Yes!.....Cheerios to go non-GMO......

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
If you go back and look at every post i have ever made on this site its always bold so i apologize if im offending you.

I also have never posted in oversized except for that last post!

This is just how i write!

Dont worry im done here. Some ppl are narrow minded and cant see the bigger picture!
some "ppl" (like you) take a silly notion, accept it as gospel and begin slinging it on the streetcorner, demanding all accept your articles of faith or burn in hellfire.

people much smarter than you (no matter what your mother told you) are looking into this subject, and they havent called for the end to genetic research yet.

some "ppl" also cant seem to spell the word People.


Well-Known Member

I Never said take it or burn in hell lol.

I could careless if you eat it and die.

I was just stating some of what i have read.

I was not saying that all GMO is bad if you go back i stat that lol.

Its just some and again this is IMO..

Please dont take any of this to heart.

Haha and some ppl dont know how to spell people thats just an ass move.


Well-Known Member
If you Keep reading its not just tumors its Liver problems, Kidney Problems!
Are you gonna tell me those Rats have high rate of those as well no!

Even More so if they did those test with Rats with high Tumor rates then what will it do to ppl with high tumor rates?

Lets just make it look like im the idiot and bad guy here tho guys and gals!

Same author as the discredited and retracted paper. You realize he's writing books/making films and selling them, right? And people like you are happily handing over your money.

Trust me, Monsanto has no interest in killing you. They want you to live for 200 years and they want your children to live for 200 years, buying as much food as you possibly can. That's how they make their money. Dead customers aren't doing them much good.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Until I see the Non-GMO Cheerios hit the shelves, I'll keep sending my $$$ to the few organic farmers left....
FEW "Organic" farmers left???

huge amounts of "Organic" crops are grown in china these days, because it's a profitable market.

"Organic" doesnt mean healthy, natural, non GMO, non toxic, or chemical free, it means "Containing Carbon" that is all.

the USDA "Organic" sticker means less than the "USDA Inspected" stamp found on any food product.

only gullible fools think that a sticker protects them from the evils of GMO's, or assumes that the freightcars full of grains used in producing the industrial product pictured, were given more than a cursory glance.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

I Never said take it or burn in hell lol.

I could careless if you eat it and die.

I was just stating some of what i have read.

I was not saying that all GMO is bad if you go back i stat that lol.

Its just some and again this is IMO..

Please dont take any of this to heart.

Haha and some ppl dont know how to spell people thats just an ass move.

grammar is not some two dollar crackwhore who can be murdered and discarded in a shallow grave by the railroad tracks.

if you want your "Just some" and "IMO" (que?) to be taken seriously, try actual words.


Well-Known Member

poser..and another true believer pissed on proselytizing. We have seen it all before. It is sort of a hippy god complex, seems to me.

can't see the bigger picture...and you quote that cancer mice study. pssst....cancer mice are designed over generations TO GET CANCER.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

poser..and another true believer pissed on proselytizing. We have seen it all before. It is sort of a hippy god complex, seems to me.

can't see the bigger picture...and you quote that cancer mice study. pssst....cancer mice are designed over generations TO GET CANCER.
actually they were Genetically Modified to get cancer.

so lulzy.


Well-Known Member
I demand NON-GMO products with my $$$, and they are slowly starting to listen.....thank you General Mills....


Well-Known Member
The "study" cited was rife with bad science. even the rats used were in fact Onco-rats, rats which were in fact GMO's themselves, genetically modified to make them highly prone to cancers of all sorts.

The "researcher" himself is a discredited quack with a degree in "Aromatherapy" not medicine, oncology, microbiology or even geography.

Also, posting in constant bold, oversized typeface or other such gimmickery is considered rude.
yet you cite roy spencer and philippe rushton.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Actually if you read the fine print my organic cheerios say "made without GMO products".......
and they promise this is true.

so youll trust a guy who charges extra for his promise, ignoring the obvious fact that his promise is INSUPPORTABLE, and amounts to, what the advertising industry calls, "Puffery".

unless you grew it yourself, processed it yourself, and cooked it yourself, you cant be sure that your chow is GMO-Free.
you also cannot be sure theres not a dead rodent in the bottom of the box until you empty it out.

they PROMISE to do their best to keep rodents out of the packing machinery, but it's no guarantee, just like the promise that they will not KNOWINGLY buy GMO wheat or corn or soya, but if the claim of being GMO free gets a bonus profit of even 10 cents a tonne, somebody will be willing to stroke your hair and tell you it's gonna be OK.


Well-Known Member
I demand NON-GMO products with my $$$, and they are slowly starting to listen.....thank you General Mills....
the same people who get angry that A&E dare exercise its freedom of speech are the same people that get angry that you dare vote with your dollars.

and they are TERRIFIED of giving consumers informed decisions through simple labeling.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I demand NON-GMO products with my $$$, and they are slowly starting to listen.....thank you General Mills....
General Mills will tell you anything you want to hear.

if you demand that all your Oaty O's be blessed by native american shamans, they will deliver exatclty what you ask for, and charge you a premium for it.

and heres how that would work:

they hire ONE GUY ONE TIME to put on an eagle feather headdress and wave his coup stick over a freightcar full of oats, then for the next 20 years or so, every product going through that factory will be "Blessed" by the virtue of oats' interchangeability, and the impossibility of proving whether or not your box of Oaty O's contains even one molecule of Sacred Oat Material, even if the odds are your box is 100% pure un-blessed non-sacred ordinary oats.


Well-Known Member
General Mills will tell you anything you want to hear.

if you demand that all your Oaty O's be blessed by native american shamans, they will deliver exatclty what you ask for, and charge you a premium for it.

and heres how that would work:

they hire ONE GUY ONE TIME to put on an eagle feather headdress and wave his coup stick over a freightcar full of oats, then for the next 20 years or so, every product going through that factory will be "Blessed" by the virtue of oats' interchangeability, and the impossibility of proving whether or not your box of Oaty O's contains even one molecule of Sacred Oat Material, even if the odds are your box is 100% pure un-blessed non-sacred ordinary oats.
it's the symbolism that they will sell you on..surely we can't bless every single oat..kinda like the bible..or maybe santa:lol:

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
it's the symbolism that they will sell you on..surely we can't bless every single oat..kinda like the bible..or maybe santa:lol:
all my crops are blessed, i make sure of it.

but it's not really a selling point.

Cernnunous doesnt really have the kind of popular following he used to.


Well-Known Member
all my crops are blessed, i make sure of it.

but it's not really a selling point.

Cernnunous doesnt really have the kind of popular following he used to.
Please put that on the label, I wish to know what you've done with my food......