I tried to save a dude from the cops to no avail.


Well-Known Member
Its easy for you to pick my actions apart & i can accept that but dont throw other alternitaves at me once you've had time to think about them,your 1st instincts told me all i need to know about you,at 3.30 am you'd have still been half asleep,just getting your 1st cup of coffee,you'd of minded your own business or pulled a sucker move & asked somebody else to sic the cop's on him,your words not mine.

If you'd have posted these other alternatives in your 1st post i might feel bad & been forced to rethink the situation & had to re evaluate my actions,but since your 1st instinct was clearly self motivated (mind own business) or your 2nd instinct to be one which leaves you anonomous & out of the picture ( another self preservation action) i give no regard to anything you say,either choice of yours was based upon leaving you 100% out of the picture,not helping.

Welcome to the new millineum where people either mind their own business or call the cops.
This is where you and I differ.

You take everything everyone says on these boards personal, and take it to the next level.

If I said I would of minded my own business....To each his own. But no, you take offense to it and call me a silly nilly willy or some shit.

I hope you and I never cross paths in real life.


Well-Known Member
This is where you and I differ.

You take everything everyone says on these boards personal, and take it to the next level.
You are the one who found fault in my actions & felt the need to post what "the right thing to do" would have been.

Thats what happens when your main goal is to find negativity where there is none to start with,you & i have been down this road before.


Active Member
I hate drunk drivers more than I hate cops. If you are dumb enough to get behind the wheel when you are pass out drunk, you deserve everything that comes to you.


Well-Known Member
Well being out at 3:30am he was probably passed-out drunk. Seeing that he is driving a nice Jag, he probably has AAA and money in the bank. I am sure he is laughing at the whole thing, and trying to figure out how the hell four valve stems were cut? That or the cops found him and he's still in jail! Funny story.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Same here twisty,i think most of us did some asshole shit while drunk,i know i was a complete idiot behind the wheel several times,i rarely drink nowdays, the shits pure evil.

I coulda called the cops but with the experiences ive had with them bastards over the last 50 years i cant ever bring myself to call them,i figured taking away his ability to drive the car was the only choice for me given the circumstances.

Had he woke up & tried to drive away before i could flatten the tires i would have called the cops & followed him,im glad that didnt happen.
I remember days when my friend and I would pass joints at 100mps between cars..I'd be leaning way over the passenger side..but that was then and there wasn't the same amount of cars & drivers that didn't have to take drivers ed. as we HAD to unless we wanted to wait an extra year...

If you had half of a brain and knew anything about engine's.

You could of just plugged up the exhaust pipe with a rag. The car would of stalled. When he would of tried to restart the car, it wouldn't of.
Then he would be forced to walk to the gas station.
As an ex Certified GM mechanic, thats crap (no offense)..we'd jam potatoes onto the exhaust just to freak out other mechs. and pour transmission fluid into carb (thats how you look for hidden exhaust leaks), (no damage) makes mega white smoke..OK SOMETIMES the car would sputter maybe stall, but,1 in 10 times, but 9 out of 10 times it would just shoot the spud out..with a bang and screw up the baffles... making them rattle
Still a good money saving trick for putz.. Blown baffles and no air in tires get you at the Muffler (tire) shop, and it's cheaper then lawyers then court...


Well-Known Member
I agree with bong juice 100%. You should have called the police OR 911 ( bong juice is right, he could have been having a heart attack, seizure who knows ). Deciding to ruin his tires at 3:30 am, you are lucky you didn't get arrested or shot in the face by this guy in the car...who knows WHO he is.

Drunk drivers kill people.

Drunk drivers deserve to be arrested and fined up the ass. Hell take their DL away forever for all I care. I hope nobody gets killed by this guy in the future because he didn't have to pay for being so damn irresponsible that night. You bet your ass I would have called SOMEBODY to help him or get him off the road.


Well-Known Member
i love this story and what you did hilarious. i am confused with the mind your buisness but call the cops not minding your buisness in my book. i would have loved to see something like that would of made my day to see you snipping off his valve stems. i have had bad experiences with the police as well so i wouldnt call them either or have anyone else do it. good job panhead


Well-Known Member
I agree with bong juice 100%. You should have called the police OR 911 ( bong juice is right, he could have been having a heart attack, seizure who knows ). Deciding to ruin his tires at 3:30 am, you are lucky you didn't get arrested or shot in the face by this guy in the car...who knows WHO he is.

Drunk drivers kill people.

Drunk drivers deserve to be arrested and fined up the ass. Hell take their DL away forever for all I care. I hope nobody gets killed by this guy in the future because he didn't have to pay for being so damn irresponsible that night. You bet your ass I would have called SOMEBODY to help him or get him off the road.
Nice speech but it sounds awfully familiar & hypocratic to me.

Mj kills people because its a gateway drug,if you let the pot heads keep growing & smoking who knows who they may kill once their addicted to crack,and all because they didnt have to pay for being so damm irresponsible with weed.

Sounds to me exactly what a busy bodied neighbor would say if they smell your grow,then they call the cops under the guise of helping people,you'd be hammered & they'd tell themselves they did the right thing because they dont agree with what your doing,hell their saving children! same shit different story.

And if were going to be playing the "who knows" game that he might have been sick then hows about this,his child or his wife may have just died & he got all fucked up & grief stricken so he got hammered,its the 1st time he's ever drove drunk in his entire life,hell he dont even drink, but now he's in the system thanks to a cop caller,no way to support his family because he lost his job over it,that who knows stuff works both ways,fact is that you nor i do know yet your quick to judge & ruin a mans life with police involvement,all because he dont fit the example you'd like him to fit.

My point is this,if your in such a hurry to call the cops on others dont bum out when it happens to you,especially when the person calling the cops thought they were doing the best thing,like so many busy bodied tipsters think,you'd be pissed as hell if a busy bodied neighbor turned you in all because they wanted to help,calling the cops sucks no matter how you dress it up & should be a last resort to any circumstance.


Well-Known Member
Nice speech but it sounds awfully familiar & hypocratic to me.

Mj kills people because its a gateway drug,if you let the pot heads keep growing & smoking who knows who they may kill once their addicted to crack,and all because they didnt have to pay for being so damm irresponsible with weed.

Sounds to me exactly what a busy bodied neighbor would say if they smell your grow,then they call the cops under the guise of helping people,you'd be hammered & they'd tell themselves they did the right thing because they dont agree with what your doing,hell their saving children! same shit different story.

And if were going to be playing the "who knows" game that he might have been sick then hows about this,his child or his wife may have just died & he got all fucked up & grief stricken so he got hammered,its the 1st time he's ever drove drunk in his entire life,hell he dont even drink, but now he's in the system thanks to a cop caller,no way to support his family because he lost his job over it,that who knows stuff works both ways,fact is that you nor i do know yet your quick to judge & ruin a mans life with police involvement,all because he dont fit the example you'd like him to fit.

My point is this,if your in such a hurry to call the cops on others dont bum out when it happens to you,especially when the person calling the cops thought they were doing the best thing,like so many busy bodied tipsters think,you'd be pissed as hell if a busy bodied neighbor turned you in all because they wanted to help,calling the cops sucks no matter how you dress it up & should be a last resort to any circumstance.
I knew you would turn this into a personal attack. And not only that but you went on a 4 paragraph thing trying to bring our beloved MJ into the argument. And trying to compare my opinion of a guy who is need of medical help ( or who is a direct danger to innocent people by being in a running vehicle while passed out ) with calling the police on someone for growing pot?


I disagree with how you handled this situation. You post stuff on a forum, be man enough to accept that some people will agree, some will disagree...or don't post. You do not have to try and turn me into a neighbor that calls the cops because I think someone is growing weed.

Obviously you have never lost anyone important to you to a drunk driver.

I have no beef with you. Attack me all you want :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I so think u did one of the right things. That is so strange LOL i would thank u if i was him!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
you know what would have sucked if he had been murdered or somthin and then the cops pull up right when u cutting his tires:mrgreen:

that would be a hard one to explain:blsmoke:

i got hit by a drunk driver from behind once when i was stopped at a red light. i could tell he was drunk, I was like i dont wanna call the cops on you but i need restitution!

his car still was workin so we drove to the AMT machine and called it a night:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ahh bloomfield hills the rich jewish part of michigan im not to far outta there though im an east side kinda guy.


Well-Known Member
I knew you would turn this into a personal attack. And not only that but you went on a 4 paragraph thing trying to bring our beloved MJ into the argument. And trying to compare my opinion of a guy who is need of medical help ( or who is a direct danger to innocent people by being in a running vehicle while passed out ) with calling the police on someone for growing pot?


I disagree with how you handled this situation. You post stuff on a forum, be man enough to accept that some people will agree, some will disagree...or don't post. You do not have to try and turn me into a neighbor that calls the cops because I think someone is growing weed.

Obviously you have never lost anyone important to you to a drunk driver.

I have no beef with you. Attack me all you want :mrgreen::peace:
Theres nothing personal here & you were never attacked, the fact that mj is beloved to us was merely a point on how others can & will overstep their bounds thinking they are helping others,nothing more.

And for the record i did not turn u into a cop calling neighbor & i think deep down you know that,its pretty easy to see i was pointing out that in their desire to be helpfull with things they dont fully understand, cop callers get good people fucked,a situation that i can garuntee no member here would enjoy should the roles be reversed,again nothing more.

The whole medical help thing is out to lunch,there are just as many plausable resons why that guy was in the condition he was in that were not life threatening.

I believe your veiws are hypocratic & take much from media hype,everybody hates drunk drivers so fry em,this is not a personal attack on you but thats pure rubbish,you dont know that man,his family,the circumstances surrounding him yet you go on to wish him jailed,fined up the ass,loss of liscense forever then go on to give the mothers against drunk drivers line about killing people,you've allready fried & sentenced that man yet you know nothing about him.

I also find it hypocritical that anybody would freak out & reccomend calling the cops on him,especially if were all being honest & can admit that at some point in our lives we've all been out of our minds on alcohol,not everybody passes straight out but we've all been extremely hammered at one point,possibly even you.

And as for being a man, i started this thread to discuss this topic,did i not ? i read your comments dissagreeing then responded to them with no shortage of my opinion so there would be no confusion ,but you took it as an attack on you ,instead of a rebuttal of your veiw point,is that not how threads are supposed to work? ya know point counter point.

This ones a real puzzler to me,the whole 4 paragraph deal,this is not the first time ive heard this on RIU,Would it have been better if i had responded to you with a cute one liner (forum speak) complete with a LOL or ROTFL or a 4 paragraph rebuttal explaining my position,do people really exchange veiws using one liners ?,i cant do it,one liners are meaningless to me in most cases because they convey nothing except post count.


Well-Known Member
you know what would have sucked if he had been murdered or somthin and then the cops pull up right when u cutting his tires:mrgreen:

that would be a hard one to explain:blsmoke:
Now thats something i did think of while i was trying to wake him up by beating on the window,if he was murdered it was a slow blood free death,his right hand was still gripping the gear selector & his left hand was on the wheel.

It woulda been impossible to explain away,officer i was just..............:o


Well-Known Member
Theres nothing personal here & you were never attacked, the fact that mj is beloved to us was merely a point on how others can & will overstep their bounds thinking they are helping others,nothing more.

And for the record i did not turn u into a cop calling neighbor & i think deep down you know that,its pretty easy to see i was pointing out that in their desire to be helpfull with things they dont fully understand, cop callers get good people fucked,a situation that i can garuntee no member here would enjoy should the roles be reversed,again nothing more.

The whole medical help thing is out to lunch,there are just as many plausable resons why that guy was in the condition he was in that were not life threatening.

I believe your veiws are hypocratic & take much from media hype,everybody hates drunk drivers so fry em,this is not a personal attack on you but thats pure rubbish,you dont know that man,his family,the circumstances surrounding him yet you go on to wish him jailed,fined up the ass,loss of liscense forever then go on to give the mothers against drunk drivers line about killing people,you've allready fried & sentenced that man yet you know nothing about him.

I also find it hypocritical that anybody would freak out & reccomend calling the cops on him,especially if were all being honest & can admit that at some point in our lives we've all been out of our minds on alcohol,not everybody passes straight out but we've all been extremely hammered at one point,possibly even you.

And as for being a man, i started this thread to discuss this topic,did i not ? i read your comments dissagreeing then responded to them with no shortage of my opinion so there would be no confusion ,but you took it as an attack on you ,instead of a rebuttal of your veiw point,is that not how threads are supposed to work? ya know point counter point.

This ones a real puzzler to me,the whole 4 paragraph deal,this is not the first time ive heard this on RIU,Would it have been better if i had responded to you with a cute one liner (forum speak) complete with a LOL or ROTFL or a 4 paragraph rebuttal explaining my position,do people really exchange veiws using one liners ?,i cant do it,one liners are meaningless to me in most cases because they convey nothing except post count.
Ok, I re-read your response. I will concede that it was not a personal attack. But I Will also say that you turned apples into oranges. Either way, it's not worth arguing over.

But I disagree that calling the cops ( have I mentioned calling 911 enough times as an alternative ???) is so unthinkable, as he could have been injured or sick and in need of medical attention, not 4 slashed tires.

If he was totally hammered, I still stand by my wanting to get him off the road before he KILLS SOMEONE. That comes before worrying about will him getting a DUI make things hard for him. That's the main thing that kills me. I don't care if he has a family, or if he just went through some hard times. He's a big boy. He knows the consequences. He should think of his family before doing such things. And as Bongjuice pointed out, you could have told the gas station guy to call 911, and then split...you didn't even have to make the call yourself...or you could have called from a payphone.


Well-Known Member
Im going to work yesterday morning,its 3.30 am & im cruising down Telegraph road in Bloomfield Hills,a very exclusive neighborhood with cops everywhere,and i mean everywhere,this is not the place to act a fool.

So i get to the point where i must make a U Turn to get where im going & there is a car sitting in the u turn lane but the fuker wont move,he's reading a book,or so i thought,i went around him & pulled into a gas station across the street to get a coffee,when i came out the dude was still there,i thought sdomething was strange him sitting there with his blinker on but not moving so i drove back over & pulled in behind him.

The dude's in a killer looking Jaguar just sitting there with his head hanging down,i notice his hand on the shifter & its in gear,so i tap on the window,no response so i start hitting the window harder trying to wake his ass up but its a no go,i try to open his door but its got automatic door locks & wont open so now im beating the shit out of his windshield but he wont wake up,this dudes dead as hell or seriously drunk,i get up on the bumper & start rocking the car up & down no response.

So now im left with some choices which to me are all fucked up,i can call the cops,bad idea i hate cops,i can just split leaving this dude to smash into innocent people,worst choice of all & im not doing that no matter what,i can break his window & drag him out & park the car,no way thats assault or car jacking.

So im standing there drinking my coffee looking like a complete idiot when it hit me,he cant get too far on 4 flat tires but i dont want to wreck his shit,i start letting the air out of one tire but its taking too long,i got out a pair of tin snips & cut all 4 valve stems on his tires,they go flat on the spot,then i went about my business of getting to work.

Either the cops found his drunk ass or he woke up,tried to drive away & had to pull over,either way this guy's is gonna be racking his brain for years to come over one of the greatest mysteries of his life.

How the fuk did i end up in the middle of Telegraph rd, at 3.30 am, with 4 flat tires,man was i fucked up :mrgreen:
what can I say. good work man. wish u werent a rare breed.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I re-read your response. I will concede that it was not a personal attack. But I Will also say that you turned apples into oranges. Either way, it's not worth arguing over.

But I disagree that calling the cops ( have I mentioned calling 911 enough times as an alternative ???) is so unthinkable, as he could have been injured or sick and in need of medical attention, not 4 slashed tires.

If he was totally hammered, I still stand by my wanting to get him off the road before he KILLS SOMEONE. That comes before worrying about will him getting a DUI make things hard for him. That's the main thing that kills me. I don't care if he has a family, or if he just went through some hard times. He's a big boy. He knows the consequences. He should think of his family before doing such things. And as Bongjuice pointed out, you could have told the gas station guy to call 911, and then split...you didn't even have to make the call yourself...or you could have called from a payphone.
Well the next time you get stoned and drive somewhere I hope you get pulled over get your DL takin away and thrown in the system for Driving under the influence. Because driving impaired is driving impaired wether on weed or alcohol or anything else for that matter. Panhead did what was for the best...