Your Stoner Lingo


Well-Known Member
rodie - drive around to smoke
rip it up - smoke out of the bong
cherry - still lit from previous hit
milk it - hit the bong
greens - fresh bowl of weed
cash that shit - tap out ashes
blitzed, blazed, ripped, - high
After first hit is taken person yells cheech and whoever says chong first gets second hit


rodie - drive around to smoke
rip it up - smoke out of the bong
cherry - still lit from previous hit
milk it - hit the bong
greens - fresh bowl of weed
cash that shit - tap out ashes
blitzed, blazed, ripped, - high
After first hit is taken person yells cheech and whoever says chong first gets second hit
around here its simple. Smoke, Toke, Blaze up, puff the magic dragon, eat sum tacos..thts really about it.


Well-Known Member
Havnt looked over the thread, but did anyone discuss the word "dank"? It just doesnt mean good weed either. Beer can be dank, food can be dank... But look up the definition of the word and it has nothing to do with these previous meanings.


Active Member
Blaze,get blizted

if i gotta call someone for some i say tweeds but mostly fruit most of the time

Lately when i'm really high i say i'm NFL blitzed cause i just got a dreamcast and been playing nfl blitz 2000 lately


New Member
When we want to be low key about smoking, say for example I walk up to my friend talking to some individuals(My friends and I are the type of people who smoke way too much but would rather not emulate the fact.) So, generally the accepted verbiage - let's discuss some politics.

Gather the spice - Picking up
Real spicy - High

It's pretty cool how sometimes things catch on, it was from our group perspective that it originated through us, but about 7-8 months of use and now we hear it everywhere.

This ever happen to anyone where they hear there terms through the mouths of individuals seemingly detached from our lives in society?


Active Member
I know some people who use to say lets smoke a fag as they were english and they smoked ciggs
and some how it got morphed into

lets go eat some jaffeycakes meaning lets go smoke

to this day i don't understand how they thought of it


Active Member
when i was in the army i made a real nice hash pipe out of a fire extinguisher, c'mon let's go put out a fire


Well-Known Member
around here it is usually the normal - catching a buzz or blazing and driving backroads while smoking is called a cut ride, but ive heard some dumb shit as well like people calling weed reloy, marigolds and recipe