your thoughts on today's court case(federal)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the quick reply, My License was last renewed Aug 24, 2013. I sent in my ATP to the Licensed producer, (I did take a copy of it first). But going through my paperwork I still have my production least i have that. Like you suggested, Ill call HC next week and see what they say

Doc Weedlaw

so if I shut down my grow already..and now I want to change my grow location? or I had a dg..but now I want to grow my own? many questions to be location has been breached from the unregisterd mail sent out..I want to move..many issues..enjoy your weekend dont stress...things will unfold and many court proceeding will follow if rights are being violated.


Well-Known Member
so if I shut down my grow already..and now I want to change my grow location? or I had a dg..but now I want to grow my own? many questions to be location has been breached from the unregisterd mail sent out..I want to move..many issues..enjoy your weekend dont stress...things will unfold and many court proceeding will follow if rights are being violated.
So now that the injunction happened, we get another year. How does the 150 gr limit work with my 172 plant license? I would understand that my possession is down fr 1050 gr to 150, but my storage amount is the same at the shop? Are they going to post this on the canada gazette, or is there some other source of info?


Well-Known Member
So now that the injunction happened, we get another year. How does the 150 gr limit work with my 172 plant license? I would understand that my possession is down fr 1050 gr to 150, but my storage amount is the same at the shop? Are they going to post this on the canada gazette, or is there some other source of info?
The 150g limit is possession only. It just means that you can't go the corner store carrying 4lbs. 150g is all you're allowed. I'm good with that.

Doc Weedlaw

yes not good with that as my script is 200 per day and I travel until I challenge that in the next month..ill let you know. ;)


Well-Known Member
yes not good with that as my script is 200 per day and I travel until I challenge that in the next month..ill let you know. ;)
wouldn't there have to be some kind of accommodation made for those with scripts in excess of the 150g limit? I'm certain that one is a no brainer, I wasn't trying to exclude anyone though.

Doc Weedlaw

well concidering HC or that judge doesnt have a medical license and not my dr..ya id say they will have no choice but to accomodate me and others. im not being confind to my house!! lol


Well-Known Member
My understanding is if you had a valid ppl on Sept.30 it is valid until the SC case is heard. I don't think HC will issue renewals at all.
they set a new record I think with mine...8 day turn around for a renewal....
I was blown away.....somebody must of crawled up their asses

Doc Weedlaw

they set a new record I think with mine...8 day turn around for a renewal....
I was blown away.....somebody must of crawled up their asses
They have processed mine in less then 24 it came on the 4th and wasnt even effective until the tenth they sent so

Doc Weedlaw

The last thing listed on my file at hc is that I do not want any corospondence from hc whatsoever. ;) now they will never be late again! :) lol


Well-Known Member
For all the people worrying out there...take a deep breath and relax. HC has so badly fucked the system up, as long as your under you plant limit, I can't see anyone being charged with fuck all. If my old possession limit was higher than the new 150g I wouldn't hesitate carrying more. But I'm also fully prepared to fight the battle if some cop wanted to pull a power trip.


Well-Known Member
Hey PKhydro...we are doin our very best to relax after a few month's of constant worry....its a definite release....
I think we are all feeling a little more confident in this fight right now....and so we should...


Well-Known Member
I just saw Conroy on the news talking about the case. Foreshadowing...he said things like mold, fire,etc are all remedial and there is no need to take away the ability for patients to grow for themselves. They also had a guy from Medijean. His take was that this market is potentially up to 1 million or more patients big so there is lots,of room for everybody. So Stephen and his crew and the cops, mainly the RCMP, are the true enemy of the patient, with LP's supporting it.


Well-Known Member
Its pretty much a no brainer....if Harpie wakes up....
He could legalize right now and grandfather the existing sick and dying....into life time exemptions....and a small cash payout for the breach....
appease all the lp's who have spent millions...and have investors wanting to sue too I bet.....
plus still get the cash grab he needs to try and buy his way thru the next election....with more BS promises and cash.....

ps hope harpie don't read here don't want to give him any idea'

Doc Weedlaw

I juice for serious stomach isuse..i was at 130 g but the cops beat me up again after i showed him my pink slip and fucked up my shoulder, caused me more mental and physical anguish i increased to 200...i use many forms of consentrates and extracts as well :) I like pure medication so I eliminated most ingestion of plant matter or it can fuck up my stomach certain strains do if they create to much resins...hope that helps Dick..just kidding lol