Samwell Seed Well
Well-Known Member
Who said anything about your spelling?
lol you live up to your name dont you . . . . .lol no back bone
Who said anything about your spelling?
LOL what does that even mean?lol you live up to your name dont you . . . . .lol no back bone
I ROFL'd long and hard when I read this. Oh the Irony
LOL what does that even mean?
Do you see the irony? No, of course you don't.
They were speaking, not texting.Texting takes more concentration, prolly why they've banned texting and driving and not chewing and driving...
Are you certain that the backtrack wasn't part of a search? There's no way to assert that it was in the process of disengaging. If it was part of a deliberate search (something you cannot disprove from the patchy location records) that changes the complexion of your argument imo. cn
there is absolutely zero proof of this, idiot.
if clawfoot had bothered to listen to the interrogations, he would know that the "backtracking" to the truck was just another part of zimm's evolving story.
zimm admitted to the interrogator that he went down the T searching for martin.
maybe he should bother to get the facts of the case before opening his stupid, racist mouth.
because zimm said he was walking slowly.
also, i don't generally jog and talk on the phone. generally, when i'm on the phone, i usually stop actually. that's just my preference though, your mileage may vary.
zimm probably didn't even realize martin was on the phone, he was using ear buds which were probably not visible under his hoodie and his phone was in his pocket to keep it out of the rain.
care to explain . .lol . . .or maybe you cant explain . . . .even funnier , im laughing on the inside
lol<edit> 1/2 hour later he still cant explain what the irony was . . . .
Whether it was a deliberate part of the search or not, why didn't Martin continue home instead of stopping and waiting? We know he stopped and waited just from the amount of time between Zimmerman losing him and the shooting.
If he hadn't hid and waited, he would be at home enjoying his tea and skittles and singing choir songs instead of being dead. It is 100% fact and indisputable. Saying something ain't true doesn't make it a lie.
He was on the phone with 911 standing at the end of the path past where Martin turned off. We know this for a fact...
well that's cuz your ass does't have a cordless phone.
first of all, martin lost zimmerman. zimm was pursuing, martin was fleeing. clearly self defense on zimmerman's part. i chase people in self defense all the time.
second of all, martin had every right to stop and talk on the phone with his girlfriend. zimm had no right to stalk and harass martin. the onus would be on zimm to stop and wait for the police, not on martin to go home.
There is no onus on either one to do anything except refrain from assault.
Look at Martin and Look at Zimmerman and it is clear who was assaulted in a "marginally life threatening" manner.
When you assault somebody in a "marginally life threatening" manner you either wind up arrested for felony assault (maybe murder) or you wind up in the morgue when your victim decides he has had enough of a beating.
What we don't know is who started with the physical contact, and how. I for one am undecided. cn
What we don't know is who started with the physical contact, and how. I for one am undecided. cn