Your top five fears?

What da fuck?
I go get high and miss it?
Aaawwww maaaannn...
*turns, kicks rock, misses, falls on ass, gets up indignant, walks away rubbing ass cheeks*
Keep posting guys! I'm surprised at some of you fears but it is interesting because everyone has wrote something different
Children passing before me
open water..swimming in the ocean of a boat.
car accident.. I can accept if I get hurt but not if I hurt or kill anyone..I drive like a brother says I turn wider than a ya I'm a female driver..
Eating mystery meat.
not getting married..or having babies...that's my worst :(
1. I am afraid that my wife will come back.

2. I am afraid that the secret police or a nazi like group will bust down my door and take me away.

3. I am afraid that there is a god and my Mom really is in heaven and she can see me masterbating and when I get to heaven she will not be able to look me in the eye.

4. I am afraid of heights

5. I am afraid that the likes will never come back and I NEED ATTENTION!
also I am afraid that when I am taking a wizz in the porta-potty a forklift is going to run me over and I will be dead and everyone will see my tiny wiener

and maggots

and midgets

and bud rot

and zombies many???


State Social Workers

Seeing the front end of a car sticking out from behind a bush

Red n blue lights in the rear view