Your thoughts on genetically modified Food ?

The first is a blog and a repackaging of the second.
Neither discusses either amount or incidence. To argue neuro-or oncotoxicity, you must mention dose.

The third has nowt to do with vaccine as causative factor ... it simply mentions two correlations between hospitalizations (cause unspecified) and vaccination and age. interestingly, the statistical fit was better for age than vaccination. The shocking conclusion is that being alive is dangerous, and becomes more so with age. cn

And more specifically, the more vaccines they get, the more likely they'll end up being hospitalized or dead.
Meds like antidepressants can turn you psychotic and suicidal, in fact, the vast majority of mass-shootings are done by people who were on or previous took SSRI's. Vaccines have neurotoxic and carcinogenic substances in them.

That justifies finding alternatives treatments to some antidepressants as a means for reducing violent behavior, and possibly reducing gun related massacres. That does not justify avoiding all meds.
That justifies finding alternatives treatments to some antidepressants as a means for reducing violent behavior, and possibly reducing gun related massacres. That does not justify avoiding all meds.

I was only using one example, but I agree not all meds should be avoided. A lot of them should be, though. Sometimes meds can help, in the short run. In the long run, most of them likely have considerable side effects/dangers.
Thats a survey of "stated reasons" whether valid or not its not a reason to not vaccinate, but rather a number of reasons that the effectivity, safety and need for specific vaccines should be investigated and verified. ie Its a bunch of public FEARS.

I'd suggest doing further research into vaccines.
sure, prolly the only place I see a role for govt funding, research into all kinds of benneficial technological advancement via Universities that actually educate students.

What I meant to say was I'd suggest YOU doing further research on vaccines.
And more specifically, the more vaccines they get, the more likely they'll end up being hospitalized or dead.

The correlation is tighter for age than for number of vaccinations. Can we conclude that the older they get, the more likely hospitalization and death is? If so, what would it mean? We would need more info to go from correlation to causal linkage. cn
What I meant to say was I'd suggest YOU doing further research on vaccines.

me ? I already have, its more of a risk\benefit analysis, and I happen to be as healthy as I am since I was in a generation where Vaccination was just done, because they worked. We would not have eradiacted or lowered the incidence of many common diseases, that its really hard to argue against.
me ? I already have, its more of a risk\benefit analysis, and I happen to be as healthy as I am since I was in a generation where Vaccination was just done, because they worked. We would not have eradiacted or lowered the incidence of many common diseases, that its really hard to argue against.

No it's not, vaccines have never eradicated ANY diseases and it's been proven that many diseases, like polio, dramatically declined before the introduction of vaccines. In fact, the vaccine actually caused even more problems. They work at destroying health and paving way for illness, that's about it. Same thing with antibiotics, which also kill off all the good bacteria in your body. - References at bottom
The United States is #1 in healthcare spending but dead last in life expectancy among developed nations. That's really all that needs to be said. America prefers GMO's, vaccines, and pharmaceutical drugs and as a result, millions are unknowingly suffering/dying from illnesses or disorders that could easily be cured by natural remedies. Everything we need, nature provides. You are an absolute fool if you think otherwise. Doctors are taught virtually NOTHING about nutrition and wellness, but moreso about disease and diagnosis. In other words, they look in a book and decide what pharmaceutical drug to give you.
Anyone who denies the dangers of consuming genetically modified food, or from animals injected with antibiotics/growth hormones living in confined unsanitary environments... is in complete denial.

Not at all. I am keeping an open mind. You seem unable to do that. You are also pretty snotty about it.
Who said they favor animals being confined in unsanitary conditions?

And most likely because it's a big part of their diet and they don't want to hear the truth.

lol, no
I would like to science to back up your ideas before I believe them.

If the head of the FDA is a former Monsanto employee, why would any government studies that proves GMO's are harmful be released to the public?

Why would there only be government studies? You realize that Monsanto is not the only company that produces GMO, right?

They wouldn't. Why? Because not only would they lose millions/billions of dollars, but they would be held responsible for knowingly poisoning billions of people.

That does not sound rational. This is your argument?

I laugh at all of these idiots who only accept "government approved" studies and think those are the ONLY legitimate one's. I also cry a little too...

You are a snotty little fella with a closed mind.
When did I say you favored them? Science backs up what I and millions of other people have been trying to tell the brainwashed government followers for a long time.

My argument sounds very rational to someone who doesn't deny legitimate alternative media info/studies and isn't stupid enough to blindly believe the government. The government is the last thing I'd listen to.

You can call me whatever you want to but you're still wrong. Eat as many GMO's as you want. When this information shortly becomes common knowledge... don't say I didn't warn you.
Both of my parents had horrible bouts of shingles, such that it left scars on my Mom's face.

I just got a shingles vaccination.

Mama didn't raise no fool,
Uncle Ben
Not at all. I am keeping an open mind. You seem unable to do that. You are also pretty snotty about it.
Who said they favor animals being confined in unsanitary conditions?

lol, no
I would like to science to back up your ideas before I believe them.

Why would there only be government studies? You realize that Monsanto is not the only company that produces GMO, right?

That does not sound rational. This is your argument?

You are a snotty little fella with a closed mind.

all jtprin does is talk in circles.. its one giant circle of bullshit, clouded in a stream of thought that has a very slight possibility of being fact. other than that, his posts are only slightly more intelligent than finshaggy. difference being.. finshaggy knows he is being a moron. i dont think jtprin does..
Both of my parents had horrible bouts of shingles, such that it left scars on my Mom's face.

I just got a shingles vaccination.

Mama didn't raise no fool,
Uncle Ben

Damn, I hope you know you may also gotten a dose of MSG and aborted fetal cells/DNA. All so that it reduced your risk by .026%. ( (

On the other hand, here you go :) -
Damn, I hope you know you may also gotten a dose of MSG and aborted fetal cells/DNA. All so that it reduced your risk by .026%. ( (

That's a feeling not a fact.

"Natural news"? You've got to be kidding. That's crock of shit if I ever saw one.
Damn, I hope you know you may also gotten a dose of MSG and aborted fetal cells/DNA. All so that it reduced your risk by .026%. ( (

That's a feeling not a fact.

"Natural news"? You've got to be kidding. That's crock of shit if I ever saw one.