Your top five fears?

This is a very bad idea.

Do you realize that just by asking the question it suggests giving one's personal power away

The more of YOUR personal power that you give away, the more fear can fill the void
Oh, you weren't talking about the bit you quoted? What kind of jedi mind tricks are you trying to play on me? I'm high. What was bloody rude again?

Now your confusing me ....
oh doesn't matter my edits aren't working! I edited number one I was talking about that
Losing everything I worked hard for
Getting locked up in federal pound my ass prison
Gang raped
Roofied and ass raped
Knocking up one of the chicks I've been sleeping with.
Petty much just don't want a dick up my ass
Now your confusing me ....

Lol, sorry I'm high for one of the first times in weeks and having a laugh. Have you thrown a picture up in The Picture of Yourself Thread yet? All the cool kids do it.