What's your biggest fear?


Well-Known Member
I fear running out of weed. Also, when I don't put the dish drain cover in the kitchen sink, I fear that one of my cats is going to stick its head down the sink out of curiosity, and the other cat is going to rub up against the garbage disposal switch, turn it on, and liquefy my other cats head.
Weed is everywhere. It grows. Like a weed. No worries.

The cat thing...it's really only possible if it's murder. The blade in a garbage disposal is so far down from the drain hole opening (more than a foot) that Cat A should never be in danger of coming into contact with it unless Cat B shoved it from behind and then jumped up and down on it, hammering it completely into the disposal itself and then somehow managed to reach the switch from there and turn it on. And even then, we're supposing that cat A is just lollygagging in the GD waiting to get pulped. It's usually wet in the bottom of the disposal, which further complicates this as a location where a scared (and possibly angry) cat would linger.
Now, I suppose you could reason away all of the above with far fetched logic and decide that Cat B has the motive and opportunity required to murder Cat A in this fashion, but if you did, I would simply tell you that cats have no understanding of garbage disposals or power switches, and would probably just fight to the death like cats. Or lick their asses and go to sleep. And I'd be correct.
It's never going to happen.


By far my biggest fear was my first X wife taking me back to court for yet more money, now the kids are grown and that fear is over. Now it is my second X wife, she is fear or might I say she is the devil and should scare the crap out of everyone.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Really the only thing that scares the shit out of me is being diagnosed with a mental disease. I'd never want to feel brain dead. Not knowing who I am or where I am would scare the hell out of me. To feel like a stranger in my own body. I'm scared of dementia.. or anything similar. Well that's my fear, this guy doesn't scare me anymore lol, but he did my entire childhood

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what fear(s) do you have? I'm trying to remember if padawan already made this thread, but I'm not sure.. so here it is again :)
I might be wrong, but you are describing a fear of a specific type of illness, not simply a mental disorder. So your fear is say dementia, not simply mental diseases. Or if it is actually the case, then would your greatest fear be getting diagnosed with say aspergers? Something that doesn't change anything about your life. On from that i guess you are saying you are not afraid of mental diseases, but rather succumbing to a disorder that will change life as you know it.

That aside.

Me, probably open water, as a result of a fear of sharks. I was thrown off a yacht in the middle of the sea when i was very young, and told i could not climb back on board until i'd swum around the boat on my own. I'm a very strong swimmer, but even in a fresh water lake or river occupied by nothing but trout, i'd be terrified. I just can't do it any more.


Well-Known Member
I fear that my boss is going to realise my day is mostly filled with fucking about on reddit. Well that and the upkeep of a caffeine addiction that needs feeding like a fatman in greggs.

In fact scratch that, dying in some horrible caffeine related incident is my biggest fear.


Well-Known Member
I fear that my boss is going to realise my day is mostly filled with fucking about on reddit. Well that and the upkeep of a caffeine addiction that needs feeding like a fatman in greggs.

In fact scratch that, dying in some horrible caffeine related incident is my biggest fear.
careful man caffeine poisoning exists I had it before, didnt know it was a thing until it happened to me. heart palpitations mental fatigue shakiness etc i thought i had ms never google your symptoms lol


Well-Known Member
careful man caffeine poisoning exists I had it before, didnt know it was a thing until it happened to me. heart palpitations mental fatigue shakiness etc i thought i had ms never google your symptoms lol
I shit you not, that's exactly my symptoms. God, I'm gonna die by the hands of a barista.


Well-Known Member
Man, I'll fall asleep at my desk without it.

My job is mind numbing. Between the day job, growing and socialising I'm fucked. Don't think I could do a day without.

Guess I'll need to accept my fate. It's coffe or a lifestyle change. I should really look into meth. Breaking bad was awesome.


Well-Known Member
My biggest fear ....

Is someone finding out my biggest fear

Seriousely why would you ever tell someone how to 'push your buttons'