My first attempt at growing

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
WELL if your so sure it work then you try it... they make vineger out of apple's so cant be that good for the plant some people use it to down thare P.H...
DONT BELEAVE EVERYTHING YOU READ BRO alot of the people on hear is little teen's that no shit about growing cannabis... they dont call me the da plantDOC FOR NOTHEN da plantDOC

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
WELL if your so sure it work then you try it... they make vineger out of apple's so cant be that good for the plant some people use it to down thare P.H...
DONT BELEAVE EVERYTHING YOU READ BRO alot of the people on hear is little teen's that no shit about growing cannabis... they dont call me the da plantDOC FOR NOTHEN da plantDOC
No need to get grumpy Doc. :mrgreen: :joint:
The only reason why "i'm so sure it'll work" is due to the detailed journal that i posted earlier. I don't believe everything i read but Zoints Message this gentleman doesn't fuck around! This guy can grow and he knows his shit.

I plan on trying it once i get good strains (rather than bagseed) and am confortable with my ability.

I like to think outside of the box, thats how Marijuana cultivation has progressed. As i said on another thread, if someone didn't get stoned and say "Hey Bob, i wonder if this plant would grow without dirt? Fuck it let try it" where would we be?

The thread is clickable on one of my previous posts. :joint:

All opinions are considered,


Sorry for hijacking the thread HHM
:joint: for you

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
No need to get grumpy Doc. :mrgreen: :joint:
The only reason why "i'm so sure it'll work" is due to the detailed journal that i posted earlier. I don't believe everything i read but Zoints Message this gentleman doesn't fuck around! This guy can grow and he knows his shit.

I plan on trying it once i get good strains (rather than bagseed) and am confortable with my ability.

I like to think outside of the box, thats how Marijuana cultivation has progressed. As i said on another thread, if someone didn't get stoned and say "Hey Bob, i wonder if this plant would grow without dirt? Fuck it let try it" where would we be?

The thread is clickable on one of my previous posts. :joint:

All opinions are considered,


Sorry for hijacking the thread HHM
:joint: for you
YA am a little grumpy sorry... i would try it with bagseed you dont want to fuck up something good the hole pount to flush your plant is to get all of the accumulated nutrient's out of the flowers and leaves.. flushing removes the chemical residue giveing a better taste.. so apple juice is not the best to flush with.. thare is no reasen to ad shit like that when thare are kick ass stuff that do that like final phase..
da plantDOC

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
YA am a little grumpy sorry... i would try it with bagseed you dont want to fuck up something good the hole pount to flush your plant is to get all of the accumulated nutrient's out of the flowers and leaves.. flushing removes the chemical residue giveing a better taste.. so apple juice is not the best to flush with.. thare is no reasen to ad shit like that when thare are kick ass stuff that do that like final phase..
da plantDOC
I've been sick for the last three days so i understand! :spew:

I know the flushing is to remove everything excess and all but if i'm not mistaken its the same premis as molasses.?.

But you have to understand your talking to someone who eventually wants to add food coloring so i can make a wierd colored plant. Don't know if it will work but it could be funny somking pure red dope!

I will try it with my bagseed Doc. Good point with that. Flowering won't be for a month or so, so add it to the journal!


Well-Known Member
sounds like you should be checking your nutes balance with a ppm meter instead of what the container tells you to measure. most companies measurements are based on reverse osmosis water (ppm 0) hence the required amount of nutes to reach the proper EC value is much lower than the label states. This is more difficult to maintain is soil. Just change the nutes every few days and make sure to give them just water and should be able to tell if they are eating based on the meter readings going down over time

good luck

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I've been sick for the last three days so i understand! :spew:

I know the flushing is to remove everything excess and all but if i'm not mistaken its the same premis as molasses.?.

But you have to understand your talking to someone who eventually wants to add food coloring so i can make a wierd colored plant. Don't know if it will work but it could be funny somking pure red dope!

I will try it with my bagseed Doc. Good point with that. Flowering won't be for a month or so, so add it to the journal!
Food coloring, wow. I could never bring myself to do that to my plants. But I sure do want to see what happens to yours:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Food coloring will definitely do something. I remember doing that as in an experiment in grade school. The plant sucked the water/food coloring right up, and you could see it running through the veins.



Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by chronicprince.. just so ya know, Im not sure your post really pertains to anything here. I check my ppm and ph with a milwalkee meter daily and change water and nutes weekly...

Again Im not using applejuice flush so not a concern here... But I can tell you for a fact the man that is doing it is not a little teen that don't know shit about growing.. He has researched and tested what he does and has gotten the results to prove it works, also verified by others here who have smoked it and said it tasted great and was pure couch lock! Im glad you guys are passionate about growing! That is something that will help us all progress as growers and learn..

peace and good to will to all!!


Well-Known Member
First of all let me tell you about my day! As I was heading back to my room to change rez and nutes and just clean up in general, I hear a large bang and then the power goes out... A fucking branch hit the power line behind my house and had me with out power for like 2 1/2 hours... No big deal really, Im sure the plants can handle it. But now i have line workers behind my house trying to fix the problem and my exhaust with my FILTER is not on... I stepped out in the back yard to watch them work a lil and then went back in.... Holy shit the smell almost knocked me over!!! At that point I was afraid to open the door again for fear the smell would waft up to the workers... I had no idea how well that filter was working till today.. anyway long story short they got it fixed and I got to get work..

Changed nutes and cleaned tray.. added a lil support to another plant, the buds are making the limbs knuckle dragger's..

Day 38 of flower

ppm is 1171 Higher than I want it but Im going to have to wait for a lil evap to add more water to my rez, I know the ppm will go up as the water evaps but I know no other way to bring the ppm down at this stage... My ph was 4.9 I know that is a bit low but the runoff with the same regimine has brought that up to 5.9-6.0 so I think I am fine there..

this is gonna be pick heavy so if you are dial up-----sucks to b u
ok now pics..

again I am sick of this routine!!

notice the lil fat harry legs... still not a chick sorry to disapoint!!! And no I will not blow ya anyway!!

here is your warning db, get the keyboard guard ready....:blsmoke:


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
At the least the buds are hairier than your legs. A lot more hairy. Awesome buds man. I have a few knuckledraggers too. Lazy bastards.


Well-Known Member
That last pic is GREAT.

You can buy an injection system $$$ if your really tired of mixing.
IM deff getting a reverse osmosis filter so I can quit luggin the damn jugs.... But I haven't heard of a injection system... If it is reliable and persice I could get into that.. I figure any $$ spent will repay over time.. Where would I find the injection sys?

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Those look great, I too got stuck with a lack of light, for no reason my relatively new HPS blew out... I am pretty bummed- switched back to MH after I noticed it.

Your situation is scarier with the people in your backyard, sounds like it all worked out.

Those buds are very hairy and Fat, looking nice! Cant wait to see your yeild your just a bit ahead of me.

Have you set a tentative harvest date?


Well-Known Member
Those look great, I too got stuck with a lack of light, for no reason my relatively new HPS blew out... I am pretty bummed- switched back to MH after I noticed it.

Your situation is scarier with the people in your backyard, sounds like it all worked out.

Those buds are very hairy and Fat, looking nice! Cant wait to see your yeild your just a bit ahead of me.

Have you set a tentative harvest date?
sorry to hear about you lights! That fucking sucks!!!!

Nah I don't really have the experience to predict, but my plan is to start flushing when I see some amber and hopefully after a week of flush they will be fully amber... Deffinatly going to be looking for some hand holding through that one.