Your thoughts on genetically modified Food ?

Believe whatever garbage you want to believe and go out and eat as many GMO's as you'd like. When this is common knowledge in a couple of years, can't claim you weren't warned. There's a reason Monsanto refuses to allow testing on their GMO's... they're toxic. By the way, the head of the FDA is a former Monsanto executive.

Sometimes when I move my butt cheek to try sneak a silent fart, it back fires on me and becomes a loud squeaker.
So--- Tomatoes altered with the DNA from arctic fish is just nature 'sped-up" ?
Sometimes when I move my butt cheek to try sneak a silent fart, it back fires on me and becomes a loud squeaker.

Grasshopper, you may have not yet mastered the ancient art of cheek grab-n-separate. With practice, you too can learn the art of releasing deadly Silent Giants.
What do thoughts matter? GMO crops are here to stay- so long as they will outcompete conventional crops.
Also, paranoia over the long term effects of GMO crops are unfounded. Roundup, even though I disapprove of its use, is a green herbicide, and it readily breaks up into inactive compounds. The paranoia over GMO 'contamination' is also unfounded. It would take literally one generation of random mating to see the GMOs disappear from the natural environment. If man werent maintaining them, they couldn't survive. I still don't agree with their use, but at least I know the facts.
So go ahead and eat them, because you have been for a long time, and you've survived them so far!
Two words
Scientific fraudOn two occasions, the United States EPA has caught scientists deliberately falsifying test results at research laboratories hired by Monsanto to study glyphosate.[SUP][117][/SUP] The first incident involved Industrial Biotest Laboratories (IBT). The United States Justice Department closed the laboratory in 1978, and its leadership was found guilty in 1983 of charges of falsifying statements, falsifying scientific data submitted to the government, and mail fraud.[SUP][118][/SUP] In 1991, Don Craven, the owner of Craven Laboratories and three employees were indicted on 20 felony counts. Craven, along with fourteen employees were found guilty of similar crimes.[SUP][119][/SUP]
Monsanto has stated the Craven Labs investigation was started by the EPA after a pesticide industry task force discovered irregularities, that the studies have been repeated, and that Roundup's EPA certification does not now use any studies from Craven Labs or IBT.[SUP][1 source[/SUP]
Two words
Scientific fraudOn two occasions, the United States EPA has caught scientists deliberately falsifying test results at research laboratories hired by Monsanto to study glyphosate.[SUP][117][/SUP]

You are mixing issues. Large corporate greed and Fraud versus Genetic Engineering as a tool which can be used responsibly or irresponsibly. A traditional plant breeder can just as easily falsify tests as well as a gene splicer.

Speaking of fraud, the study your crap article is based on was found to be completely flawed and not worth a shit except to mouth breathers that hate science.

"There is very little scientific credibility to this paper," said Martina Newell–McGloughlin, a plant biotechnologist at the University of California, Davis. "The flaws in the test are just incredible to me. To be totally honest with you, the type of statistical analysis they used is really a type of fishing expedition. One individual referred to it as 'fantasy statistics.'"

"You never, ever design an experiment to look for specific outcomes," she added. "If you're a real scientist, based on observations you find, you put forward hypotheses about how you are getting these types of outcomes. They do none of this."

You are convinced that GMOs are "toxic."
I am waiting to see some actual evidence.
That does not mean I am convinced of anything, except that you are closed minded and stubbornly ignorant. You seem to think junk science is fine when it backs up your opinion, but when peer reviewed studies are shown, you claim they are the result of a government cover up.

You are just like the climate deniers.
1.) I never said formaldehyde wasn't a naturally occurring chemical.
2.) Formaldehyde that naturally occurs is in benign amounts.
3.) Even the government admits its dangers -

No, what you said was:

Injecting yourself with ANY kind of aluminum, mercury, MSG, or formaldehyde is BAD.

Which is bullshit.
1. It doesn't matter whether it's from a natural source or not, CH2O is CH20.
2. Formaldehyde below certain thresholds are benign regardless of source
3. The government also encourages vaccination with vaccines that contain small quantities of formaldehyde.

And as I already said, the quantity of formaldehyde inside a vaccine is LESS than the amount you currently have in your body.
I have no idea really, but just because it's natural occurring does that mean it's safe to inject? Also, just because it's naturally occurring doesn't mean that they don't also make a synthetic version which they may be more likely to use. There is a big different between naturally occurring and synthetically made versions of the like. Things like synthetic THC come to mind..

Yes it does. Why would a chemical that is in foods you eat (naturally occurring, like in apples and nearly everything else) and that your body produces naturally be unsafe to inject at levels below what you make yourself? CH2O is CH2O. It's not a combination of tons of different chemicals like marijuana, it's a single simple organic compound. A ridiculously common organic compound. So simple that it occurs in space. There is absolutely no danger at the levels inside vaccines. Anyone that says otherwise is ignorant or brainwashed.
Again, the dose is much more important than the poison.
If you drink tap water you are drinking arsenic. It is in such a small dose that it is not harmful.