Well-Known Member
a mexican shot a black dude..............happens every dayIs someone saying this has nothing to do with race? This is Sanford, FL folks. ALL about race.
a mexican shot a black dude..............happens every dayIs someone saying this has nothing to do with race? This is Sanford, FL folks. ALL about race.
It does. That fact that Zim turns out the be a Mulatto matters not. Trevon thought he was a "creepy ass cracker." So, the race stuff is white bread on dirt as far a Sanford is concerned.a mexican shot a black dude..............happens every day
Yeah, I thought it was the investigator's job to form an opinion about the truthfulness of Zimmerman. What else is Serino supposed to testify to? To classify Serino as a witness seems absurd. He didn't witness anything, he investigated the supposed crime.How the hell is the lead investigator a witness?
I thought part of his job would be to determine if the suspect is lying or not....
my opinion:
either the prosecution is playing the rope-a-dope and has something extra juicy we have not heard about, or the prosecution is trying to get the case dismissed.
The prosecutor is trying to base everything on the struggle itself. he is going to tie inconsistencies together. Not that there really are any. Its the throw everything at the wall and see what sticks strategy.Strange trial.
How is Zim's best friend a State witness? Just high teeing another ball for long, Defense drive, down the middle.
The jury is coming back with not guilty on this one in less than 2 hours. his arms were under his body because of muscle twitch reflex. I was a butcher for a few years, I have seen cows and pigs muscles twitch for up to 45 minutes. Pigs will actually flop around for a half hour before finally settling. Then there is rigamortis .It looks like one of those situations where the Defense won't call a single witness.
Last time I say that Mark Gerigos was pro bono Defense for Scott Peterson....now on death row.
It seems to me that the defense attorney could ask Serino on cross examination, "why was George Zimmerman not charged with murder 2 the day of the shooting". Serino's response would (presumably) be what is stated above, minus the FBI part..."Mr. Serino later told the F.B.I. that he had been pressured to make an arrest. He told the federal agents that he did not think there was enough evidence for a manslaughter charge. High-ranking officials in the Sanford Police Department and the original state attorney in the case agreed: they decided not to arrest or charge Mr. Zimmerman in February and March because they felt they lacked enough evidence to rebut self-defense."
If only it would have been a white person instead of mexican they would have had stronger case.
I enjoyed Serino testifying at he very end. He was asked " with all the pathological lying stuff aside, do you believe that Zimmerman was telling the truth about that night?" Serino-Yes.It seems to me that the defense attorney could ask Serino on cross examination, "why was George Zimmerman not charged with murder 2 the day of the shooting". Serino's response would (presumably) be what is stated above, minus the FBI part...
I know what you mean, I'm an avid hunter and rule of thumb is to wait at least a half hour before going and checking on your game. I mean, I have had deer drop within 5 feet dead, but I still wait. Be kinda funny if I didn't though, walk up to the deer, fucker twitches and I pull my sidearm and put one in its head.The jury is coming back with not guilty on this one in less than 2 hours. his arms were under his body because of muscle twitch reflex. I was a butcher for a few years, I have seen cows and pigs muscles twitch for up to 45 minutes. Pigs will actually flop around for a half hour before finally settling. Then there is rigamortis .
Another very simple explanation about why Martin's arms were under his body that he was still alive when Z got off of him and he curled his arms under himself and then died.The jury is coming back with not guilty on this one in less than 2 hours. his arms were under his body because of muscle twitch reflex. I was a butcher for a few years, I have seen cows and pigs muscles twitch for up to 45 minutes. Pigs will actually flop around for a half hour before finally settling. Then there is rigamortis .