Your Stoner Lingo


I live in a spanish speaking country. Only smoked a few times (like 4) so we don't have a real extensive vocabulary but we use

Pecar (sin): go smoke

Shishiwela (friend who live as an exchange student in italy brought it): pass the join/bong/hose

We don't usually talk about it either than when we are alone, the only thing we say is go pecar (go sin) and then we just use common slang used in the country such as moña or motta (weed)


I'm not from an English speaking country but... here's some of our pot-slang:

"Let's go check on miss Ochmonek" - Let's smoke a spliff!
"That's a nice movie" / "What a movie" - Some nice weird situation that happens after smoking
"It's not working!" - when the joint goes out and you need a lighter
"Someone call for help!" - Order some food!



Well-Known Member
growing up we used to call smoking "bowling" not original but it was slick because it would following with.. "do you have your bag"... meaning do you have some weed... we would descibe the weed as if we were discribing our ball...

best part is that we would tell our rents we were going "bowling" and just use the sme shit, and it was so seamless

Nowadays... ahah... getting slicked (getting high) or just the words "do you wanna chill" thats all we need to hear... wow the progression...


all i know is, when im talking about smoking a blunt

i usually will say something like

"im gonna roll it up dot org"


"To the MAgic Kingdom....nah, man, too early to go to the Magic Kindom"
"Check out your stereo"
Burn One/Burn some tope
Check the wind direction
Check the plumbing(smoke in bathroom, under fan)
Visit Uncle Erb.

For stash pickup/delivery, a buddy and I used pizza lingo:
Feel like pizza?(Get high?)
I could eat a Small whole(Z)
I might have a slice(1/8th)
" " 2 slice(1/4 Z)
I really would prefer McDonalds(1/4 lb.):joint:

Dan Halen

Active Member
My bros and I called weed "chicken", because of a conversation we had the first time we smoked together.
If we were stoned, we would say "I'm in the fridge", because it was on an old record we listened to while high.


Well-Known Member
i say "hey lets smoke weed"

thats about it, i hate people who use really new terms or dumbass names for it

someone in little 5 here in atlanta (the fucking gayest place on earth, well besides the gay pride festival here) is full of lame suburb kids and annoying potheads (i like weed, i will smoke it alot, but i have other things to talk about, plus they are all douches)) anyway, someone asked me if i wanted trees and beans (i knew he meant weed an ex) and i was like "fuck no" and called him a damn farmer

i refuse to buy weed from retards, or cops. if you wanna sound like a cop, sound really stupid.