Paula Dean had a black robber put a gun in her face and called him a nigger because of it. Yep, that is racist as hell.
God damn white people, he should have shot her in her face, he would have been well within his right because putting a gun in someones face means you're an honest upstanding citizen.
Well, three times now and yet I never had a white guy stick a gun in my face. But, that is a very meaningless statistic.
We have a widely deprived underclass, this underclass is multi-racial but predominately black. The group of citizens has a very real beef. And they are in the cell phone age.
Now, there are plenty of tough talking Mr Shitties here that surely are no more than 18-19. So I grew up in FL. You can't be a nigger lover and they cannot be cracker lovers.
That is fact. So, every State has different values. But, there is no one that can say there is equal opportunity for black folks in any State. Oh how about ultra liberal land, like Boston or Portland? Surely they walk the walk they talk.
No, even much more worser. So, no excuses, but no one understands the plight of the beautiful black girl in America more than me. Love has got nothing to do with it.
Oh, are ya'll talking about Trevon? .....sorry. Carry on.