Your thoughts on genetically modified Food ?

What do thoughts matter? GMO crops are here to stay- so long as they will outcompete conventional crops.
Also, paranoia over the long term effects of GMO crops are unfounded. Roundup, even though I disapprove of its use, is a green herbicide, and it readily breaks up into inactive compounds. The paranoia over GMO 'contamination' is also unfounded. It would take literally one generation of random mating to see the GMOs disappear from the natural environment. If man werent maintaining them, they couldn't survive. I still don't agree with their use, but at least I know the facts.
So go ahead and eat them, because you have been for a long time, and you've survived them so far!
What do thoughts matter? GMO crops are here to stay- so long as they will outcompete conventional crops.
Also, paranoia over the long term effects of GMO crops are unfounded. Roundup, even though I disapprove of its use, is a green herbicide, and it readily breaks up into inactive compounds. The paranoia over GMO 'contamination' is also unfounded. It would take literally one generation of random mating to see the GMOs disappear from the natural environment. If man werent maintaining them, they couldn't survive. I still don't agree with their use, but at least I know the facts.
So go ahead and eat them, because you have been for a long time, and you've survived them so far!

It's not paranoia, it's hardcore facts about GMO's. Honestly, I'm at the point where I feel there's no point in trying to convince those who are in denial. They'll find out soon enough. Don't say I didn't warn you....

Did you really just say that if man didn't maintain nature, it wouldn't survive?
What do thoughts matter? GMO crops are here to stay- so long as they will outcompete conventional crops.
Also, paranoia over the long term effects of GMO crops are unfounded. Roundup, even though I disapprove of its use, is a green herbicide, and it readily breaks up into inactive compounds.

Solid reasoning.

Just curious, what is your problem with glyphosate? I use a ton of it on a commercial basis. Microbes actually feed on it. It's about as 'green' as it gets for such a wonderful. cheap and super effective herbicide. Monsanto needs to be thanked for developing this wonder chemical. It works by trashing the plant's amino acid processes. As soon as glyphosate hits the's history and has no effects.

It's not paranoia, it's hardcore facts about GMO's.

No it's not. You're parroting junk science, lies. Here's about 100 studies that were done by professionals, not some green idiot who falsely attached a doctorate designation to his pseudo name claiming to be an expert.

....and more.

1. GMOs Are Unhealthy

Every independent scientific body that has ever evaluated the safety of biotech crops has found them to be safe for humans to eat.

Credit: Library of CongressCredit: Library of CongressA 2004 report from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) concluded that “no adverse health effects attributed to genetic engineering have been documented in the human population.” In 2003 the International Council for Science, representing 111 national academies of science and 29 scientific unions, found “no evidence of any ill effects from the consumption of foods containing genetically modified ingredients.” The World Health Organization flatly states, “No effects on human health have been shown as a result of the consumption of such foods by the general population in the countries where they have been approved.”

In 2010, a European Commission review of 50 studies on the safety of biotech crops found “no scientific evidence associating GMOs with higher risks for the environment or for food and feed safety than conventional plants and organisms.”

Unfortunately there is no shortage of fringe scientists to gin up bogus studies suggesting that biotech crops are not safe. My personal favorite in this genre is Russian researcher Irina Ermakova’s claim, unpublished in any peer-reviewed scientific journal, that eating biotech soybeans turned mouse testicles blue.
All of those are government-funded studies. Why do you think Monsanto refuses to allow independent testing of its GMO's? Because they know how dangerous they are. They would lose millions, if not billions, then be held responsible for knowingly poisoning billions of people. Monsanto has heavy ties to the FDA (the government).
All of those are government-funded studies.

As I thought, you did not read the links. This is NOT a government funded series of 100's of tests you moron. And even if the tests are sponsored by the governments of many countries, so what? National Academy of Sciences, European Commission review? Well, horrors! Get off your stupid conspiracy high horse.

Your other thoughts are feelings, conjecture, not facts.

As I thought, you did not read the links. This is NOT a government funded series of 100's of tests you moron. And even if the tests are sponsored by the governments of many countries, so what? National Academy of Sciences, European Commission review? Well, horrors! Get off your stupid conspiracy high horse.

Your other thoughts are feelings, conjecture, not facts.


None of what I posted was thoughts, it was all backed up by years of evidence. You just choose not to look at it.
None of what I posted was thoughts, it was all backed up by years of evidence. You just choose not to look at it.

why don't you just start forecasting the end of mankind ? Makes as much sense as the nonsensical non-science you are spouting.

and I thought the only religious fanatics left were the extreme radical muslims using their religion as an excuse...
purple what fantasy world do you live in where Islam is the sole purpotrator of religious fanatacism?
purple what fantasy world do you live in where Islam is the sole purpotrator of religious fanatacism?

I don't believe muslims have a monopoly. In fact most muslims are not extremist radicals. There are just as many christian radicals around, but I do believe that in current times there are less of them that are violent than there are violent extremist muslims. Perhaps I'm tainted by the media in this regard, but some of my bias comes from having worked and lived in muslim countries as well as in Hawaii mormon country and been subject to jesus freaks from California.
I don't believe muslims have a monopoly. In fact most muslims are not extremist radicals. There are just as many christian radicals around, but I do believe that in current times there are less of them that are violent than there are violent extremist muslims. Perhaps I'm tainted by the media in this regard, but some of my bias comes from having worked and lived in muslim countries as well as in Hawaii mormon country and been subject to jesus freaks from California.

United States goes to war all the fucking time in the name of what's just, according to Jesus. Bush is a Bible thumping numb-nut, and to be honest.. so is Obama. Hitler was a Christian, or at least he paid lip services. How about the Crusades? The Spanish Inquisition? Any of this ring a bell? Your bias leans towards ignorance. No offense.
I prefer not to be a guinea pig for a corp.

To put it in a simple relative form, just think of the trials and tests put into growing your bud.
People try new things, they fail, they succeed but it takes years of refinement to get the outcome they desire.

Another relative form would be pharmaceuticals, again they do tests, release it to the public where more knowledge is gained
about the drugs. It takes time and the true affects of the product is never fully known until years after they have made it to consumers who
use it.

I recall reading about fluoride in one of these threads, another perfect example! It was touted as so good to be added to the water systems yet after years of use has
proven to have adverse affects.

How a person could trust a corporation to put a persons health and safety ahead of profits is beyond me. People should be smarter than that, and if they are not they should educate themselves in the way corporations and share holders work. Simple economics it really is that basic.

Oh the days when cig companies touted their products as safe comes to mind now.
United States goes to war all the fucking time in the name of what's just, according to Jesus. Bush is a Bible thumping numb-nut, and to be honest.. so is Obama. Hitler was a Christian, or at least he paid lip services. How about the Crusades? The Spanish Inquisition? Any of this ring a bell? Your bias leans towards ignorance. No offense.

I was talking about the current world not the past.
I was talking about the current world not the past.

Huh? Religion is religion man. Doesn't matter if it is past or present. The assertion made is that Muslims in general are more violent and radical. I provided exact examples to counter your point. And your counter is to redefine the argument?