Did anybody else find it hilarious the government lawyer kept saying "fledgling commercial system"? Like they already know this new system is crap and nobody wants it. The government case was pretty laughable, my favorite part was when they said "some people will benefit from growing their own, but common sense dictates most will want to buy it from a store". Yeah ok except there isn't going to be "stores" under the MMPR. It's pretty obvious this is nothing but a money grab and has nothing to do with patient care or quality of life, I think the judge has seen that today. All the LPs and HC are probably shitting their pants now.
There were a few lines that the judge used today that may foreshadow the judges decision:
1. It was a serious issue
2. Saw little evidence that not for profit producers will motivated to produce a wide variety
3. Questioned the defense numerous times about why no witnesses were cross examined and why there were no inspections
Overall from a legal opinion I believe Conroy presented a much stronger case for the injunction but I wouldn't be surprised if there were additional restrictions or recommendations brought forward because of the information presented today.
This indeed was a big blow to licensed producers who if I was one would be definitely worried about the future of their business. Once this information hits the main press I believe that will push a lot of the "new" patients away from this type of medication.
All ATPs, PUPL's and DPPL's expire on March 31. If your ATP is dated later than that, you can use up to that date, to register with an LP. The subject of limited supply just come up again on cbc. I'll post details when I hear them.yep...my doc even sent the forms in for me...and they rushed back the new documents....mind you it expires at the end of the month....
you think a handful of inspectors would have broke HC...or maybe share inspectors with provincial health organizations....
either way they are negligent in their handling of the whole thing......
I know some of you wanted to embrace the new system....but the old system was not that broken just not being administered to by HC properly...
you think a handful of inspectors would have broke HC...or maybe share inspectors with provincial health organizations....
either way they are negligent in their handling of the whole thing......best they can do now is fix up the weaker area's of the mmpr and use the lp system they are developing for
medicinal studies....and to give some supply options to old and new patients....
if you run out or have crop failures etc...there should be a second avenue for supply and not irradiated shake...
yea what he said and I think all the LP's should be worried we are going to win I hope they lose as much money as the patients would if HC some how won which they can'tYeah, what's to like? Her totally biased analysis or the fact she's happy to toss insults at anyone who disagrees with her?