Your thoughts on genetically modified Food ?

Bayer Crop Science
Bayer produced Zyklon B that was used in the gas chambers by Hilter's regime.

Humanitarianism gets in the way of profits sometimes,

Nuff said
If there were nothing to hide why won't Monsanto label it? GMO's are part of the U.N.'s Codex Alimentarus program to depopulate the earth by 90%. If Monsanto wasn't a shady company, doing evil things, why did they push to get unparalleled protection - so much so that they can NOT even be prosecuted or investigated? If I saw the news where a huge factory of theirs burned to the ground, I would buy a bottle of bubbly and celebrate.
One in the same, if you look at the Monsanto thread where Monsanto wants to grow GM cannabis too...
Monsanto wants to grow anything that will grow Monsanto's money tree.

Hemp would literally revolutionize the planet, it has many more uses than just rope and oils. I don't agree with anything Monsanto does, and that includes GM cannabis. Nothing in nature needs to be genetically modified. Nothing.

^^ Agree 100% ^^

I agree with you that it doesn't need to be, but some seem to like it
They like it because they have been fooled into thinking they like it.

Like this guy>>
The pipe dreams in this thread are really interesting.
Yours especially.

In his case it's delusion. It's really quite sad to see such a closed minded stoner. He still thinks the world is flat too, you know.

Bayer Crop Science
Bayer produced Zyklon B that was used in the gas chambers by Hilter's regime.

Humanitarianism gets in the way of profits sometimes,

Nuff said

Sad but true.

If there were nothing to hide why won't Monsanto label it? GMO's are part of the U.N.'s Codex Alimentarus program to depopulate the earth by 90%. If Monsanto wasn't a shady company, doing evil things, why did they push to get unparalleled protection - so much so that they can NOT even be prosecuted or investigated? If I saw the news where a huge factory of theirs burned to the ground, I would buy a bottle of bubbly and celebrate.
The bottle's on me my friend.
Monsanto wants to grow anything that will grow Monsanto's money tree.

Sounds good to me. Since when does anyone need to apologize for making money? They do it legally and without hurting anyone or anything. The propaganda you 'have nots' spew all the time is pure rubbish.

If some of you tards need a list of hundreds of seed vendors, I'll be happy to oblige.

Uncle Ben
Has anyone (who has grown GMO genetics) noticed any adverse effects from GMO plants (like health issues or plant deformities)??

Instead of fighting each other, lets just get down to the basics.. Qs & As
are you akin to Uncle Buck?
oh you don't know Uncle Ben? He's been around loooong time. He'll tell you all about it too. Monsanto being touted as a good kind company that does no wrong just shows his age and senility coming together.
If there were nothing to hide why won't Monsanto label it? GMO's are part of the U.N.'s Codex Alimentarus program to depopulate the earth by 90%. If Monsanto wasn't a shady company, doing evil things, why did they push to get unparalleled protection - so much so that they can NOT even be prosecuted or investigated? If I saw the news where a huge factory of theirs burned to the ground, I would buy a bottle of bubbly and celebrate.

Aren't the judges for most, if not all of their legal issues former Monsanto employees as well? Or at least with really close ties?

To my knowledge none of the actual claims in this blog have been substantiated scientifically. Not saying that a specific gmo developed crop may not be harmfull. but this is mostly speculation and fear mongering. Please keep in mind that GMO is a method, and the method itself is not the problem, its what one creates that has the potential for a problem. For example the splicing in of a gene sequence that develops higher silica stronger stalks from one variety of rice to another variety of rice may lead to higher productivity since the stalks don't fall over and chewing insects have a harder time, but may not have effects on the rice itself as a food. But then a gene spice from a plant that produces the equivalent of syntherically stable pyrethrin into a food crop that subsequently has a high level of that stable pyretrin derivative, could be a HUGE problem.

Just like a newly bred food crop they all have to be tested and verified. Biochemistry, Science and understanding of human physiology and toxicology is a lot more advanced now than in the WWII days of DDT and the Vietnam days of Agent Orange.

and just a btw For my own health I favour foods which are naturally grown with as little processing and additives as possible. I actually think that the heavy use of pesticides, antibiotics, drugs in food production and food manufacturing additives is a much bigger part of the problem than GMO.
There are, you just haven't done enough research.

show the actual scientifc evidence, not just a blog which makes claims.[/QUOTE]

What I just posted was loaded with scientific evidence. You see the numbers after many of the claims? Those are the sources of which they are referring to, and all are listed at the bottom of the page.
[QUOTE =Trousers;8865767]How?

You would think that there would be a bunch of studies that show GMOs are as bad as you say.

There are, you just haven't done enough research.[/QUOTE]

show the actual scientifc evidence, not just a blog which makes claims.
For example, they claim that BT corn is responsible for corn allergies. But if you dont have BT corn you will have Corn sprayed with BT. and oh btw BT is a naturally occuring bacterium, it occurs in corn populations without spraying in small amounts. Worse yet whats the alternative to BT sprayed corn ? Corn sprayed with organo phosphates?

Nonetheless prove first that people are actually allergic to BT, or BT corn versus non BT corn scientifically. Its not actually that hard to do if you really think that is the case.

I just went through all of the linked references for the section "Bt crops linked to sterility, disease, and death"
and ya know what NONE of the references show conclusively that GMO BT was responsible for the claim.