a mask and pointed a pistol at me. Thsy took my hole crop and had a gun on me the hole time
Had two masked guys get into my house when I left a window open one night (stupid). Woke up to my dog, which was at the time a 115 pound Alaskan malamute absolutely shredding this guy's leg. There was blood everywhere and his partner had dipped out the back door when he saw me come into the dining room area where they were. I got the dog off and needless to say it was over with before they even got started. I still don't think they knew I had plants because I had told Noone aND was living by myself. Just a very random happening and it can go down at any time. I had no Fucking clue what to do but let the guy go. They didn't find the grow and I'm not sure they even knew about it. I fear this ever happening again bc I sleep like a rock, and don't have a big dog anymore.
To be honest, I'm more afraid of my grow box/house catching fire, rather than someone busting me (no one knows anyway). Could be my anxiety, but still I always double check the wires/ballast/fans etc. everyday and close all my fire proof doors leading into my garage. Although I know that this is highly impossible, it's not like I can hire an electrition to check my setp lol. :D
Had two masked guys get into my house when I left a window open one night (stupid). Woke up to my dog, which was at the time a 115 pound Alaskan malamute absolutely shredding this guy's leg. There was blood everywhere and his partner had dipped out the back door when he saw me come into the dining room area where they were. I got the dog off and needless to say it was over with before they even got started. I still don't think they knew I had plants because I had told Noone aND was living by myself. Just a very random happening and it can go down at any time. I had no Fucking clue what to do but let the guy go. They didn't find the grow and I'm not sure they even knew about it. I fear this ever happening again bc I sleep like a rock, and don't have a big dog anymore.
I have two big dogs and I'm still frightened. No one will ever know that I grow.
To be honest, I'm more afraid of my grow box/house catching fire, rather than someone busting me (no one knows anyway). Could be my anxiety, but still I always double check the wires/ballast/fans etc. everyday and close all my fire proof doors leading into my garage. Although I know that this is highly impossible, it's not like I can hire an electrition to check my setp lol. :D
haha lolzzz im dying
I did my first grow outdoors in Georgia. I lived 2 blocks from 2nd largest airport in the state and there were always helicopters and low flying aircraft. The area itself was densely populated near a very major intersection.The plants got bigger and bigger until they were starting to grow above my 6 foot privacy fence. I tied them down to try and keep them hidden and the smell started to get intense. I knew it was just a matter of a k9 unit driving past and the dog going crazy to get me in deep shit. Every night i had to keep myself from going outside and just cutting it all down. The paranoia and anxiety was hard to deal with but I stuck with it and got 9 ounces of free weed. I decided I didn't want to put up with that again and moved to a 420 friendly state. It is just plain wrong to have to go through the risk of doing federal time for a weed.
Been growing indoors for about 15 years now. You would think my biggest fear would be crop failure, maybe cops or theives? Not mine, my biggest fear is my wife of 27 years. Anytime she gets a bug up her arse, or we get into an arguement. The first thing she goes for is my plants. She has in the past destroyed crops in a heart beat for the smallest of things. So anyone else ever deal with anything like this? You would think she'd have my back coz she smokes as much as I do. But infact she's my biggest worry!

2 words...poly glycol
Been growing indoors for about 15 years now. You would think my biggest fear would be crop failure, maybe cops or theives? Not mine, my biggest fear is my wife of 27 years. Anytime she gets a bug up her arse, or we get into an arguement. The first thing she goes for is my plants. She has in the past destroyed crops in a heart beat for the smallest of things. So anyone else ever deal with anything like this? You would think she'd have my back coz she smokes as much as I do. But infact she's my biggest worry!

That sucks! You need a wife that helps your crop even when she hates you. My biggest fear is nanners seeding my crop (that I didn't discover until too late).
I lived through my fear a few years ago. A 211 , Strong armed robbery. They took everything.

About 12 years ago I got locked up on some bullshit illegal search and seizure. Once I saw the judge the judge said the cops had no right to arrest me. My lawyer was sharp as a marble but poker buddies with the judge. I had just got off work. Went home changed. Walked out my gate walked 10 feet. Cops tackled me and said they followed me for 2 blocks watching me peep into houses. I had qp in a back pack. . They went through the bag. Then they bum rushed my front door. Siezed a bunch of shit. They even emptied ziploc bags filled with audio cords and took the bags as evidence. Crooked ass cops
That's crazy misfortune! Do you think a "friend" gave them the tip?
There is nothing scarier or less predictable than a woman scorned. When I went through my divorce, I initiated it and told her there was no chance of reconciliation. Even if that's the case, don't say it or even hint it. Once I told her that and she actually got it (took several times, methods of communicating it and several months) omfg, she was like a monster, nothing like the woman I had originally married. Took me 3 years of fighting her in court to get any sort of reasonable agreement, so glad my kids were on grown and on their own, I'm sure she would have tried to use them against me. She tried everything else...

So my primary advice for anyone going through a divorce is even if it makes you feel like a pussy (think of this as an investment), never completely cut off that possibility of reconciliation (even if you know it'll never happen), keep any dates/girlfriends quiet, in general keep the peace and let her at least believe she's in control (within reason of course, don't be a real pussy, just act like it). Otherwise, you have no fucking idea what that woman scorned saying really means :shock:
An unwanted woman is the most dangerous creature on earth!

My divorce cost me over 30k.... Was worth it
Burning down the house. Not the song, actually burning down my house. A lot of what I've done has been DIY, and some of it includes using things in ways that were not part of their original design spec. I'm careful, but that's the thing that makes me pause.
You should at least take comfort in knowing that it's probably better built than some of the stuff that you can buy out there.