Zeus' 1400w Canadian Basement


Well-Known Member
Wow man...just...wow.

What brand of bulb do you use? What nutes?

Nice gro m,an you are a zen master! :leaf:
Cheers. Thanks for the kind words.
Bulb is a sylvania Lumilux 1000w hps. Nutes are FHD's Holland's secret, bada-bing bada-bang bada-bloom, budstart, carbo-blast and the heavies.
I am pretty far from a zen master.
You wouldn't say that if you saw me at the harware store today trying to buy hydroponics fittings and avoid questions from the overhelpful (but still useless) staff.
"I need a 3\4" male-male valve"
"what is it you're trying to do?"
"uh... gotta go."
Heres a picture of my rat Splinter. She's alot more zen than me.


Well-Known Member
Cheers. Thanks for the kind words.
Bulb is a sylvania Lumilux 1000w hps. Nutes are FHD's Holland's secret, bada-bing bada-bang bada-bloom, budstart, carbo-blast and the heavies.
I am pretty far from a zen master.
You wouldn't say that if you saw me at the harware store today trying to buy hydroponics fittings and avoid questions from the overhelpful (but still useless) staff.
"I need a 3\4" male-male valve"
"what is it you're trying to do?"
"uh... gotta go."
Heres a picture of my rat Splinter. She's alot more zen than me.
Hahahaha nice rat man!

Yeah I am lucky I have a grow shop right down the street that's ran by a guy that looks like he is from the 420 district in amsterdam


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha nice rat man!

Yeah I am lucky I have a grow shop right down the street that's ran by a guy that looks like he is from the 420 district in amsterdam
Don't get me wrong, i too have a skeezy hydro shop close to home. But all too often they just dont have the parts i need. So in comes the giant orange place.


Well-Known Member
Nice purps Spruce!!!!

Hey Jesse... nice to see you around these parts... :eyesmoke:

Just figured I'd present another photo update...

Things are going well in the land of Gypsies... finally established a nice rotation...

Click on the red square and enjoy...;-)

Well... here goes another Photo Update....


Well-Known Member
sweet set up. some nasty lookin bud... and dude whats on that sandwich, that just made me hungry as fuck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for the kind words, its alot of work and it feels really good to be told i'm doing well, you people are awesome!!! bongsmilie

Unfortunately things had to come to almost a stop for a while so i'm only now clawing my way back to having any amount of plants.

Got a real nice elicent 6" fan, fucking amazing!!! Almost silent, only the WOOOOOOSH of a ton of air moving at a good clip. It was a little pricey, but assuming it lasts a while, well worth it.

Also moved my setup around, alot more room to move around now.
Got the cooltube up and running, just open ended for now, but may be adding another light in the future and with that comes another cooltube.

I just have to say, if you're having any sort of heat issues, the answer is COOLTUBE!!! It is amazing how much of a difference it makes! I can put my hand on the middle of the tube after its been running for hours, and its barely warm!!! amazing!


Finally got all my bottles of fancy magic juice on a shelf, it may not seem like a big deal to you, but trust me, i needed to. It was just getting everywhere.

here be the one feminized GH church gal i got to germ, not sure what i'm gonna do with this.
A little slow to start, but seems to be picking up.

The 9 Nirvana White Rhino that have survived, freshly topped!
another 2 weeks or so until they are clone ready.

I Got my Aerocloner knockoff up and running.

And heres what it looks like inside, with apologies to my camera.

COOOOOL HUH? :bigjoint:
And of course, an update on Arjans ultra haze #1. Who is almost at WEEK 14 OF 12\12 :cuss:.

Having never grown a pure-ish sativa, i'm not positive, but i'd say she has about 2 weeks left before harvest, anyone grown this strain? got any input?

The trichs are tiny, but they are there in abundance. I really keep changing my mind about this strain, shes happy and big, but holy god, its on WEEK 14!! but i guess we'll see soon enough, the quality of the smoke vs. my impatience. From what i hear about this bud it should be a close one. It did win the CC last year (or maybe the year before)

Anyhow, i'm gonna stop rambling and get back to work, Another couple weeks and i should have those hydro tables up and running, then ill really have my work cut out for me. Oh well, it is worth it! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
mmmmmm Zeus those all look yummy, especially the purples! Watching your Arjan's Ultra Haze #1 grow will give me inspiration and a puddle of drool collected at my feet. I hope I can pull off buds nearly as amazing as yours. Quick question, for outdoor organic growth, I've decided to go with FF setup. Ocean Forest for the whole thing and nutes from FF accordingly. I also have from April - on to grow as tall as possible outside. I plan on digging holes and tilling the soil until fit, then pouring the Ocean Forest into the hole with some perlite and molasses for the flowering stage. There will be 5 female Ultra Haze #1, 10 Female NL x Skunk and the free 10-11 seeds I got from attitude.

Anyone have any ideas on how much total I could get? I refuse to believe I can get 1000 grams from these bad boys outside, that's just ludicrous. I've estimated 500-600 TOPS, but then again I'm completely new at this.

Great plants though man, seriously props to you, everything is looking beautiful! :grin:


Well-Known Member
mmmmmm Zeus those all look yummy, especially the purples! Watching your Arjan's Ultra Haze #1 grow will give me inspiration and a puddle of drool collected at my feet. I hope I can pull off buds nearly as amazing as yours. Quick question, for outdoor organic growth, I've decided to go with FF setup. Ocean Forest for the whole thing and nutes from FF accordingly. I also have from April - on to grow as tall as possible outside. I plan on digging holes and tilling the soil until fit, then pouring the Ocean Forest into the hole with some perlite and molasses for the flowering stage. There will be 5 female Ultra Haze #1, 10 Female NL x Skunk and the free 10-11 seeds I got from attitude.

Anyone have any ideas on how much total I could get? I refuse to believe I can get 1000 grams from these bad boys outside, that's just ludicrous. I've estimated 500-600 TOPS, but then again I'm completely new at this.

Great plants though man, seriously props to you, everything is looking beautiful! :grin:
First off, thanks for the kind words. Secondly dont count on the attitudes freebees to even germinate, let alone produce.
Sounds like you've got the right idea, However i find using a plant carb suppliment, even though its more expensive, is a far better option than using molasses. If you really want those AUH#1s to produce for you, start them inside. Hell start em now. This bigger they are when they go out there, the heartier they will be and the more they will produce.'
I feel its never a good idea to count your bud before its in the bag, but with some good veg time you can get the breeders estimates.
Having said that, I hope you're in a more tropical region, theres no way this long flowering sativa will even come close to finishing in a place where it snows in october. I'm on week 14 of 12\12 and she still has a couple weeks. If you have the patience and climate for her though, she promises to be something really special.


Well-Known Member
First off, thanks for the kind words. Secondly dont count on the attitudes freebees to even germinate, let alone produce.
Sounds like you've got the right idea, However i find using a plant carb suppliment, even though its more expensive, is a far better option than using molasses. If you really want those AUH#1s to produce for you, start them inside. Hell start em now. This bigger they are when they go out there, the heartier they will be and the more they will produce.'
I feel its never a good idea to count your bud before its in the bag, but with some good veg time you can get the breeders estimates.
Having said that, I hope you're in a more tropical region, theres no way this long flowering sativa will even come close to finishing in a place where it snows in october. I'm on week 14 of 12\12 and she still has a couple weeks. If you have the patience and climate for her though, she promises to be something really special.
Hrm that could be a problem, I'm in New England.. I was sort of under the impression when I bought them though, since my last frost date will be on 4/20 :mrgreen: I plan on dropping them in a week after just to be safe. That gives me, say March 1st to start the germination and seedlings, then near the end of the month I'd throw em outside.

Are you suggesting I won't have a significant change in lighting in the Northern Hemisphere? We didn't get our first snow till about a week after Thanksgiving this year, but I know it gets colder and colder near the end of October.

Shit..... I am conflicted. I want to grow outdoors for the huge crop and yield, but I don't want to plant them if nature's not going to produce buds :shock:


Well-Known Member
Hrm that could be a problem, I'm in New England.. I was sort of under the impression when I bought them though, since my last frost date will be on 4/20 :mrgreen: I plan on dropping them in a week after just to be safe. That gives me, say March 1st to start the germination and seedlings, then near the end of the month I'd throw em outside.

Are you suggesting I won't have a significant change in lighting in the Northern Hemisphere? We didn't get our first snow till about a week after Thanksgiving this year, but I know it gets colder and colder near the end of October.

Shit..... I am conflicted. I want to grow outdoors for the huge crop and yield, but I don't want to plant them if nature's not going to produce buds :shock:
Thats a toughie...
I dont want to tell you not to grow these beans outside, because they are cup winning genetics, and something pretty special. I'm really just not sure if they'll finish.
I'm not really an outdoor grower though. My knowledge is pretty limited when it comes to the sun. Maybe you'll be fine.
Anyhow, chopped my first AUH a few days back. i'll post a link here when i do the smoke\grow report.
In any event, good luck and happy growing. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member



So, on my first run i can comfortably say that i will never use rockwool again. Its always too wet, too dry, well no more fucking around.
7 days from cut to roots is pretty damn good by me. I'll probably let these gals go another week and then nestle 'em in hydroton and throw them into the Ebb&Flow tables.


Picked up an ODORSOK today. I've heard mixed things but its cheap so i figure what the hell. Also if i find its not effective i can always fill it full of carbon. I'll keep you all filled in when i have made up my mind on this product.

Heres the reflector i picked up today for my 400 hps, I intend to have my flood tables under the 1000 and use this lamp for mother plants, sativas, and experiments. It's pebbled chrome, all of my othe reflectors are painted gloss white so it should be interesting to see if theres any difference. I do have to say, this one looks more reflective.

Heres some Arjans ultra haze and SpuceZeus Mothers that are being flowered under the cooltube (for now.)

Another angle. I suspect that one of these plants may be a clone of a hermie, so i'm keeping a viglant eye out for balls so i can pull that entire bloodline from here.
I HATE HERMIES!!! They have no place in my garden. I've had too much seedy garbage weed to ever tolerate them again.

Hermies end up in the trash. That is where they belong. (unless you're breeding feminized seeds. In which case, genetic herms are useless anyhow.)

Heres a nice arjans ultra haze top, 3 weeks in, only 12 to go. :-|

Theres no reason for posting it, I just like this picture.

Heres my White Rhinos. As soon as the cloner is free i'll take a buttload of cuttings from these ones. Then flower out the mamas (and papas :-?) and sex them.

Heres something kinda cool, shows you how resiliant marijuana is.
A couple weeks back i culled a stretchy seedling, chopped it in half and just left the carcass on an unused flood table in my flowering room. about 6' from the light.

And sure enough, Look at the little bastard. Somehow still alive and budding.

Hasnt seen water in weeks, you can see in the top right of the photo where it was cut in half, and still bud. What a wonderful plant.

My Local hydro shop dude gave me this flower booster to try out, he said it works better than anything out there, i couldnt find anything about it on the net. (a google search of "crazy bud" just gets me distracted)
Anyone heard of this?
I'll give it a shot in lieu of the heavies next harvest and see if i notice a difference. In any event, sounds pretty promising.

Here is my reflector graveyard. Its pretty sad, also very telling.
Parabolic reflectors are useless.
Vertical mounted lights are only usefull in vertical grows, which i have not been doing.
Would not reccommend either of these for any purpose.

Alright i'm getting pretty longwinded here, i'll leave y'all with a couple pictures of my animals.

Hoot the newt.

Crackers the rat, fighting off the dastardly sharpie.

Kim Jong Eel and Easy-Eel.

Thats it for now.:joint: off to smoke some Arjan's ultra haze.